/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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post your this is a lot like me and ashley's here
Replies: >>6074 >>8467 >>9174
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thirsty atheist.jpg
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Replies: >>3923
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Ash & I.jpg
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Replies: >>3821
Not Ashley, those legs are way too smooth and the feet don't make me want to kill myself
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Been sitting on this bad boy for a while. Thank OP
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Replies: >>3849
hunchback of notre DAMN.png
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This picture reminds me of the other film Ashley starred in
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neither of these people are me or ashley but i like the format
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Look, we are all thinking it. Someone has to be the first to admit it. This is the real this is a lot like me and ashley this is a lot like me in ashley.
Replies: >>3930 >>3932 >>3935

holy moly
I have no idea. I just saw it in a thread and thought, 'wow, this is quite similar to a situation that resembles ashley and I'
I too enjoy watching other people fuck.
Replies: >>3933
same bro, sometimes I even masturbate to it

it literally has a watermark
Replies: >>3938 >>3941
but anon hundreds if not a thousand girls or more are on the jules jordan site. we're asking for a name of the "model" not the website. I guess some dedicated coomer could comb through them all and let us know, but surely someone recognizes this jizz djinn.
once we know who she is, we can all bombard her with messages and ask her to do an ashley cosplay/parody. or ashley can hire her as a stuntman for particularly dangerous videos. this girl could be a vagina-double for ash. the possibilities!! use your head anon!!
We meant sauce for the HOT GIRL not the MAN you homo
Replies: >>3942
The girl was ashley. The guy was me. Go take out the garbage and go to bed junior.
lol why does lick her adams apple?!?
Replies: >>3953
Her name is Cadey Mercury. First result on Google for me, you retards. She's 5'5" and looks nothing like Ashley.
Replies: >>3958
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meh, close enough for me. *unzips dick*
Replies: >>3961
gather around its story time kids.png
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Only the real thing for me. Cadey Mercury does seem like a catch, though. She volunteers at a soup kitchen. She never dindu nuffin'.
Replies: >>3964 >>4027
anon can you post a picture for humans instead of ants please
Replies: >>3969
I can see it just fine.
Replies: >>3970
wow, really? be careful you don't get stepped on down there, little guy!
>wanting Ashley for sex
>not wanting Ashley for companionship
I want Ashley for a practical, stable relationship so I can go on an all inclusive casino resort and gambling vacation with her.
Replies: >>3980
I'm just glad I get to see Ashley again all grown up and looking fine as fuck 
and making funny videos before I die suddenly from the vaxx which is probably gonna happen sometime next year. Hopefully she will make another ASMR video that I can listen to while on my deathbed.
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assuming you live anon, which frankly isn't looking very likely, I hope you've learned your lesson. never let them fool you again
>a practical, stable relationship
A bit too much to ask for a 13 yo boy
Replies: >>3985
Damn they made to take the vax? I just assumed we were all pure bloods here. Fuck I'm sorry bro. What happened?
Replies: >>3984 >>3987 >>4004
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I'm sorry you got suckered. Never trust the science. Don't be fooled again.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=DaX1KiHznR8 [Embed]
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to be fair anon nobody "made" him take it. b-but muh job isn't an excuse. I'll take homelessness over death any day of the week.

