/horselovers/ - Horse Lovers

for lovers of horses

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I just realized something really weird.

Have you EVER seen a horse with a big floppy cock OUTSIDE the context of looking up horse porn, or just looking up horse dicks for fun?

Think about it. You've never seen a movie or whatever with cowboys riding horses with the horses' big fat cock flopping around while they travel through the plains or whatever. Unicorns never have a big dick waggling around between their legs, because if they did, it would detract from the sense of magic and enchantment of the animal. You cannot tell me that all movies and pictures feature female horses.

Look up regular horse pictures right now. There's no dicks.

So is it like a dog where it retracts? But even if it retracted you'd think you'd still be able to see it. My stupid dog has a big old dick and even when he isn't lipsticking I can completely see it.

WHERE DO HORSE COCKS GO? Is horse cock an elaborate hoax like panda bears or sloths? Why would the reptilians completely fabricate horse cock? Is it to make me feel even more inferior sexually? Because, and this isn't some gay shit, everyone who's ever seen a horse cock thinks about how huge it is and kind of wonders what it feels like, how much it would stretch out a human, etc. I think they're messing with us.

Someone explain this horse cock shit right now because I'm freaking out.
Replies: >>55 >>61 >>62 >>63
>>52 (OP) 
>You've never seen a movie or whatever with cowboys riding horses
Oh yes I have.
I saw many horse cocks when I lived out in the country.
>he doesnt know how horsecock works
newfags GET OUT
Replies: >>64
>>52 (OP) 
This place is going to shit. All you fucking normies keep infiltrating this board. How do you not know the basics to horse cock?
Replies: >>64
>>52 (OP) 
lurk moar
Replies: >>64
>>52 (OP) 
Guys, DONT spoonfeed this newfag
Replies: >>64
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Don't pull this gatekeeping bullshit on me. Notice how the glowfags in this thread couldn't produce a SINGLE non-pornographic image of a horse with its cock visible?

Show me a cowboy riding a horse with it's big fat cock flopping around (the horse, not the cowboy). I'll wait.

pretty sure you can see it when they hit the first turn
Replies: >>66
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>pretty sure you can see it when they hit the first turn
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm pretty sure you CAN'T, fed.
Spent the last 30 minutes analyzing your poor excuse for evidence and didn't see a single cock in the video (horse or otherwise).
I'm starting to think that horse cocks are an elaborate hoax designed to sell plus-sized dildos. Ashley is in on it. Horses never had cocks. THIS IS A SICK GAME THEY'RE PLAYING WITH OUR HEADS.
Replies: >>67
That last image... it's almost like it is a cock block...
But OP, I think you have to jack off the horse before its penis becomes visible. Try to watch some horse videos (calling it porn is subjective because some horse jack off vids are educational for vets) and you'll see that the penis is soft (not visible) then hard (visible)
Replies: >>74
Oh, believe me. I've seen plenty of those educational veterinarian videos. Here's the thing: while the horses do APPEAR to have wieners, they're always, without fail ALWAYS already hard when the video starts. There's no footage of soft-to-hard horse cock. There's no footage of horse cocks (soft or hard) flopping around while the animal is moving. It's always in relatively confined quarters. Probably makes it much easier to attach a prosthetic or do CGI effects without much movement.

See for yourself:

I've done the research here. There's no such thing as horse cocks, at least not as these big massive things that we think they are. Maybe horses have tiny ass little dicks, and they just want us to think horse cocks are huge to emasculate us even further. Maybe they don't have dicks at all.

P.S. I see Ashley updated the background of this board. Notice anything missing from the horses?
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You can't tell me that's a real phallus.

If that's what horse cock looks like, why do we NEVER see it when they're running around, being ridden by a cowboy, or standing around in a pasture? Where are the horse cocks?????? THERE AREN'T ANY. WAKE UP.
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I was gonna post a horse cum in mouth gif and when i searched horse jizz it came up with recipes?! wtf?!!
Replies: >>77
wow the stories I've heard about groceries being really expensive in Canada must be true if that's what passes for food up there
Replies: >>78
A glass of horse cum each day keeps the doctor away.
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is she sucking a black guy or a horse?
Replies: >>80
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I didn't know we were allowed to be posting beastiality on here
Replies: >>93
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Update: still haven't seen a real verified horse cock
Replies: >>97
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>implying horse cocks are real
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You donโ€™t see it because it hides in a kangaroo style external skin called a sheath. That way it doesnโ€™t freeze and fall off in cold weather
Replies: >>98 >>99 >>100
what the FUCK
Replies: >>101
photoshopped. fake and gay. not real!!!!!!!!
Replies: >>101
goyish horses need their schmeckles snipped.
Replies: >>101
Itโ€™s real and it gets clogged up with dirt and smegma (rip) and you have to clean it out from time to time.
>t. family member owned a ranch when I was a kid
Replies: >>102 >>103
How would a horse get rid of their cockdirt and smegma naturally in the wild?
Wait, more importantly, how does a rancher get rid of it? "easy there seabiscuit, I need to scrape out your cock sheath before the big race"
please answer both of these questions immediately
what a pleasantly nice sophisticated horse name you got there pal
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