/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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How do you guys feel about just getting a whole ham once in a while (not for a holiday)? 

Also food thread: ash and non-ash approved recipes.
Replies: >>6051 >>17255
>>6050 (OP) 
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This is the only ashleyj recipe I know
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Green eggs and ham
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Replies: >>6113
I was going to cook myself a burger for supper until I noticed the patty smelled funny and saw some fuzzies starting to develop. Instead I had left over chicken wings and bread and butter pickles.
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Anyone use https://based.cooking/ ?
yes luke smith we know youre here
This is cool Ty
Eat like Luke Smith, think like Luke Smith. Soon a Thinkpad will materialize in your hands
How many recipes will it take for my head to start enlarging to beluga size?
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Funny having a food thread here when Ashley basically eats hamster food at this point.
Replies: >>6206 >>6212
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Which is why we need to post food porn that will make her snap out of her vegan diet and start binge eating on sausage pizzas and cheeseburgers before her malnourishment warps her mind into believing she really is a metalhead boy from the 80s and have her breasts surgically removed and make self-inflicting cuts on her face thus creating her persona as 'Punished Ashton'.
Replies: >>6215
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>tfw you will never be a metalhead from 1986 eating sausage pizza while playing guitar with your bros
Replies: >>6224
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I wonder if 80s pizza tasted better because there weren’t weird ingredients and fake oils involved.
Replies: >>6219 >>6232 >>6246
One slice of za kept you full for weeks
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Organic oatmeal

Your choice of protein powder

Optional: A smidge of ghee butter for fat.
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Organic bird seed

Your choice of suet and custom feeder.

Optional: A small puddle of stagnant water for a bird bath.
Replies: >>6234 >>6268
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It was a different time
It was probably worse since food, hygiene and health standards/regulations were worse
Replies: >>6233
Is this actually true though? I feel like in the past 40 years standards have dropped
Replies: >>6235
dude, this anon just multi horse flag posted!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Horse meat tastes really nice, HOWEVER, if its only responsibly sourced from an area in which WILD horses are destroying the natural eco/bio diversification
40 years is a pretty massive gap, so unless you can prove otherwise, Im pretty sure as humans we learn more as time passes. So we insure that the food we consume is safe to eat.
That would depend on each country so there is no flat yes or no answer to your question . Some governments care more about what food goes inside you Vs profit.. etc etc

also, have you actually eaten enough food from 40 years ago to even quantify and thus present that question? you said and I quote "I feel like in the past 40 years standards have dropped"
How old are you? Or did you get that from whatever media is controlling your mind?

@Seabee its cool if its you (thankyou for your service)
Replies: >>6238 >>6247
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Never had horse meat but I know it's a thing in some cultures. There is a butcher shop in town that does exotic meats. I will see if they have any equestrian delights. It probably tastes like venison.
Replies: >>6237 >>6242 >>6248
go ahead, retired racing horses have to end up somewhere, so why not better place than your plate!
> Im pretty sure as humans we learn more as time passes. So we insure that the food we consume is safe to eat

In general food is safer to eat but not necessarily as healthy, seed oils were still a problem back then, and thats industrial goo with flavoring you can link to a rise in heart disease. Simpler "whole" foods with minimal ingredients are typically healthier and as time passes food is made more complex for no reason, soy is in almost every non-whole food, to the point that hypothyroidism would be an epidemic if the government never came up with iodized salt. Humans do learn more as time passes but only to endlessessly complicate and distort the world away from its purest original form Also not the guy youre replying to thats probably Seabee
Replies: >>6240 >>6247 >>6255
>iodized salt
what is this and why is it bad? i recently stopped eating it because i was like wtf is that? i just get sea salt now.
Replies: >>6241
Its just salt with iodine added, iodine is good for you since it increases metabolism. Soy decreases metabolism so iodine was put in salt to couteract it. Similar reasoning behind adding flouride to tap water to prevent tooth decay
Fly to Mongolia, there probably half of all national dishes are based on horse meat.
Replies: >>6248
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You can make your own pizza. Buy dough and other ingredients to your liking and bake in the oven. I prefer to do this, instead of buying processed food. Or go to bakeries and buy fresh pastries there.
Here is an ugly goyslop i concocted yesterday, then threw in the refrigerator (I just had to figure out how to get rid of the extra sausage before it goes bad over time). This is the limit of my skills and resources, but it will do for a banal satisfaction of hunger.
Replies: >>6490
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It's not me, I ALWAYS namefag and I'm not old enough to have eaten food from 40 years ago however when I was in the Seabees I had some MREs that were a few years old and still good, they have a shelf life of about 10 years. Start buying MREs because we'll probably be going to war with China in a few years.

No need to thank me for my service but I appreciate it.
I also want to recommend that you try kumis (кумыс), this is an alcoholic drink based on horse milk, popular in Kazakhstan and other countries of Central Asia
Replies: >>6250 >>6251 >>6255
hehehe horse coomie milk
>>6248 if you love horse jizz so much then go to  >>>/horselovers/
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popeye's chicken sandwich
>In general food is safer to eat but not necessarily as healthy

what do you mean by "safer to eat" without including healthier to eat, what... If its safer, then therefore by its definition it should be healther to eat no? 
Im sure there were far more health risks/dangers of eating food 40 years ago then there is today. Yes, there are some risks in eating some foods (insert some unpeered reviewed blog post by someone with no degree in food science here because they did their own research btw), however those risks have decreased over the years to the point were thanks to overwhelmingly healthier food, nowadays then ever, the average life expectancy has increased in part to healthier diets.

in b4 some big conspiracy

in b4 citing some non food related issues like micro-plastics

how shitfaced will this get me?
Replies: >>6256 >>6257 >>6262
Considering most people are on the goyslop, sugar infused, corn syrup riddled, GMO, pesticide, artificial flavor, carcinogenic color and preservatives diet, the food is far worse for your average person now. Cancer is through the roof along with diseases. The low life expectancy, say living to only 40 in previous eras, is largely a myth. The low life expectancy average was due to many births resulting in deaths for the infants or mothers. Yes, we can cure illnesses better than before, but generally the average American is not eating healthy by any means. Quality of life is depleting, most Americans you'll see are overweight or will be overweight by age 40. Obese by 60. Today's mass produced food is far worse than it's ever been. Just look at any food label and you'll see. If you're outside of the US, maybe it's different for you. But here the food is a joke.
>how shitfaced will this get me?

It is a weak alcoholic drink, from 0.5% to 4.5% of ethyl alcohol. But in the post-soviet space there is a stereotype that Kazakhs drink a lot of kumis, and get drunk from it like Russians from vodka
By safer I mean food is less likelly to poison you nowadays, by healthier i mean if it will make you feel good. For example, a thousand years ago you couldnt go walk into a mcdonalds for a big mac, the alternative could probably be something poisonous, but  if not its healthier than the big mac because its simpler. Most modern foods are like the Big Mac, safe but also a mishmash of ingredients that would never exist in nature and will give you diabetes. Simple foods like plain fruits and vegatables have existed for thousands of years, you're body is designed to eat them.
Replies: >>6302
>Organic bird seed

Replies: >>6269
Back off lil birdy! That's Ashley's lunch
Replies: >>6270 >>6297
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Ashley will be reborn as a woodpecker in her next life. She will knock on wood and eat bugs, and the golden billion griffins will eat organic bird seeds.
she can peck my wood if ya know what I mean

sorry, I couldnt resist
>Simple foods like plain fruits and vegatables have existed for thousands of years, you're body is designed to eat them.

Raw organic unprocessed food is what I've found works for me. Broccoli with some olive oil, salt, and pepper slaps! Throw it in the oven for 410° till it gets a lil crispy. Highly recommend.
Replies: >>6303 >>6309
Sounds awesome, I unironically love broccoli.

Red potatoes are highly underrated. Similar recipe to yours. Get a bag of those little red potatoes, wash them, and cut them into quarters. Toss the quarters in olive oil, italian seasoning, salt and pepper. I think it took something like 30 minutes at 400 before they had that little bit of crispiness, maybe a hair longer. Really really good.
Replies: >>6304 >>6306 >>6309
I bought a bag of red potatoes and they smelled rotten awful. Found out my dad was shoving them up his ass and putting them back in the bag. Will this make the potatoes taste better?
Replies: >>6305 >>6306 >>6312
No, throw them away.