Nevertheless, I'll pray for you vaxxanon. Hope you got one of the saline shots.
I'm not after a 13 yo boy. I'm after a 24 yo woman.
You'll probably be fine. I walked off my job when they told me to get the vaxx. The guy that gave me shit about it died because of it.
No, not all of us. A few of them have mentioned taking the vaxx before.
The firm I work for wanted me to get vaxxed when everyone was returning to the office and I just lied and said I did. They never asked me for proof and if they did I was just going to quit. Still I feel horrible for people put in that situation. The fact that they tried to mandate it federally is insane.
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My workplace wanted me vaxxed. I tried stalling them as long as I could until the mandate was lifted but HR kept hounding me over it to the point where I could have been terminated. I've been unemployed before and it was goddamn miserable. Long story short, This job is one of the best I've had in awhile, so I'd hate to lose it and be back in the dark hole I was once in. It's been a little over a year since my jab and I haven't experienced any blood clots, rashes, or any other crazy shit I've been reading about online. Anyways, I reached the point of no return so if it kills me, whatever, this world is going to shit anyways. If not, I get to continue enjoying Ashley's content =^)
Replies: >>4028 >>4030
If it helps I know four people who are vaxxed and they’re fine so far. I have had a few friends and coworkers who’s relatives have died recently though. Also a woman in my office now has chest problems and basically gets sick with Covid every 3 or 4 months
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This is a lot like me and Ashley.
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This is a lot like Ashley and I.
Replies: >>4012 >>4014
Why'd you guys split?
Replies: >>4013
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It's OK, we're cool again.
going to use this life hack to save bread when the economy shits the bed
Replies: >>4016 >>4017
Im gonna eat the bread then shit the bed
Replies: >>4017
whatever you guys do don't shit the bread
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rose watching ashley make a wholeass movie about dudes wanting her to have a dick
She's cool for working at a soup kitchen. At least she has a heart of gold
Replies: >>4033
at least you didn't get boosters or whatever. That's good
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hope you make it anon but there's NO job worth dying for
I feel like it's for community service and not because she volunteers out of the kindness of her heart. I volunteer at a soup kitchen. Everyone there is from a local church. No hot porn actresses.
Replies: >>4036
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do they actually serve soup at a soup kitchen? what's on the menu anon
Replies: >>4038 >>4080
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I don't know what's on the menu but.....

https://youtube.com/watch?v=TLfmEZYdtrY [Embed]
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I don't know about other soup kitchens but the food here is basically what you would get in a school lunch. It comes from the local food bank and volunteers prepare and serve it. You just walk in and grab a tray and then you can go back through and grab another. They only offer water to drink except on Friday and Sunday.
Here is the scene in question

She really doesnt look like her, apart from a slightly similar hairstyle
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this is a lot like me and ashley
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Very nice to see the board dead as shit apart from some degenerate coomer. We haven't even started our ascent up this fucking mountain.
Replies: >>4180
That's because we all went to fuck your mom. I'm back early because the line was too long.
Replies: >>4181
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>we all went to fuck your mom
A time traveler from 1992?
Replies: >>4182
Is your mom dead?
No, your insulting tone is moldy as shit but it's so refreshing to have someone actually post here that I'm ok with it. Thank you
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I mentioned this back on the tranny board, but my mom had strong Ashley vibes as a teenager in the 80's. Makes me feel strange.
Replies: >>4194
https://youtube.com/watch?v=5NV6Rdv1a3I [Embed]
death cult that cant reason with reality
you were always who I knew you were
Who here will stand and be recognized is the question?
Replies: >>4194
eeeeh, kind of..... the one on the left If Im being generous, has a vague similarity

Now if Im being rude, the one on the right looks more like Andy Milonakis

anon your drunk the music thread is over there
Replies: >>4199
>Andy Milonakis

isn't that a lateral comparison?

(i'm just kidding)
I'm drinking some ice cold water that I left outside for a bit
https://youtube.com/watch?v=QAhvvQQurw4 [Embed]
this is a lot like ashley and ashleyj.webm
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this will be a lot like me and ashley.gif
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this is a lot like me and ashley.jpg
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Replies: >>4352
https://youtube.com/watch?v=EtxADoAB30c [Embed]

this is a lot like me and Ashley :(
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this is a lot like me and ashley
Replies: >>5324
this could be ash if she did squats
Replies: >>5330
Community Poll:

Big butt Ashley. Yes or No?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

(If voting concludes with "yes" we will bully Ashley to eat more chalupas and get on a regular squat routine.)

I'll start.

[X] Yes
[ ] No
Replies: >>5338 >>5343 >>5361
flaunt a wall.jpg
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Ashley already hit the wall, now she just needs to flaunt it. I'd spray tag that wall with my cum.
Replies: >>5336
That's not a vote bro
We could all fatten Ashley up as a community. Everyone is a vegan until they're sitting on $50 of Burger King gift cards. Donate shit tons of piggy food. McDonalds, Burger King, she couldn't resist herself. In a few months, we'll have some real livestock on our hands.
Replies: >>5339
I actually had this idea. I was going to send her a lot of Little Caesar's and Papa Murphy's gift cards after she mentioned she no longer ate cheese but I'm sure she's smart enough to realize she could resell them online.
Replies: >>5340
Yup, she'd probably buy some gay shit like kale or lettuce instead of a hot and fresh cheesy, melt in your mouth pizza pie. How do we make ashley transfat?
Replies: >>5341
Slampig fatshley with a dark tan and a maid outfit. Not a sexy maid outfit, the kind they give the mexican workers at hotels.

