/horselovers/ - Horse Lovers

for lovers of horses

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possible language: javascript, relevance: 37
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I thought this board was dead.
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It's not dead it's just secret
what the fuck
‎‎          (ง ื▿ ื)ว  
‎                    ~ I hate niggers.
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The test was a success.

Don't be like ashley, keep your software updated.
Especially if you use FOSS like jschan.

Ashley is using an older version of jschan with some issues that have been since fixed.

This is the next version that tubgurl is missing.

If you upload a 32000x32000 transparent png file you will ddos the server from within, imagemagick will try to create the thumbnail, if you send more than 5 pics (you can do it all at once) you will make it crash (that's why nobody could post yesterday for a few hours).

tldr you can crash tubgurl because everyone can check the bugfixes of jschan
thank you 94chan :3
Replies: >>125 >>138 >>139
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So I'm guessing you the gaybo that got yelled at by ashley yesterday?
Could have at least gave me credit, simp.

that doesn't impact whether or not the admin should update their shit. Should have gone with Vichan or Lynxchan if they're that incompetent.

Hell, maybe KusabaX. Least then this place would have a reason to look like whatever the fuck sort of fever dream abortion of autistic wordpress web design this shitshow eyesore is supposed to be.
Wow haven't had to say this for a while: fuck off back to your tranny board. You're a weird mlpfag, literally a tranny, and ashley will never notice or like you.
Replies: >>129 >>139
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holy shit based??

Yeah I guess thats me now :(
Replies: >>130 >>136
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I'm too busy running a real imageboard, here's a gif for you
Replies: >>139
If by gaybo you meant gay board owner, no, I've never owned any board
>girl with small channel online that you simp for doesn’t give you e-attention 
>throw a fit and take time to be annoying to her and her fanbase for 6 months
I don’t get this level of autism. It’s like 16 year old teenage high school drama except at least that has some kind of effect on your life. I don’t mean autism as just a colloquial insult. I really don’t see how even a semi-normal person could spend this amount of time and energy because they feel slightly scorned by someone you’ve never met. Real emotionally damaged retard baby behavior. It’s like one of those consciousness bankrupt npc people that think their life is a movie or something. It actually makes for an interesting character study.
Replies: >>139
6 months? Why are you making shit up?
ashley came back last sept. It's april.
Yeah and I've been here since she dropped the movie idk what you are talking about
Replies: >>135
So if the accusation doesn't apply to you on an anonymous board than why feel the need to defend yourself? I think the tranny doth protest too much.
Now of course I have no way of truly knowing one anonymous butthurt fag from another but if I had to bet I would say this is a faint to pretend you're not the only person this weirdly neurotic on the board. Don't mind me though. That's just one man's opinion. If I'm wrong you have no reason to be upset...
Replies: >>139
>real imageboard
>ashleys board gets more users and ppd than your entire site
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I figured the resource consumption was due to attempting thumbnail generation. Restarting the server fixed the issue, and had I not been asleep in the middle of the day due to an extensive night of geode training, I would have had the site functioning much quicker rather than a few hours heh :3 Believe it or not, I appreciate the heads up.

I was a little busy the other day so I just got a chance earlier this evening to sit down and do some tinkering. Jschan is all up to date and I limited images to about 16MP (about 4,096x4,096 resolution). I think this is fine but if it ends up being too small people can let me know.

Nevertheless, it's true that I have been behind on updating. Migrating everything from Endchan over to jschan was a huge headache and was fairly involved in both learning and work. Once I managed to migrate successfully, I didn't feel like staring at a screen much longer. Looks like the update with image resolution limits came out right after or around when we migrated here not long ago. I'm tracking the jschan changelog now, so I shouldn't let things get too behind again. And to make this thread slightly more on topic, here's a picture of a horse :3
Replies: >>139
unhinged. psychotic. obsessed.
calm. cool. elegant. a graceful queen.
unfathomably based. power moves. bearer of truth.
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