Hell yea brother

Yes. I believe that's called "ass blanching". Keep going.
I eat plain but have no taste, usually just canned food since its so cheap. Often I just "drink" it from the can to feel like a hobo, you can even buy it without BPA sometimes
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Your dad knows what's up his ass. it's potatoes.
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Made some spaghetti bolognese. Easy to make, tastes good, plus there is extra that I can put into the freezer and reheat it for another meal.
The garlic bread is just store bought. I bought some garlic butter once to try and make my own garlic bread, but imo it isnt as good as the premade stuff.
Replies: >>6328 >>6423
Looks good. I recently learned eating noodles for dinner can help you get sleepy. There's some science to it, but I can't recall exactly why it does that.

This is what I’m making today
Replies: >>6332
Sweet! Show us when you're done.
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Just had me a cheeseburger today, it was delicious. Vegans!
I don't blame you. Good garlic bread takes time and fresh ingredients. I'll try and make some tomorrow and post it.
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my first attempt at deep dish pizza, it was alright.
Replies: >>6492 >>6493 >>6495
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>tfw I lack motivation and patience to make something this delicious
Replies: >>6497 >>6589
Do you butter the crust? My mouths watering over here
Replies: >>6497
Damn not going to lie this has some tradition old world pizza vibes. Very nice. Cut one open and take a pic.

I will be making the garlic bread tonight but it's gonna be a few hours
Replies: >>6497
The dough can be a pain in the ass if you're making it from scratch, it's also very messy since you're pouring flour all over your countertop so it doesn't stick. Now I just buy dough from a pizza place to save myself the time and hassle. It's still a lot of fun having a few drinks and cooking stuff while listening to music or watching Anthony Bourdain in the background. 
No but I thought about doing a garlic crust for my next one.
Thanks, I'll take a pic of the insides next time. Sounds good, post a pic when you're done.
Replies: >>6507
>The dough can be a pain in the ass if you're making it from scratch, it's also very messy since you're pouring flour all over your countertop so it doesn't stick.
I would bake way more if this wasn't a thing. I even have a big cutting board but flour still ends up everywhere. Plus my dad says his buddies at work make fun of him when they see flour hand prints on the back of his jeans.
Replies: >>6518
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Here's some before and after pics of what turned out to actually be parsley bread
Replies: >>6513 >>6544 >>6559
Mmm, Im starvin for some carb'in, looks good anon
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Wait hold up
Oh lord I'm finna buss
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I would 100% put that in my top hole. Looks great. How was it?
Replies: >>6561
>top hole
This made my top hole laugh
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Just start off with something simple.
One of my favourite meals for junk food Friday's is a simple cheese and salami pizza.
Pic related
All the ingredients is just from the supermarket, so its nothing difficult. Just slap on some paste to your base and sprinkle whatever toppings you like and wack into an oven for a few minutes.
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Did you guys know about this shit?
Replies: >>6875 >>6891
This is why Im so scared of processed food, no idea whats really in there
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dude this guy gets unhinged on his podcast, totally different personality than on his youtube videos. audio related
Replies: >>6963 >>6964
This is obviously fake, Luke Smith would never say something so outrageous.

 sent from my ButtPlug 
Lel nice I just got GPT4 with alpaca which takes the woke rails. Was thinking of making an Ashley chatbot but I keep getting a memory error. Meh even without the restrictions I still think it’s pretty lame. Might mess around with it tomorrow
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I wonder if ash likes watermelon?
Replies: >>7230 >>7232 >>7381
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watermelon so good to eat on hot day!

Find yourself where the world gets lost.
Who You?: I am Tahiti. I rove vacation! 🗿🍹
<Ristening to: https://yt.funami.tech/watch?v=Dr-ti8MEnTk 🎵🕺
>Location: Maldives 🌏✈️
Replies: >>7376
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Now i really want some watermelon, cuzz.
watermelon is delicious and so is fried chicken. Never understood how you could use that as an insult to stereotype purple people
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So I tried making Ashley's onion thing she was talking about on cytube from memory. Basically I just cooked the onion, rice, and broccoli separately then combined it all in the same sauce pan the onion was in with a little broth and salt/pepper/garlic. This wasn't part of what she said but I drizzled some oyster sauce on top which turned out really nice. 

Thank you, Ashley. Pls gib a pl8 r8.
That looks good. I never tried oyster sauce before, I'll have to try it out next time I'm cooking something with rice. Speaking of rice, I want to try making sushi again since my last failed attempt many years ago. I tried using the stove method but I totally fucked it up and didn't bother making it since then. I have a rice cooker now so I'm going to give it another go because ordering sushi can get expensive.
Replies: >>8432
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Good eye my guy. That is quality nip rice
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needs some chicken!

if you want to go vegan with it still, add some pic related chopped into it
Replies: >>8458
Plant based meat is not healthy to eat.
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mmm, goddamn!
Replies: >>8461
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He has been riding for days without water
>Agua...por favor...
Replies: >>8470
that's my favorite mooby
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Replies: >>8504
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It looks good but smaller than what I make and I don't mix it together. Here's what I do:

Rice: Take 1 1/2 cup rice with 2 cups water and let sit in a pot for 15 minutes with no heat. Cover the pot. Bring the water to a soft boil. Turn heat down to simmer for 20 minutes. Then take off the heat and let it sit for 10 minutes. Fluff the rice with a fork.

Onions: Cut 47 small pearl onions' ends off. Dispose of onion ends in trash can. Put water in a small sauce pan (about 1.5" water) and bring to a rolling boil. Place 47 small pearl onions into the pot and let sit in the boiling water for 3 minutes. Drain the onion water with a strainer over sink, capturing the 47 small onions in the strainer. Put the onions in a small bowl filled with cold water. The cold water makes the onion peels slide off easy, so all this work is just to peel the onions. After you get the skins off, dispose of undesired onion skin in trash can. Heat a pan with olive oil on medium heat. Once desired medium heat temperature is acquired, dump 47 small onions onto the pan and stir occasionally with spatula. Cover eyes when dumping onions, because the oil and water creates a firework effect, and this may result in minor injury to your epidermis and/or eyes. Take the 47 small onions off the pan using your spatula and put the 47 small onions onto a clean plate of your choosing. Sprinkle a very very generous amount of salt onto the onions.

Broccoli: Put the desired amount of broccoli into a strainer and hold the strainer under hot water to thaw the broccoli. Once broccoli is no longer frozen, you can cook it. Use the same onion pan, pour more olive oil into the pan. Cook the broccoli on medium heat for a few minutes until browned. Put the broccoli onto the same plate that has your 47 small onions on it. Sprinkle a small amount of salt onto your broccoli.

Butter: The only unhealthy vegan item I do consume is vegan butter. The ingredients list on the one I get is very short and not terribly unhealthy, mostly made of soy. For men soy contains a lot of estrogen and may not be healthy to consume every day for men. For women, consuming more estrogen is apparently good and wards away potential cancers such as tit cancer. I dip my broccoli into the butter then consume the broccoli. I mix in olive oil and salt into my butter prior to consumption.

Timing: Cook rice first but when you're waiting the 15 minutes when the rice is sitting with no heat, cut the ends of your 47 small onions off at this time. Mid way through the rice cooking (it cooks for 20 minutes so when it's cooked for 10 minutes) boil the onion water and proceed with the rest of the onion cooking. When you wait the 3 minutes for your onions to deskin in the boiling water, thaw your broccoli at this time. After you cook your onions in the pan with olive oil, cook the broccoli in the same pan afterwards.

Aside: I recommend buying a miniature garbage can from the Dollar Tree (technically items purchased at the dollar tree are $1.25 plus tax, which is why it's more accurate to refer to it as the Dollar Twenty Five Tree). You can easily dispose of the onion waste in the miniature garbage can without having to walk to your nearest trash can in between making your 47 small onions.

Aside #2: I do not make 1 1/2 cups rice, I cut this portion down to 3/4 cups rice and the correct amount of water according to the rice-water ratio. I also pour a small amount of soy sauce onto my rice. I do not use the full amount that is displayed in my photo.

Aside #3: I typically eat this same meal every day. I usually eat one meal a day, sometimes I will snack later in the day. It depends on how stretched out my stomach is. If my stomach is stretched out from eating more and more, I will not be satisfied on this meal alone for the entire day. If I restrain any snacking habits, my stomach will shrink and I can easily be sustained on this meal alone for an entire day.