[X] Yes
Replies: >>5342
ay dios mio.webm
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[ ] Yes
[X] No
Replies: >>5344
put your avatar on Seabee, we all know you like spooky skeletons
Replies: >>5349
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[ ] Yes
[X] No

Let me add to the mix

Big Breast Ashley

[ ] Yes
[X] No
I'll take a SLIGHTLY bigger butted ash but she is fine. She is a taco person so it wouldn't take a lot of work for her to butt out. It will probably happen naturally when she finally walls. That said I think if we're talkin sex appeal people like that she is smoll
Replies: >>5351 >>5354
People wall because of their lifestyle. If she maintains being healthy then she's pushing that wall up at least until she's a grandma.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=O6oJA_xhTa8 [Embed]
Replies: >>5354
Big Black Sassy Ashley

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If Ashley hitting the wall is wrong then I don't wana be right.
Looking forward to the Onlyfans BLACKED ash livestream
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No sex or nudity needed. I just want to see her perfect tummers
Replies: >>5357 >>5365
Gross it looks like someone stabbed a screwdriver through her a few times
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【i dó not thinku it wourd be good if ashrey became fat rike pig, there is enough of pig in america... she is smarru and nice the way she is. mai vote is [x] no!!】
This is a lot like me and Ashley.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=LXxW1d6q_mw [Embed]
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the midriff is super underrated
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This is a lot like... Ashley's, older lesbian sister that works at the local library
Replies: >>5368 >>5369 >>5476
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this is a lot like me and chinkshley
Replies: >>5368
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wwwwwwww this one rooks rike rinda

why dó beautifurru asian girru gó foru ugry white man arru the taim? why not make more asian baby? (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
Gross it's mature Linda. Now where's the real life depiction of Barry?
that's totally linda irl.
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This is a lot like Ashley and I
Replies: >>5837
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ashleys and me
Replies: >>5595
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This is a lot like me and Ashley.
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a lot like me and i am very old
Replies: >>5636 >>5676
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هذا يشبهني كثيرًا وأشلي
Replies: >>5676
where is that from? that boy looks just like ash
Replies: >>5642
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this is a lot like me and ashley, but i wanna be der blonde
Replies: >>5644
are you some sort of faggot queer tranny sympathizer?
Replies: >>5684
is that edited? whats it from? it looks a lot like her from the Antiques video, if she had brown skin (gross)
please refrain from posting her family reunion photos
Replies: >>5684
i just didn't want to call attention to her non-aryan status.

it's from lotr and i picked it precisely because of the 70's hair
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Oh she’s got 70s hair alright  :^)
(70s public hair that is lol)
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>You got trouble getting female attention? Get Auschwitz skinny and wear women's jeans.
-Scam Hide

It's true. For ash it's 90s metal guys but go back 70 years to greasers in the 50s and it's really the same look with different hair. Anyway if she wants to do the 90s rocker look I would say it's probably tough to do without just coming off as dyky. Not that she cares but I'm saying it's not the same look. I could see her doing like a Joan Jett kind of thing with her current aesthetic though.

>Takes down tranny sympathizer rule 
>Makes a post saying she wants to look like a man but not in a tranny way
Slope gettin slippery. What's next?
Replies: >>5700
>I will make do with what I have and emulate these males in a method to where I am still female and not approaching any genuine attempt to appear intimidating or masculine

Many lesbians do this, often they chainsmoke(don't smoke Ashley it's bad) and say many bad words, though they never had the balls to say anything racist. I have had many run-ins with these types of women on the job, one was in her 50s and was speeding, knocking over traffic cones while blasting Slipknot. I was in the backseat of the truck holding back laughter while "I PUSH MY FINGERS INTO MY" was playing, she was very serious, angry, and sleep deprived(they all were) by the looks of it. A younger one, probably on hormones given her muscular definition, constantly joked about dildos and vaginas, she had a "shuaby", a device that allows women to urinate as men do. Another I saw in a dream about a month before seeing her in real life. She was in the passenger seat of my car, outside is a bright, shining fog, she turns to me and burns my shoulder with a ciggarrette, then the dream ends. I felt the burning in the dream and then in real life for a few minutes, only in that particular little spot on my right shoulder. These women also seemed to be somewhat independant thinkers, not in the typical "rebelious" way women tend to be, though they weren't aware of that. Also they all had fat girlfriends that looked like the fat guy with the sunglasses at the end but with less facial hair.
Replies: >>5696
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>I am a very independant person who's opinions are formed fully on my own, they are not gathered by means of trying to appease some social movement.