Aside #4: There are not 47 small onions in my pictures because I only had 30 onions left. I had to fully discard of one (1) onion due to its insides rotting. I only have 29 small onions for this meal, which is mildly satisfying but not ideal.
Replies: >>8478 >>14159
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This looks amazing! I wish they had shallots/small onions at Aldi. I'll have to go to a normie grocery store to get them. Anyone going to take the Eat Like Ashley Challenge?
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Chef Ash Ramsey would call me an idiot sandwich for this one, but whatever. I used spinach since I had no broccoli and regular onions for my own version. It looks like garbo compared to Ash's true version, but it's MMM MMM SO GOOT. Thanks Ash!!!
Replies: >>8479 >>8504
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Replies: >>8480
I 100% deserve that. I took no effort whatsoever to make it look remotely appetizing. You sure could get a lot of Ashley points one uping me bois. I set the bar pretty low
Replies: >>8482 >>8483
An attempt was made and that’s what counts. I thought Ashley points we’re a bad thing like points on your license
I don't think yours looks bad at all. If you put it in some pristine white plate you could easily sell it for $60 at some rich people cafe. I would eat your food as long as you didn't taint it.
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Seperate a head of broccoli into florets
Seperate a head of cauliflower into florets
Put broccoli and cauliflower in a colander
Boil a pot of water and place colander over boiling water and steam the broccoli and cauliflower for 5 minutes or until tender to your liking. Steaming preserves the nutrients as oposed to frying
Place broccoli and cauliflower in a large aluminum pan you can buy at the market
Heat some oil of your choice in a pan and saute half a chopped onion of your choice and a small container of cut up mushrooms. (Mushrooms satisfy your taste for meat)
Add onion and mushrooms to the broccoli and cauliflower
Mix a can of cream of mushroom soup with half a can of water and pour over broccoli and cauliflower
Sprinkle a pack of shreaded cheddar cheese (or cheese of your choice) over broccoli and cauliflower 
Bake in 350 degree oven for about 20 minutes  until cheese is melted.
Makes about 6 servings. I invented this recipe about a year ago since I like broccoli and cauliflower so I figured why not combine them both
Pierce Great Value Instant rice box
Turn spicket hot water knob
Pour water in bowl
Add equal rice to bowl
Stire rice in water with fork
Microwave bowl 5 minutes
Push raw meat into pot
Turn burner dial til red
Place pot on burner
Remove bowl from microwave
Check meat with fork
Remove meat from pot into rice
Tear open Great Value Taco Seasoning packet over bowl
Pour remains into bowl
Stir bowl
Turn off stove
Replies: >>8488
I made your recipe but added one more step. You forgot "poop into bowl and stir" but that mistake aside it turned out pretty good.
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God, how much I hate onions it's unreal. Since my childhood, in every dish where there was an onions, I sat and took out each piece of onion from the plate and put it in a pile on the table. If it got into my mouth, I felt like I was going to vomit. Every time when I asked my mother to cook for me without onions, she said that it was simply impossible, the onions were definitely needed, otherwise the dish simply would not have taste. And the worst thing is that she's right. When I fried squid without onions, it turned out to be tasteless fried rubber, but if fried with onions, it will be one of the most delicious dishes. As much as I hate onions, sometimes it’s simply impossible to cook without them.
Replies: >>8491 >>8493 >>8504
When I eat a lot of onions 🧅 you can smell it in my BO. Regardless of how much I wash my hands the stinky onion oils stay there. I love it I bet my cum even tastes like onions
How can you eat squid but hate onions?
Replies: >>8492
>How can you eat squid
With your mouth 

>but hate onions
With your mind

Never mind I answered my own question
Replies: >>8495 >>8496
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anon do you know who the guy in your gif is? If I'm not mistaken, that guy used to make youtube videos years ago (like late 2000s I'm guessing?). In his videos he played a character, a skinny white tweaker kind of guy, but I think in real life he was actually a gay theater actor or something. He had this really funny one about Hannah Minx, all I remember is that he referred to her breasts as "mams" (mammaries). If you or anyone else knows who I'm talking about pls respond.
Replies: >>8496 >>8497 >>8504
How you taste onions if you never mind retard?
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Fried squids are very tasty. When I was a kid I liked to buy dried squids in bags, it is a very tasty snack. It’s a pity now they are not pleasant to eat for me, as they get stuck between the teeths, and it is very difficult and painful to get them out of there.

Damn, I didn't know about that, I just saved this gif. But after what you wrote, it became interesting to me. I hope there is someone here who knows about this, I want to watch it now.
He blew up on FB originally. His name is Skweezy Jibbs. It's a fake character, but he plays it so well. Fuck I'm old. This makes me nostalgic and sad.
Replies: >>8499
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Jesus christ, anon. Thanks for telling me, I've wanted to see this dude's videos again for at least 10 years. In a way, I wish you hadn't, though... I know everyone has to pay their bills and I respect that but damn. It's all so modern.
I guess you can never really go home.

On a more positive note, holy shit did this man age well. He looks almost exactly the same. He's also still pretty funny. I'll post a few of his vids for anyone who has never seen him
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Replies: >>8501 >>8506
I also noticed he must have purged like all of his videos on youtube. I'm guessing it was too naughty? Hence why >>8500 is all super tame.

Anyhoo, it occurs to me that this is the cooking thread, so you all can go back to talking about onions, how onions taste good/bad, how many onions you can fit inside yourselves, etc.
I'd eat out at Ashleys *wink wink*

That looks yum, though maybe your nice photos are selling them well...
>Take 1 1/2 cup rice with 2 cups water and let sit in a pot for 15 minutes with no heat
how come you let it sit in the pot for 15 minutes? 

>I typically eat this same meal every day.
That doesnt seem to healthy, do you eat any fruits?

heres a (You) for trying fren :)

>God, how much I hate onions it's unreal. 
We had Prime Minister who loved onions so much the absolute mad lad ate one raw on TV, skin on and everything


good lord.... ty anon for letting me know about this Hannah Minx. 
Now if you excuse me, I have so researching to do...
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I'm not gonna to do what everybody thinks I'm gonna do and GO CRAZY on the onion kick just because that is what Ashley is doing.


I am going to attempt to make a Bloomin' Onion™ - Maybe this weekend. Wish me luck.
I think these videos are in the .h265 format which isn't supported to played in browsers ;_;
Replies: >>8515
Oops. I just pulled them from TikTok with yt-dlp. I'm far too lazy to convert but they work if you download them
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People ITT need to make more italian food
Replies: >>8521
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Ashley baked her favorite dessert, pumpkin pie, but her pugs slipped a roofie in her co2 and purloined her pie.
Replies: >>8540 >>8542
Kinda feel bad when I see pugs. They're like cute down syndrome dogs
Replies: >>8551
Pugs are fucking cute. Look at that god damn thing all the way on the right. It looks like a mini tan panda.
Replies: >>8550 >>8551
it looks forlorn
Replies: >>8551
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You best not say it to their face.
Replies: >>8552
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You best not cum on your own face.
Spoiler File
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to the mexicans on the board and the ones still under Ashley's bed, rate my taco?

Its just a simple meat and cheese one because Im a  fussy eater

1 onion chopped up
add extra virgin (hehehe) olive oil into pan
brown onion (lololol)
add mince meat, brown it
1 can of tomato soup
1 small tub of tomato paste
add some mixed spice
mix corn flour with water and add into if you want to thicken the sauce a bit
add meat to taco
add toppings you like

throw in oven to melt cheese and toast the taco.

serve with whatever sides, I chose potato gems.
Replies: >>8658 >>8667 >>8669
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I wonder what a nigger burger tastes like.
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Yo this looks great dawg. I'd eat it. Those some tots I'm peepin? Mah nigga.

And melting the cheese and toasting the taco in the oven is a stroke of genius, I've never tried that before but you can bet your sweet bippy I will the next time I make tacos.
Replies: >>8665
ty anon!
yeah those be tots you be peepin, they be way yummier than chips, like mini hash browns.
>melting the cheese and toasting the taco in the oven is a stroke of genius
isnt that what everyone does???
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>1 can of tomato soup
>1 SMALL TUB of tomato paste
>i cook my food in the oven after cooking it in the pan
Replies: >>8738
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The day has finally come, that i eat watermelon. 🍉
Replies: >>8737
I love eating nigger apples during this time of year.
>not toasting your taco
you wont be eating my taco then
Spoiler File
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Can reptilians be consumed?
Replies: >>8954

<iframe src='https://madnessporn.com/embed/23462' width='640' height='480' frameborder='0'></iframe>
Replies: >>8956
sorry am retarded 
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Replies: >>9214
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Replies: >>9197
that looks really yum anon!
Replies: >>9290
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I tried giving them the diamond grill marks for presentation but wasn't successful on that BBQ. Here's a better one I did awhile back.
Replies: >>9295
faaaaaaaark thats some nice lookin meat!

can I came live in your basement?!?!
Replies: >>9315
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Suck on this COCKtail
Replies: >>9300
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I fucking hate this pic I also hate the pic that I posted now
Replies: >>9301
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Likely too sweet for me. Seems like something that was don't to preserve fruit longer. I/m more into savory foods.
Where my garlic bread anons at?
Replies: >>9302 >>9321

>Dean was born as Gunther Dienstfertig in Breslau, Germany, into a Jewish family, the son of Lucy (Askenazy) and prominent lawyer Joseph Dienstfertig. As a child, he attended the exclusive Von Zawatzki Schule in Breslau. Escaping the rise of Nazism, the family left Germany in December 1938 and arrived in the United States in February. John's original first name was Gunther, however, the immigration officer changed to John Gunther to avoid it from sounding "too German". In March 1939 the family changed its name from "Dienstfertig" to "Dean" before the City Court of New York to better integrate into the crowd in Queens.

>Dean's suspicions that Israeli agents may have also been involved in the mysterious aircraft crash in 1988 that killed Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, the president of Pakistan, led finally to a decision in Washington to declare him mentally unfit, which forced his resignation from the foreign service after a thirty-year career. Later he was rehabilitated by the State Department, given a distinguished service medal and the insanity charge was confirmed to be phony by a former head of the department's medical service.
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Sure thing, it's fully furnished too.
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ty for that educating video Zach Galifianakis

also, I made some toast, does that count?
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Replies: >>9550
Are those red potatoes, AKA the superior potato?

Nice work on the asparagus too.

Your carrots look good. They remind me a bit of my baked carrot recipe.

Basically you halve or quarter as many carrots as you can fit onto a baking pan. Coat them with some olive oil and seasonings of your choice (I do salt and pepper, then a dash of garlic powder, onion powder, and a few shakes of italian seasoning). Cover the pan with a sheet of aluminum foil and bake at 450 for 20 minutes. Then take the sheet of aluminum foil off and bake for another 10 minutes. Results in fantastic carrots. If you really want to get naughty you can make a "candied" version by hitting them with some brown sugar, which is great, but sort of defeats the point of eating something so healthy as a carrot imo.
Replies: >>9552
Thanks. For the asparagus and carrots I just cook them on separate cast iron skillets (olive oil for asparagus and butter for carrots) and add salt and pepper for seasoning (fresh parmesan on asparagus). The fish and sweet potatoes I wrap in aluminum foil and cook on the BBQ. On the fish is salt, pepper, dill weed and rosemary (sometimes I add sliced lemon). The sweet potatoes have salt, pepper and basil.
Do you like Tuna Salad?

Replace the celery with cucumber and add a splash of soy sauce. Maybe some avocado.

It's basically free sushi.
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Some watermelon sure sounds nice around this time.
Replies: >>9607 >>9663
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The Japanese have a patent on growing square watermellon. They say that it's easier to cut and store in the fridge.
Replies: >>9611
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Japanese watermelon probably tastes better too

anyone else scared to swallow a seed because it might grow inside your stomach and then your stomach bursts open?
Replies: >>9615 >>9616 >>9625
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If anyone is scared to swallow a watermellon seed for fear it might grow inside your stomach and then your stomach bursts open might I suggest purchasing and consuming seedless watermellon. At the very least it will give you peace of mind. Of coarse it takes all the fun out of it, I usually can spit a watermellon seed 25 feet, an unofficial record.
I wish everything was that simple. When I was a child, I sometimes buried seeds of berries and fruits in the ground not far from home in the hope that at least something would grow, of course, nothing came of it. A few years ago, in a nearby forest, I was burying hemp seeds that I got from cookies in the ground autistic, I know cookies with hemp seeds are delicious, but the seeds get stuck between the teeths, it's very unpleasant, of course, nothing grew out of this either.
Replies: >>9630
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Dont worry anon, one day you will plant your seed inside a woman and from there you will grow the greatest gift of all.

A small child that you can force into sports at an early age, so they become a professional baseball player earning millions of dollars that you can leech off of.
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Replies: >>9673 >>9674 >>9683
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How To Make Fake Cum

Replies: >>9685
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Show sounds good!
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fucking bitch looking so smug with all that fucking watermelon  whilst Im sitting over here with no watermelon like a fucking retard.
fucking hell.
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If you really want to drink a liquid that very similar to cum - for this you just need powdered potato starch. In general, you can try the traditional Slavic drink based on potato starch - kissel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kissel. I can buy kissel at absolutely any grocery store, but most of them are berry flavored and pink/orange in color. I tried to find apple or oatmeal flavored, so kissel would be colorless, but I couldn't find it, so I decided to just boil a pot of potato starch. To make it tasty, you can add fruits or other flavors with sugar.
Replies: >>9686 >>9697 >>9704
I'd rather save my money and eat my own cum.
>t-that's gay!
Not if it's my own supply
What's the fake cum for anon?
Replies: >>9725
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You can also use old pasta water.
if you like watery cum it works well, but if not add some corn flour to thicken it.
Best used immediately after draining your pasta so the water is still boiling hot, for boiling hot cum all over you face.
For nothing, have nothing to do better to in my life, I just boiled potato starch and poured the result into the toilet. If I were a vindictive person and held a grudge against someone, maybe I would pour this liquid over the property of my offender.
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>German fitness influencer Jo Lindner, also known as "Joesthetics," has died at the age of 30 due to an aneurysm. He had 8.5 million Instagram followers and almost 500 million views on his YouTube channel. Lindner's last post on social media talked about his fitness levels after taking a year off of intensive bodybuilding.

>Marlon Brando's weight varied throughout his career. In the early days of his career, he weighed around 75 kg, but by the mid-1990s, he weighed more than 140 kg. He was a big eater who loved ice cream, peanut butter, and Chinese food, which he used to eat enough for 8 people. He would go on diets before each film, but eventually stopped. He died at the age of 80 due to obesity-related complications.

Girls love chubby daddies, especially ashley. getting "ripped" is for faggots. more like getting your asshole ripped by your boyfriend, amirite?
Replies: >>9741
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Who wants cooogies?
Replies: >>9805 >>9814 >>9817
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80 is a good age to die. Also, Brando wasn't on the juice like that guy.
Replies: >>9781
being 80 isnt a good age to die.
Youre immobile, drooling and probably stuffed into some old folks home by the very kids you raised. Not to mention where the under paid staff treat you like cattle.
Probably have to wear diapers too.
I want to die in my 60's
Replies: >>9807
I made those cookies for Pride and everyone loved the chocolate I put in the center
Replies: >>9812
If you take good care of yourself you should have no trouble being 80. Beyond that however is typically when the body starts shutting down, especially when you're pushing 90.
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hey ash as a latina when do you plan on starting to eat and growing your hair out?? when this time inevitably comes please continue to make videos, preferably ones where you review burritos and tacos
Replies: >>9813 >>9829
Don't even trouble yourself asking this. By the time that happens she will be my wife and have 9 kids. We will have 2 Toyota tundras on lifted suspension in the driveway and only one will work. 3 of the 9 will babysit the other 4 while we both work full time jobs.
Gah damn downloading me these right now. Thanks Ashley <3
I just realized it's a pink sonck goo gee
We dont post females here
Replies: >>9831 >>9850
Who says that's a female? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Replies: >>9836
Are trans fats good for you??
d-does that mean ashley is a man?
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treated myself to a late night snack
Replies: >>9950 >>9956
damn that thing looks huge!
This entire pizza was inside this dude and he probably shitted it out and so this pizza rubbed is colon and asshole and so if you think this pizza looks yummy then youre gay
Replies: >>9981
I have poop in my colon right now. brewing up a big one
Replies: >>9982
update, I just shitted
Replies: >>9991
Ashley? Did you finally shit? Please update your Poop Log, honey.
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Replies: >>10008
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I didn't know eating meat can make me shit spaghetti, interesting.
Replies: >>10010
Bro lemme taste your ass I love spaghetti
Replies: >>10021
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Replies: >>10034
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The scat porn posted in the huwhite pride thread earlier made me hungry so I cooked a hamburger with WAFFLE FRIES.
Gawd damn that look good. What sauce you dipping those fries in? Did you deep fry them?
Replies: >>10427
holy shit this looks delicious. Tell sauce
Replies: >>10427
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I just used ketchup. Normally I make my own sweet potato wedges with spicy mayo (sriracha sauce + mayo) but I only had enough as a condiment for the hamburger. This time I cheated and bought a bag of waffle fries sprinkled with paprika.
I normally eyeball everything so there's no exact ratio for the ingredients but here:
-1lb of lean ground beef.
-1 egg beaten.
-1/2 cup of minced onion.
-1 cup of crumbled crackers.
-form into 4oz balls and flatten into a patty.
-season with salt and pepper on both sides.
-add a touch of olive oil to cast iron skillet on medium/high heat.
-cook for 8 minutes (4 minutes on both sides).
-after flipping, add butter and baste patty. If you're adding sliced cheese: after basting with butter, add cheese for the final minute. It will gradually melt during the resting period.
-remove patty and let it rest for 5 minutes before serving. During this time, I cook 1/4 inch sliced ring onions until golden brown while my buns are toasted.