I'm a quasi fan of Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet etc. There's a line in Hamlet, "To thine own self be true." Looks like that's what the Ash is doing in emulating the Bard. Got to watch out for the land mine though. If you're being different just to be different, which I'm sure she's not doing, then you're no being true to yourself.
>I have considered working out my arms to build muscles, but who am I fooling?
Working out is something you should do regardless of what gender you wanna incorporate. You'll become a better version of yourself.
lots of lezzos with mullets making the randy rhoads look work. eg, billy nomates, amy taylor.

I saw the alpha lesbian the other day. I was in the parking lot of a convenience store getting ready to go home with my chips and soda pop when a big red pickup pulled in and parked on a slight incline. That's what dudes do to indicate that they don't want their paint job scratched. In the rear window was a decal of a confederate flag, deer antlers and the words "country girl." I turned my engine off and waited to see what got out. I figured there was no way it could be a chick. It had to be some dude driving his sister's rig. Finally, after what felt like forever, this chick gets out looking like Arthur fucking Fonzarelli. She had jeans and a sleeveless white t-shirt. She stood next to her truck combing her greased up Fonzi hair for almost five minutes and then started shifting her junk around. She put her whole moose knuckle down one side. I wanted to step out of my car and applaud.
Replies: >>5702
Dykes from the 80s make me diamonds. I think it's rumored Joan Jett is a lesbian. I recall she isn't married and has worn some secret lesbian logo like the pedos  do with their triangle logo to signal.

>Takes down tranny sympathizer rule 
>Makes a post saying she wants to look like a man but not in a tranny way
>Slope gettin slippery. What's next?
Some rules go unspoken

>Ashley's waifu
I worked with a lesbo years ago who would dress like a guy. She would wear these baggy Dickies pants that sagged down enough to see her boxer briefs,  she rolled her short sleeves up to show off her well-defined arms that had cool tattoos, she had on Airwalk shoes or combat boots. She kept her hair short and always looked pissed off, even on her ID badge she looked angry but she would smile whenever I waved to her if we walked by each other or I'd see her and another (possibly gay) female worker chatting it up on the floor. She also drove a big pickup truck and always in an aggressive manner. She was basically a bad bitch. You know in those dumb high school movies where girls are gushing over the tough rebellious guy that didn't give a shit? That was how I saw her. She sure was hot. I hope she didn't become a tranny.
Replies: >>5724
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the photograph attached to this post is indubitably akin to Ashley and my self
why are lesbians so angry? is it because they've never had a good dicking? the only lesbians i've met were PE teachers at school. they were always lesbians.
Replies: >>5732 >>5742
Everyone thought our PE teacher was a fat dyke until she announced she married a male teacher at the same school. Blew our minds.
Replies: >>5736
He taught her how to love dick amirite. I still think about my high school gym teacher. She didn't look too dyke like but she wasn't very feminine. She always had her hair tied back and wore a hoodie with gym shorts. Her gruffness and masculinity were unique compared to all other women I knew and it really attracted me to her, even though she was in her 40's.
Replies: >>5738
I think we all sexualized our teachers even if they were a bit ugly or weird. When I look back, I realize I was just a horny young lad.
I want to believe the angry lesbian thing is an unfair generalization, but in high school I used to take a shortcut through the back of the gym. Apparently, it was too close to the girl's locker room and the dyke coach tore me a new one over it. I thought she was just being protective of the girls, but then she got busted for diddling.
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You guys had female gym teachers? Shit, I had to go to an all boys Catholic high school and my gym teachers were males who liked to watch us taking a shower after gym class.
Replies: >>5753

We had a head coach (giggidy) who was a violent illiterate crackhead. An assistant coach who was a gay pedo with shaven legs. Then the dykey girl's coach. It's wild how no generation picks up on the red flags in the education system.
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me and ashley make book
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Me and Ash in monument valley circa 70's I guess
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I like watermelon, I wonder if ash likes water melon too.
Replies: >>5792
I've never seen a black person IRL eat watermelon despite all the stereotypes, along with soup and spaghetti.
Replies: >>5810
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I don't know if i can be vegan though.
That's because they're upgraded to watermelon flavored kool aid
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You seem like a 16/3. They burn out easily. Ashley needs a 10/3 in her life. It's thicc and made to last longer when plugged in.
Replies: >>5844
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Say watt? Are you grounding me for life? I must meditate on that, ohm, ohm.
Replies: >>5845 >>5848
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Hey, old salt. Let me tell you something. I'll have Ashley know that I wear the Joe Boxer boxers that have the smiley face with it's tongue sticking out on the front because my dingaling has a swingaling so when I walk about, it looks like it's licking it's lips. Pic related is what I wear around the house.
Replies: >>5851
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I know not what course others may take; as for me, give me boxer briefs or give me death.
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Switched to briefs when I hit 30 and never looked back. It's the look and feel of total masculine maturation. Make the leap. I promise you wont go back.
Replies: >>5857
That's like dawning a stolen WWE belt if you haven't had any kids yet. You have to earn those shit stains.
Replies: >>5859
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Oh I got a spawn running around out there somewhere allegedly. Long story. If it’s any consolation I don’t have the true whitey tighties. Those don’t unlock until you hit your 40s. I wear the extremely sleek and sexy “ Hanes Men's FreshIQ ComfortSoft Briefs”. I find the darker colors not only hide stains better but compliment my hairy beer gut nicely. I got a lot of climbing to do before I earn my whites though. Strongly agree.
Replies: >>5860
Hell yea brother. Just a heads up, wearing briefs that cradle your junk up to your body kills sperm when your balls are trying to cool down. Just passing that tid bit along in case anyone needs it.
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The only correct choice among underpants is those in which your balls are free and they get at least some air. In general, a real man should walk around his house without panties and give his genitals maximum freedom. At least start sleeping with a naked ass, it's much more comfortable than anything.
Replies: >>5863 >>5869
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speaking of balls, this is a lot like me and Ashley
What if the springs in the mattress break through a little in your sleep and you roll over the qrong way and rip your cock and balls apart
Replies: >>5868
Maybe if you are an FTM trans with fake genitals, or they are made of paper.
Replies: >>5874
This is the only correct answer. Panties are for little girls, real men let their balls hang where god intended them. Plus boxer boners make me proper moist.
All it takes is one little pinprick in the right spot to drain your balls for life, you ever rip your foreskin? The pain is chronic until it heals, not unbearable sure, but always noticeable, what if it gets infected, maybe you just get a UTI, maybe ED, maybe they circumsise you, maybe they amputate. Now I agree with you when it comes to boxers, tighter underwear is more dangerous than going commando, the horror stories Ive heard from men getting their balls twisted out of place, thats not something one of your buddies can fix, you have to go to an old pajeet physician to fondle your balls back into place or you'll be castrated and in chronic pain for the rest of your life. Then there's the everpresent threat of the zipper snaring your cock, how do you think the paramedics get that out? None of this is to say that the thin cloth of your underwear will save you, nothing will, but you run around naked you'll eventually find out that society never takes your balls into account, they designed practically everything to be unisex, you'll sit in the wrong place, bump into the wrong person, fall in the wrong way, and you're done for.
Replies: >>5880 >>5885
You are either a hypochondriac or you have the most dangerous mattress on the planet. Who hasn't hit their balls? Yes, it's painful and unpleasant, shit happens. The eyes are also fragile, and you can fantasize as much as you like how the bird will pierce them with its beak. People survive cock and ball torture, you can survive the occasional poking with a spring. 
I didn't say you shouldn't wear panties under your pants in everyday life. Let the underpants collect urine, sweat and feces instead of pants, they are easier to wash.
As a proud owner of phimosis - in 28 years of my life zipper has never pinched my foreskin. Maybe you just need to choose the right size pants and be less clumsy.
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Well if you guys are too immature to understand briefs you’re seriously not ready for the ultimate final boss
Replies: >>5886

In high school there was a kid who got testicular torsion so bad he had to have surgery. I ragged on him hard, but the thing is his brother was my best friend and since we hung out all the time everybody thought I was the one got his balls twisted. Since then I've always had a Final Destination fear that I'm predestined to get my balls knotted up.
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I never had a childhood, so I regressively wear big stinkers
Replies: >>5897 >>5898
Josh Thomas from TheBitBlock lurks here?
Top tier. Funny how we begin and end life rockin these bad boys
Replies: >>5946 >>5956
My balls get stuck to my inner thighs if I wear boxers, especially in the Summer. It just feels uncomfortable not having any support which is why I prefer low rise trunks or briefs. SAXX, MeUndies, Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger are my go-to brands for underwear. I'm not an underwear connoisseur by any means I just prefer the comfort and quality since cheaper brands fall apart within a year, especially after a few cycles in the dryer. I'll admit that I wear my Fruit of the Looms to the gym because I don't care if they get destroyed from swamp ass.