For the buns, I either use brioche (picrel) or waffle buns.
Replies: >>10442
at first glance I thought that was ashley in the background
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Chile (the plant) is a major component in chili (the dish).

Does Ashley like chiles? Does she grow them? How about you, Ashlings?

I can recommend NuMex Twilight, which is a beautiful ornamental chile, suitable for bonsai and has tasty fruit, too.

It was developed by the New Mexico State University chile research institute. (NuMex is their kind of brand.)

Pro Tip: Give the seedlings plenty of light for a strong, bushy plant later. If needed, start them later in the year so there is enough light.

Save the seeds and grow again next year. Share the seed. Seed!


What is you favourite, vegan, chili recipe, Ashley?
Replies: >>10472
I'm a little more masochistic and enjoy habanero's, but chiles are fantastic too! I think it's important to grow your own food to become less dependent on the machine. Neat stuff anon!
Replies: >>10474
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I think habaneros are a type of chinense chile. I like them too! 

There is a nice breakdown of the different types of chile here:


I like chile for their flavour and aroma, but I just love it when they are pretty, too.
Replies: >>10476
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I didn't know you could grow em like a Bonsai tree! Sweet! I'm so far removed from the food growing process I must admit.
Replies: >>10477 >>10478
I would just love to have that one!

Aren't the pods just gigantic in the tree? And the more you pluck them, the more the pods grow!
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You could just sit under this one with bonsai Ashley and think about setting up a hammock.

There is some interesting culture I have seen but not tried where you put copper coils into the soil near the plant and this somehow conjures the Force or something resulting in spectacular growth... electro-culture
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I picked some seeds and grew some plants to make fantastic chile hot sauce.

I was really happy when some of the seeds germinated. I didn't protect them from rain well when they were seedlings and lost some that survived.

I ended up with about 5 different varietals (wish I could remember which.) 

There was one which was yellow, prolific, and really hot, like not maximum theoretical hotness, but just well up there in heat. 

I remember preparing the chiles with bare hands. It was so sore and painful! I couldn't believe that something that hurt the outside of my hands so much would go into my mouth.

I got them into fermentation bottles with bubblers, but I wasn't strict enough with the bottle size and lid size of the bubbler so it was loose, not a tight seal. 

I had some mould, but still they looked colourful fermenting away and tasted pretty good despite everything.

I would like to try again with properly sealed bubblers.

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reading this thread made me realise i cant cook for shit
cant even make a decent steak

or take a decent photo
Replies: >>10587 >>10588
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I baste mine in butter with rosemary (thyme and parsley works too) and garlic cloves while flipping every minute on all sides and feeling its firmness until it's done to my liking. I remember a chef showing me the hand trick one night when I worked at a restaurant years ago. Hope that helps.
Replies: >>10618
I bet this tasted good though, I know 'medium rare' is supposed to be how you do a steak but I always thought well done was tasty. And I bet those sausages were awesome. That bread gotta be toasted though my man. You can make a poor man's garlic bread with toast, butter, garlic powder, and parmesan cheese (use a leftover packet from your last pizza). I bet the veggies on your plate were fine, it's just the color in the photo makes the carrots and peas/corn look a little sad. What are those, potatoes? Like skinned red taters?  This honestly doesn't look bad and I'd eat it.
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Recipe for the topping pls.
Yeah so I just use Canola Oil spray on a BBQ but then I also......... >>10602 .........WTF IS THAT?!!?!?! what is wrong with people!!!!!!
Replies: >>10629
Did you buy a frozen bag of waffle fries and cook them or did you buy them cooked? Your post made me hungry and I bought frozen waffle fries but I want to cook mine how you did. Please help.
Replies: >>10627
I bought them frozen and pre-fried. The instructions should be on the bag. If not, preheat the oven to 425° and bake for 10-12 minutes, flip them at the halfway mark. Before placing them in the oven, I like to sprinkle some paprika on them for a little kick. If you were making them from scratch you would baked them longer for about 25min.
Replies: >>10638
I wonder if you cut it in the middle is it bright pink like steak? If so, that's probably a sign of hemorrhoids.
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Thailand Burger King came out with a burger that puts mine to shame.
I would eat this.

t. fat
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Replies: >>10643
I showed my dad your post and had him make them for me. Turned out pretty good, only had fries with no sides. I'm getting a little hungry now. Can you make another post I can show to my dad?
Thailand. Even their burgers can't pass for real burgers.
Replies: >>10644 >>10717
is that the Jack-in-the-box breakfast burrito?

saw someone eat one of these, he said it was still frozen in the middle. 

2nd from the left is fine, just slide dat cheeeeeeeze back on!
Replies: >>10686
Well it still looks like a real burger, I mean I'd try it, it can't taste that different.
To be honest I'm not opposed to just eating the slid down cheese by itself.
Replies: >>10695
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same brother
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Or can they?
Replies: >>10722
I mean sure those burgers look good but just wait until you bring them back to your hotel and they refuse to let you go down on them and only want to have sex in the reverse cowgirl position with the lights off
Replies: >>10745
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>buys the wrong burritos
>still has an out of body experience
Replies: >>10746
I would just eat the burgers somewhere else, I cant be fooled easily.
The most shocking thing about this image is that the beefy 5-layer burrito is only $0.89
Replies: >>10753
Yeah dude this image is from 2017. Inflation is a hidden tax.
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>tfw no qt gf who bakes muffins :(
Replies: >>10756 >>10758
I don't get it. Why is she wearing a mask? I'm assuming those muffins have shit in them or something.
Replies: >>10757 >>10761
I mean I wouldn't want to be known around the office as the shit muffin eater
Replies: >>10761
When I saw this picture of a masked woman, I thought, "Oh, those must be treats for the dog." The dog that she's having sex with. The internet has seriously messed me up.
Replies: >>10761
uh oh, they are all sunk in the middle, Im guessing fecal matter doesnt rise when baked???? does anyone here know?

HURR DURR everything you cook is shit anyways so find out

you just know....
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I mean, at least it was cooked?...

bruh an animal had to die for this
Replies: >>11457
It looks like desaturated chocolate cake.
>buys meat from the dollar tree
Replies: >>11320
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Not enough saus glossed on that hoss ross ya boss finner toss ya inna grill
Replies: >>11326
They sell cuts of meat at Dollar Tree?
Yeah, some do
Replies: >>11333
Not like fresh cuts, but frozen meats.
Replies: >>11333
They have pork didlos I bought the ones Ashley uses very succulent
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I remember seeing JR's BBQ sauce at the grocery store with the small cowboy hat on the bottle that kids would always steal.
Replies: >>11336

meat is one thing you dont want to skimp a few bucks on

Thats why I only hire the most expensive hookers to eat
Cool I want that. Was the hat the lid or just sat on top of the lid?
Replies: >>11343
It just sits on the bottle. I remember my brother's friend stealing one when they first dropped. Never tried the sauce though, most celebrity brand foods are garbage.
Replies: >>11460
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Seems like a lovely young lady to take advice from.
Replies: >>11566
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<3 McDonald's™️
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I love the smell of freshly diced onion, sizzling away in the pan.
Its my fav part of the spaghetti making process.
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I got tired of eating bacon and eggs for breakfast and was too lazy to make something else from scratch so I had picrel for the first time since my childhood and it was delicious. I might consider getting Honeycombs next just for nostalgia minus the parents arguing over the table.
Replies: >>13009 >>13015
Same here except I got Fruity Pebbles. It made my shit a muted rainbow color which made me think that its not good for my health but yolo.
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The beer is to get drunk and not feel pain for when you shove the corn up your ass. The potato is to bite on as a pain reliever as you shove corn up hole.
Replies: >>13048
2 beers, some corn on a cob, a potato for baking plus some kind of meat product all for $11.99??? what a bargain

>you shove the corn up your ass
Though the potato does have girth, the corn cob is ribbed. tough choice

Im going to go with the corn, after all theres gonna be corn in my shit if I ate it anyways...
Either bud light is trying too hard to make a cum back or the employee’s there are making fun of them for their queerness.
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Nothing beats the 23 flavors.
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Any nut enjoyers here?

when I get a craving for something late at night, I reach for some nuts and put them in my mouth.
Its great, much better than snacking on other less healthier snacks. yes sir! it tastes great having nuts in my mouth.
What about you guys? do you enjoy nuts? do you have a particular favourite type of nut?

Oh boy! all this typing about nuts has gotten me wanting some rn!
Replies: >>13552 >>13561

I eat 2 apples before sleep.
Helps with my acid reflux.
I eat a lots of nuts and raisins too during the day. Almonds and those who look like a brain (i dont know the name…). They are great!.
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I eat these.
I don't know why?
Can someone puh-lease tell me why I'm eating the pumplin seedz?
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If you mean this nut that looks like a brain it's a walnut. I had acid reflux for about a month about a year ago, I can empathize with you, it's a bitch. It went away by itself and hasn't returned, knock on wood
Replies: >>13565
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>acid reflux
a tablespoon of picrel is an instant cure
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If my reflux ever returns I'll give the apple cider vinegar a try. Thanks for the tip.
Something's off about those labels... mandela effect?
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I have some on hand for cooking. I mostly use it to make posca, though.
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neat, but sex sorry to hear about your acid reflux
apples are top tier! 
what sort of apple do you like best? for me, its the royal gala

just bee careful anon.
Sure casual pumpkin seed eating is where it starts, but keeping going down that yellow brick road and you may end up in a dark place.

It begins just sitting on your futon bed, snacking on some pumpkin seedz whilst watching reruns of Barry and Linda, but then next thing you know youre in some dudes field with a stick up your backhole, see pic related
Replies: >>13588 >>13670
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Speaking of futon beds, I need my wife to see this.
Replies: >>13597
>implying zach 18 doesnt already know about and think about futa all day
Replies: >>13608
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Replies: >>13604
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Fuck you.
Replies: >>13608
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made typo
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One more time
Replies: >>13608
aaactually futa is one of the few porn categories I havent experimentededed with, Body Odor  

what the heck is that? (aside from a heart attack in a bag) average 'murrica snack?

good job retard you finally manged to paste a yt link
all that training in the GAY ASS navy has paid off!

completely OT but why does the board flag always default to the probably autistic one? or is that a thing for everyone else as well?
Replies: >>13609
looks like this one to me
Replies: >>13610
no thats the other autistic retard one,
 I mean whenever i go to post the flag defaults to this one

Does this do it for you?

someone is baking apple muffins and i can smell it and it smells soooooooooo good bros
Replies: >>13614 >>13624
It always defaults to the last flag I used. Ashley probably just has your IP logged and is mocking you for being a gay autist.
Replies: >>13615 >>13624
Yeah for me it's the last flag I used or if I clear my cache it's reset obviously. Just clear your cache on this website and see if it fixes.
Replies: >>13618
I flip the circuit breaker after each post so Ashley can't track me.
Replies: >>13624
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oh no no no
Replies: >>13622
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The muffins are here and fun fact you cant spell mmmmmmmuffins without mmmmmmm!

>Ashley probably just has your IP logged and is mocking you for being a gay autist.
>I flip the circuit breaker after each post so Ashley can't track me.
I dont, jokes on her I WANT her to track me and to think Im a gay autist because Its going to make the look of shock on her face when I rape her even better!
Replies: >>13676
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Royal are good. But i like all kind of apples. Green too.
This is my dinner before sleep tonight.
Try some oranges or tangerines before sleep. Dreams are better. ;)
Was yummy. Mmm yeah!

Good night.
Replies: >>13672 >>13673
You are what you eat. a fruit
Im also into pink lady and red delicious apples, not so much a fan of granny smiths
I dont buy oranges or tangerines, usually just the occasional mandarin but I'll have to get some and try that little trick, thanks!
Have a great sleep!

speaking of fruits, you ever see those videos of girls deep throating bananas? dont they realize the banana could break off and it could get stuck in your throat and you end up choking to death...
Replies: >>13697 >>13702
What kind of muffins are those? Cinnamon? I'm making an apple pie soon.
Replies: >>13685
& Happiness
apple muffins, and yeah thats cinnamon
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you should try miyagawa if you're into mandarins, bittersweet goodness
>dont they realize the banana could break off and it could get stuck in your throat and you end up choking to death...

That would be funny though
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     '( '
    "'  //}
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Replies: >>13744
>2024 ashley be like
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I made the apple pie, turned out great. This is what I looked like as I ate it. Second pic is what I look like after eating it.
you're disgusting
Says you, fatty.
just kidding i would honestly die for a piece of your apple pie. i wanna get in your apple pie too you fat little slut (๑ ‵ ● ‿ ● ‵ ๑)(^ε^ )♡
Worse than Amy Schumer.
Replies: >>13879
No, I think Amy Schumer definitely looks worse than the girl on the right.
Replies: >>13890

ur applie pie prolly tastes sour af!!!

also pie.webm is actualy asmy lb take notes
Replies: >>13909
Amy Schumer has kept it REAL.
Replies: >>13892
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                         THE MORE YOU KNOW

Amy Schumer and Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader, are cousins. Unfortunately Chuck Schumer is also one of my two US Senators.
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They look good but. There are no such where I live. This time what abounds where I live is: apples, pears, oranges, tangerines, bananas. I also saw watermelons the last time I went to the market. But they are super expensive. In summer I have more variety. Hopefully it will arrive soon. I want to eat peaches.
>also pie.webm is actually asmy lb takes notes
English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?!
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What's your go-to snack? For me it's jalapeno pita chips with red pepper hummus.
Replies: >>14037
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>murricans will never know the mouth watering sensation known as "BBQ Shapes"
this is a bickie soooo revered, when they tried to change to a "new and improved formula" there was such a national outrage, they actually reverted back to its original formula

Pizza Shapes are also god tier, with Savory Shapes being p decent, but deadass fuck anyone who thinks Chicken Crimpy are anywhere decent
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Skip dinner: wake up thinner
Replies: >>14090 >>14093
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I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe.
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Then skip breakfast
On your way to anorexic
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Eat fruits ínstead of dinner.
Replies: >>14095
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>Eat fruits instead of dinner
  Eat a peach 
  And you're a winner
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are Fish N Chips popular in USA?

picrelated was Friday nights takeaway.

I know it looks shit because well, 99% of ppl have tomato sauce on their chips and potato cakes as well as SOY sauce on their dimmies but I dont because Im a fussy eater,
On my plate I have some chips (duh!) 4 potato cakes, 2 fried dim sims and 2 craysticks

my pic doesnt do it justice because again i have atustic tastes buds but you can get a lot more from a fish n chip shop like various deep fried fish, spring rolls, chiko rolls, souvlakis and even a hamburger

Hi my names Fred amd this has been a post about food ty for reading and god bless you!
Replies: >>14104 >>14261
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hahaha so true!
>2 fried dim sims and 2 craysticks
what is that in American Fred?
Replies: >>14105 >>14113
I believe Fred is an Australien. Zach can be our interpreter.
Replies: >>14113
wow TIL that dimmies are largely just an AU/NZ  Chinese inspired dumpling that "differ from typical Chinese dumplings in that they are often much larger, have a thicker, doughier skin and are shaped more robustly"
anyways theyre basically a dumpling that consists of meat**** and cabbage and are either fried or steamed.