Embarrassing story: One day I wore my sister's underwear by mistake when I was a kid because they got mixed in with my laundry. They were a plain pair without prints so I assumed they were mine and slipped them on before rushing out the door to catch the bus. It wasn't until I got to school I realized I wore the wrong underwear and was in full panic mode the rest of the day because I was afraid someone would notice since I had on these baggy camo pants that would sag down so I had to be more careful not to expose them. Thankfully gym class was cancelled otherwise it would've be a nightmare changing in the locker room. Once I got home I switched them out immediately and threw them somewhere in the laundry room and played video games the rest of the night to help me forget.
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Some of us never stop.
Replies: >>5954 >>5985
Nice 😎 Plus diaper boners make me proper moist.
Hopefully I'll be dead long before I reach that age where I need some deadbeat PSW to change me and feed me some shitty microwavable meals.
Replies: >>5957
Nice 😎 Plus coffin boners make me proper moist.
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Is this better?
Replies: >>5986
what is the meaning of this post
Replies: >>5990
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Replies: >>5994 >>5998
with a big brain like that, i bet he can remember who his father is
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>Wogs got to make up a deity and they just made a smart guy
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>>3815 (OP) 
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Me and kind christian girl Ashley.
Replies: >>6083
Ashley, im begging you, please fuck some niggers for us. Its 2023, you've been overage for far too long... im giving one last chance, you'll be drowning in my shitcoins, ill even pay for your reassignment surgery...
girl on the right looks like she'd make a good elementary school teacher
you just know if she fucked a nog and recorded it that you would endlessly cry. thats a subtle comedy video.
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what the fuck is wrong with you
Replies: >>6094
Replies: >>6094
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Don't be too hard on the boy, he's probably at the most 10 years old.
whatever pedofag
Spoiler File
(29.8KB, 499x338)
Anon, I already have the footy. If you want to see it, I'll need you to send me some of your shitcoins first...
Pretty sure your the only dude here that wants to see her get BLACKED, Styx
Replies: >>6101
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pls no bully styx
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[Hide] (3.7MB, 720x404, 01:07)
this is a lot like me and ashley in 20 years
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Guys there is this large, blue haired woman standing outside my bedroom window. 
She's been staring at me like this for nearly 3 hours... should I call the police?
Replies: >>6321 >>6322 >>6324
maybe she thinks your gnome house is a drug den? If possible, go out and show her where she can get some heroin.
I want to live inside giant ashley
She just wants some egg rolls. Are you Asian? She does this to Asian people. I'm really sorry, I'll come pick her up right now.
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don't know if this has been posted yet and i'm not gonna look.
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This, unfortunately, will never be like me and Ashley.
Replies: >>6486
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>oh damn I love seafood too
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this is a lot like me and ashley. im on the left.
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me on the right
Replies: >>6792
my older sister looks A LOT like Olivia Cooke.
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This is a lot like Ashley and I.
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this is a lot like me and ashley
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this is a lot like me
Replies: >>6821
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this is it me and ashley
missed a comma
this is an Ashley and me thread ONLY, thank you
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this is a lot like me and sashley
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Esto es muy parecido a Ashley y a mí.
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Это очень похоже на меня и Эшли.
C'est un peu comme moi et Ashley
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This is a lot like meer and katshley
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this is a lot like me and ashley
Replies: >>6978 >>6994
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hol up the cat has tits
Replies: >>6985
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this a lot like me and Ashley whenever I post some OC and it gets lots of (You)s
Replies: >>6997
huh yeah... and only two of them :(

 you will never be as this happy as Garfield is in that pic 
Replies: >>6995
>Garfield wedding cards
There’s no limit at which Jim Davis would stop whoring out Garfield for commercial branding.
Replies: >>7001
idk i look that happy when i remember i can masturbate again
Replies: >>6996
Why couldn’t you masturbate? Sporting accident?
Replies: >>6998 >>6999
have a (you)
Replies: >>7001
naw i just nutted too much in one day. it happens during winter and summer break. i'm still a student so i guess you can say im vital.
bmx olympics
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He even made poor old Jon drink dog semen that one time

ty! you made my night anon
Replies: >>7002 >>7005 >>7014
If that made your night, wait until you get a load of this. Here's ANOTHER (you). Enjoy, you deserve it.
Replies: >>7006
(you) dropped this, king
Replies: >>7007
>If that made your night
>get a load of this