**** I remember since I was a wee lad, there was a saying that they were made of cat meat. Which is untrue btw

Looking it up, cray stick are just a crab stick, I think Ive legit been saying the wrong name and no one has corrected me all this time!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKN HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
Replies: >>14115
>cray stick are just a crab stick, I think Ive legit been saying the wrong name and no one has corrected me all this time
>nah bruv cray is slang for crab even in the america
there was a saying that they were made of cat meat. Which is untrue
How you know that Fred? Have you ever made a "dimmy" from scratch with your own meat? Is Fred you're real name? Is Australia real? Is America? How do I know that we aren't all mere reflections of Ashley's subconscious mind?
Replies: >>14116
ftfy retard
Replies: >>14117
>ftfy retard
FTFY, retard.
Replies: >>14118 >>14128
nah it's you're
Replies: >>14119
Is that so?
Replies: >>14120 >>14121
you tell me
Replies: >>14122
Replies: >>14129
So you don't know?
Replies: >>14124
One of us doesn't and it ain't me
Replies: >>14125
we already established that you don't know
bros Im so confused???
Replies: >>14127
so you DO know?
takes one to know one
Replies: >>14130 >>14131
LMAO YOU MEAN.... *quick?

i heard rope is delicious, maybe you should eat rope?
Replies: >>14132
huh? what u mean?
sorry, my Hannah Montana Linux is bugged so whenever I type G R A P E S, but in lowercase with no spaces, it comes out as rope.
I was just trying to say G R A P E S are delicious and nutrient so you should eat them so you live longer!
Replies: >>14147
I think he means ropes of cum. I hear that boy can make!
do grapes really?
Ashley cooking segment when?
Replies: >>14159
Didnt she mention something about an eating challenge involving 47 red onions? from this meal >>8476
Replies: >>14167 >>14170
Those are pearl onions you uncultured swine
Replies: >>14170
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Greetings frens! (=゚ω゚)ノ

Its me, the brown onion just coming into this cooking thread here on /ashleyj/ to remind everyone I am the king of all onions! ᕙ( ͌⏠ ͌)ᕗ
have a great day! ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞

and dont forget if you aint down with the brown ╭( ๐_๐)╮

...you aint cool ya fool! (ಠ_ಠ)┌∩┐
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If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down.
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We wuz kangz
Replies: >>14190 >>14196
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Any of you boys want to make some more baby onions?
Replies: >>14196
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aww shieet wassup girl
Replies: >>14196
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On GMO replacement thereapy and will be an onion soon
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ayy me and my homies are gonna chill here for too long aight
>are Fish N Chips popular in USA?
no one answered my question and now i have severe depression, tanks everyone
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Damn you gotta have a nice big mouth to take a bite off of that burger. Post mouth.
Replies: >>14433
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Replies: >>14434
Replies: >>14435
Replies: >>14436
Hamburgers? >>14425
Did you make that anon? Looks great, what did you put into the burger mince (if anything)

although its probs sounds stupid, but it bothers me when people put the lettuce on the bottom
Replies: >>14447
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For the burger it's just minced onion, crumbled crackers, egg, and seasoned with salt and pepper. if the meat is good enough you shouldn't have to add a lot into the mix. I used to think it was odd adding lettuce on the bottom but I find the rest of the topping slide off too easy when placed on top of it. 

pic unrelated
Replies: >>14451
>crumbled crackers
never heard of that in a burger but makes sense after looking it up

>the starch in the crackers keeps the natural fat and juices from escaping the patty during the cooking process.

Those donut/burger things look absolutely disgusting and the taste probably feels even worse than the regret you have sitting on the toilet as you splatter it out all over the bowl
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cant tell if dried period blood or pepperoni
uh oh peppys spoil
*monster poo*
The amount of ass zits she prolly got from this
What a trashy look for a woman. Im a fatass and love pizza but this is probably the first pizza ive seen feeling disgust. What were they thinking taking this picture?
Replies: >>15410
this but it's Chester in a santa hat
Replies: >>15411
wait i meang that for >>15406
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thought this was an ashley nude at first
this nigga arm a meerkat lmao
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He's just folluwing the 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms.
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Ashley, please post the coffee study that you previously mentioned. Something about coffee restricting the brain or somethin' like that??? Thank youuuuu
Here you go. https://shorturl.at/dACJU
Replies: >>16958 >>16961
coffee enlarges prostate so makes u gay
Replies: >>16958
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Coffee contains antioxidants and other active substances that reduce internal inflamation and protect against disease say nutrition experts from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

And I do enjoy a cup of coffee every morning since I was in high school.
I passed with flying colors, yaaaaay~
Replies: >>16963
Is that what you say when you hit and run a bunch of people?
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Breakfast is served
Replies: >>16991
What is this? Looks like falafels, mac n cheese, crackers and ground beef
Replies: >>16992 >>16995
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>What is this?

Breakfast of Champions?
Replies: >>17029
End of bag tortilla chips (pictured left), microwaved chicken nuggets, macaronie and cheese, and broccoli.
Replies: >>17003
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Bon Appetit.
Replies: >>17004
This is America. Speak English you god damned mexican!!!!!! Now what did you just say to me? Are you threatening me?
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With a name like Hans Shekelgruber I seriously doubt he's Mexican.
Replies: >>17007
Bon appetit is French for good appetite you dumb American.
Replies: >>17007
Guys its called a joke ;_;
Replies: >>17011
>boner petite
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>It's just a joke

I Know, I know
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Having myself a warm mug of noodle broth. The person I cooked the noodles for likes it dry so I thought I’d have the broth.
kek (tyfys)

be honest, that's piss in the mug isn't it
Replies: >>17033
No, I usually pee in our Czech made cognac glasses. It's much classier that way. Also my pee is much more translucent than that.
Is that home made?
I like my 2 min noodles dry so I pour out all the water, because I think its like 90% sodium and that makes me really thirsty 
Cool mug
Replies: >>17048
Nice carpet/rug you got there
Replies: >>17058
It's one of those instant packaged noodles. Yeah, I probably shouldn't drink this crap but damn it tastes good.
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>dat rug
>dat mug
>dat trimmed fingernails
Replies: >>17058
Thanks. We used to have hand woven ones but we had to sell them years ago. These are machine woven. Still pretty decent though 
Cheers, anon
I’ll post some decent dishes and the recipes later. I really love cooking pizzas
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Please review my dish.
Replies: >>17063 >>17077
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I don't know what that is but it sure looks yummy. I'm literally salivating like a St. Bernard. What is it?
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I made some simple spaghetti.

Ingredients: spaghetti, water, salt, pepper, tomato paste, cooking oil 

Recipe: add water, salt, pepper, and oil to a sauce pan, let it reach boiling point. Add the spaghetti. Bit by bit help the spaghetti inside the boiling water. Remember you need just enough water to cover the spaghetti. Let it cook for 8 to 10 mins.
After that pour the spaghetti into a colander to strain the cooked spaghetti .
In a separate bowl mix water and tomato paste. Just enough water to make the paste runny. Return the strained spaghetti back to the saucepan on the flame and add your sauce. Stir for about a minute until the spaghetti absorbs the sauce and viola! 🍝
Replies: >>17077 >>17081
1 Great Value Cheese Pizza + 4 lbs Tyson Chicken Niggers w/ 5L Vodka
Replies: >>17077
the colours alone make me want to eat it.
It looks delicious, a nice texture, the right amount of sauce(?), not under cooked but not over COCKED that its too dry, made to perfection. 
Most of all, it looks like a healthy meal made from fresh ingredients. 
what is this dish, u must tell!

mmm yes another spaghetti enjoyer. I think spaghetti should be the official tubgurl meal.

>5L Vodka
can i come live with you? but only if the 4 lbs Tyson Chicken Niggers are the Fun dinosaur shaped Niggers
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I love spaghetti too.

Recipe: Ask your dad to cook you spaghetti.
whats ur opinion on meatballs sandwich
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meatball parm sub, so good
Replies: >>17122
Firehouse Subs makes a good meatball sub.
Replies: >>17126
Id let Ashley meballs sandwitch if you know what i mean?
Replies: >>17142
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Yeah, Firehouse Subs always get a good writeup for their subs. I don't have one in my area though. I'd like to see Review Brau do a review in his Report Of The Week
Replies: >>17140 >>17148
ashley, please stop your gender transition ;(
I take it you want Ashley to peg you with her horse dildo?
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For me its my sub of choice.
But heres the trick, I dont get a footlong sub, oh no. I get the six inch BUT I ask for double meatballs, that way i get all those hot meaty balls from a footlong in my mouth, but with half the bread.

I wanna see Ashley do a food review of something, of anything.
We have never seen her eat anything in her videos have we? 

basically what im saying is Im horny for some food porn featuring her.
Replies: >>17625
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Found this packet of Arby's sauce at work, I wonder how it tastes...
Replies: >>17209 >>17233
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Nuggets and mozzarella.
Made it in the air fryer
Gotta stay heathy XP
Replies: >>17205 >>17258
Enjoi your diarrhea
Chester is your coworker Kek did you take it home? Apparently horsey sauce is white... maybe Ashley has a new dream job producing horsey sauce at the horsey sauce factory?
Replies: >>17233
I know of a guy who has expert in milking getting horsey sauce.
he is a bit an expert, even has a whole youtube playlist on the subject
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>>6050 (OP) 
Does making coffee count as cooking?
Replies: >>17258 >>17261
those nuggies look like they might be a little overcooked and dry, were they?
and whats those 2 green things that look like a dildos?

probably not, but that looks like some damn good coffee
Replies: >>17261
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Nice. I made some cappuccino 
Yeah I think it needs less time in the fryer. But the texture was fine and moist.
Those are homemade pickled cucumbers. Haven’t you seen pickles before?
I’m pickle Riiiiick!
Replies: >>17283 >>17326
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>mug of hot liquid on laptop
>I’m pickle Riiiiick!
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needs horsey sauce
Replies: >>17326
>Those are homemade pickled cucumbers
whatever you do, dont invite Ashton around.

*all my holes water*
god damn, that looks damn good. excuse my retardedness but what is that on the left side of the plate, it looks like mashed pumpkin on something?
Replies: >>17327
Looks like a yam which is what normal people call them yeah, you think I forgot what happened on thanksgiving motherfucker? I'll never forget YAMS
Replies: >>17330
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Replies: >>17330 >>17331
I think you need to reinstall your OS buddy. seems to have this weird bug that keeps popping up when you type out "sweet potato" it cums out as "yam"

And I didnt forget Thanksgiving, how could I? because it feel good to yam you the fuck out!
awww shieeeeeeet!
*dabs up his fellow sweet potato homies*

Now those are some yams!
damn that shit looks delicious
whats ur opinion on buffalo sauce
Replies: >>17431
Honestly I find it a bit meh. Like, it's all right, but it's not at the top of my sauce list. Barbecue sauce, teriyaki sauce, and honey mustard are all top tire imo
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I know there are a few upside down Australiabros on the board. You guys ever eat at this place before the SJW police shut it down?
Replies: >>17457
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Steak tacos with cum.
Mmmmm is that corn?!
I’ve never had rare meat. Yet I find the pink unappealing.
Replies: >>17455
I don't like the taste of fully cooked food.
Replies: >>17467
cant say I ever did, but stone the flamin crows that Sally sheila got some nice buns on her,  i reckon shes a real top root fair dinkum
Bro I bet you got so many gay parasites inside of you right now
Replies: >>17468
Uhh...Actually they're called tummy pets, sweaty!
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it slightly bothers me that you didnt cut up the steak into smaller, cube like shapes for better entry into the food hole.
Still, that looks amazing

Whatever, I just ate an entire bag of picrel
Tasted good but pretty sure my morning poop is going to look like yellowish cheese powdered logs
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Steak, well done
Replies: >>17633
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Where I live, booze is illegal but, there’s this brand of carbonated grape juice that has some decent amounts of alcohol in it, and I drink it as a beverage with food and as a nightcap. So it’s like a loophole even though the company that makes it has denied the drink is alcoholic. But the drink certainly smells of it and it leaves a boozy breath when I drink it.
Replies: >>17633
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ask and ye shall receive...

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Liz Anya
Replies: >>17628
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Here are the layers of it.
Replies: >>17628

is that pieces of corn in your Liz Anya???
Replies: >>17631
Yep. Corn and green beans.
Replies: >>17633
brotha i like eating some dry meat every now and again too if ya know what i mean, but that could really use some sauce on it
Im curious, is there no mention of alcoholic content on the bottle? also, i really like those glasses 

>green beans
 in a beef lasagna?!??! u crazy
Replies: >>17634
>that could really use some sauce on it
Yes, I guess I could’ve done so. Someone else prepared it for me and I already bitched to them for it being too dry. It was my post exercise meal so I really didn’t care of its shortcomings. Also it would’ve been much tender if they had used a cleaver and some onions.
> is there no mention of alcoholic content on the bottle?
Nope. It’s against regulations. Doing so would render the product illegal. I think the grape juice ferments by itself on its way from the factory to the retailer.
>in a beef lasagna?!??! u crazy
that’s ground lamb and my family like to add stuff like soy, and vegetables to the meat.
Replies: >>17637
>Someone else prepared it for me and I already bitched to them for it being too dry. It was my post exercise meal so I really didn’t care of its shortcomings
oh thats fine then, i wouldn't complain about it either
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This is a special brew of coffee in my hometown. They let the coffee boil for hours and it has a lot of sugar in it. Then they add cardamom powder and rose water to give it a pleasant flavor.
Replies: >>17715
Very cute teacup
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Uh-Oh SpaghettiO spring rolls
Replies: >>17725
truly repulsive, nice!
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Thoughts on smiley fries?
Replies: >>17752
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First time I'm seeing them but I sure like to make some at home. They remind me of Monster Munch
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I love ice cream.
Replies: >>17828 >>17832
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vanilla ice cream cone
Replies: >>17832 >>17982
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Had one of these bad boys tonight. They have gone downhill over the years, particularly the lil chocolate bit at the bottom (hehe) but they are still solid

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Turkey steak
Replies: >>17905
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Nice plate and tablecloth, I assume you're from somewhere that isn't America. Did you know that in America they came up with the concept of a "struggle plate" which is what you eat when your Jewish overlords have taken too much of your money? I think non-Americans don't really realize how fucked things are for a significant percentage of the population in the U.S., see pic.
Replies: >>17906
Thank you.
No, I'm not in America.
I always thought the average American can afford an acceptable life with food as the least of their concerns. I know that people are struggling, especially people affected by natural disasters, those living in trailer parks, and white rural Americans who get the least attention from the media and the government but I had never heard of  a "struggle plate".
I hope your faring well, anon.
Although I have to admit things aren't exactly peachy where I live. Housing prices have gone through the roof and I don't think a working class family can afford anything decent to purchase after at least 20 years of working and I mean both spouses have to work. Our economy has also been stagnant these past few years and minimum wage is just over $1 U.S.
Groceries are affordable to us but there really isn't much left by the end of the month to be saved for the future.
Replies: >>17910
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ITT we post food we want Ashley to review
Replies: >>18004
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>I always thought the average American can afford an acceptable life with food as the least of their concerns.
I suspect most of your ideas about the United States are from television and movies? That's not a jab at you, I'm sure I have a bunch of false preconceived notions about wherever you're from.

The media, including the news media, is heavily controlled in the United States. You only see what you're supposed to see. I think it's so funny that you mentioned trailer parks specifically as a marker of poverty. Many trailer parks are nice; a lot of old people will retire in a seniors-only trailer park. Real poverty outside of the cities in the United States (which is the majority of the population) looks more like picrel, which is rural Appalachia, a region in the eastern US.

I'm sure you've seen the baby boomer memes, they're pretty much true. Millenials and zoomers have been pretty properly screwed over, with many of them never even dreaming of owning a house. In our case, both spouses absolutely have to work. The days of a single-income family are over for the average person (and for some, the idea of having a family due to poor relations between the genders, the expense of raising a child, etc.).

I'm not saying it's all bad here, because there are many, many worse places to live on this planet. I do however think many people outside the United States have a romanticized version of how great the land of the free must be (we have the highest incarceration rate in the world per capita - land of the free indeed).
Replies: >>17913 >>17937
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I wonder how many of the illegal migrants invading the U.S. will soon become disillusioned after spending some time here in the land of the "free".
Replies: >>17915 >>17918
To be fair a large portion of Mexicans are just coming here for better job opportunities and most of them are dads working 24/7 sending their paychecks back to mexico. Not very glamorous, they know that coming into it, but they love their families.
Replies: >>17925
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Where they live it is even worse. Especially Central Americans, Venezuelans, Ecuadorians .... Caribbean people in general.
You wouldn't believe how shitty life is for the working class there.
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This, if you want to be mad at someone about muh illegals, get mad at the "elected" officials who allow the migration to happen. The people coming here to the US themselves aren't to blame. These retarded boomers who get all upset about illegals (and blame the illegals for it), how about getting mad at your fellow huwhites who let them into the country? Oh that's right, because none of this is really about race, that's the divide and conquer narrative they need the retarded populace to believe. It's all about class. And unless you're a powerful millionaire who drinks baby blood, YOU are NOT a member of their class.
You are correct. Most of my knowledge about America comes from the media, which is not an accurate representation of real life.
I sometimes watch documentaries by independent groups and professional people about life in America. Those I think give the best insight to American life. I also keep in touch with a friend in California who’s living a decent life in Beverly Hills (interestingly enough Beverly Hills is a red territory.) and another friend in the South Central.
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im cooking some meatballs for us guys
This must be true. There aren't any niggers at the meatball factory.
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Looks like Swedish Meatballs in a sour cream sauce and if so, that's some good eating.
I've already seen this clip. A true classic.
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That's the face I make after eating watermelon.
Replies: >>17989
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Replies: >>18004
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lookin good

I want Ashley to review what i had for tea tonight.

3 microwaved hotdogs on 2 pieces of wholemeal bread and for a treat, a spread of margarine
Replies: >>18026
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Replies: >>18024
Popeyes chicken HELLWICH
Oh, blimey
That looks scrumptious, eh old bean? what what
Gawd Sa-yve tha King
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