If you REALLY want to make my night, can you give me your load instead?
I'd enjoy that.

hahaha Im just kidding lol



ok guys stop, Im getting a boner from all this attention

Ashley is this what feels like to be a girl?
Okay not gonna give you an official (you) to your post because I dont wanna be caught in some gay shit
Replies: >>7013
I wanted to know about it but always forgot to ask. What is Ashley's opinion about "lasagna cat"? Is it cringe or does she like it? As a person who does not care about Garfield i like Tom and Jerry, i really liked the videos from this channel.
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heres a forced (you). youre a fag now. nobody reply to me because im straight. also this is a lot like me and ashley.
Replies: >>7131
I think he came out and said that the drink is some kind of protein shake veterinarians give to pregnant animals but I still like to think it's dog cum.
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This is a lot like me and Ashley.
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this is lot like me and you, ashley
Replies: >>7168
I’m guessing a minecraft dick would have hard 90 degree edges. Would be pretty painful for someone from our dimension. Now minecraft coochee on the other hand would be the inverse but I’m thinking as long as it was hot and wet enough I could probably make it work
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This is a lot like us and Ashley.
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this is a lot like me and ashley
>tfw having to start use the catalog because theres more and more posts each day
Replies: >>7295 >>7299
If you build it they will cum
[Hide] (7.3MB, 624x1088, 00:12)
Yeah, I had to go to page 2 to catch up on all the new posts!

this a lot like me and Ashley when we fight over the last egg roll.
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This is a lot like me and Ashley.
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This is a lot like me and ash
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This? This is a lot like me and Ashley.
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This is a LOT like me and Ashley
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this is a lot like me and ashley at walmart
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This is a lot like me and ashley

I like when she presses my buttons.
Replies: >>7728 >>7737
I thought that was a dick in the thumbnail
Replies: >>7729
Thank god it wasnt because I beat off anyways
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>Hispanic food aisle
I'm a dude, but that would actually piss me off. Like bitch I'm trying to play Animal Crossing!!!
Replies: >>7738 >>7739
Yeah but the screen isn't even on. This bitch can entertain herself with a black screen.
Replies: >>7740
so you'd be more upset about your animal crossing session being interrupted than the man's cock up your ass?
Replies: >>7741
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Sh- she's not a real gamer?
>she's married

It's over
Replies: >>7749
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This is just a larp she does to keep stalker tier orbiters at bay.
j/k you wish fags hahaha
t. ash's husbuendo
Replies: >>7750
I am actually Ashley's husband. I don't mind she farms you guys for our food and money. Thx faggots
Replies: >>7751
Weird, last time I checked I was her husband. And she makes me cook burritos for her every day (sometimes twice) so obviously this farming business of hers isn't working out very well. send help
Replies: >>7752
أنا زوج آشلي وأنا مشغول جدًا في أبو ظبي لدرجة أنني لا أتحدث عن ألعابها الصغيرة التي تلعبها على الإنترنت
Replies: >>7753 >>7755
I'm going to drone strike your ass while I'm pounding Ash cake

Асхлеиин муж овде, пошаљите још Монеро наша деца умиру од глади, покушавамо да побегнемо од украјинско-израелског бизниса трговине сексом
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عن ماذا تتحدث يا احمد؟ اشلي هي زوجتي. هي الملكة في حريمتي وتعلم جميع الفتيات الأخريات كيف يصبحن "ball de-spunkers".
احب حياتي.
Replies: >>7756
I'm too lazy to translate this... I'm just going to assume you're thanking me for the drone strike and want to despunk my bawls
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this is a lot like me and ashley
Ashley has boomer truther tier opinions. She's not Might is Right pilled, psyopped with vegetarianism. Doesn't seem to grasp the weight of the agenda to mix away roots, mix everyone into their meltingpots, remove tradition and replace with consumer culture aka false culture. 
Fighting each other is what they want but she seems to miss or downplay the fact that they actively accomplish this by shifting multiracial masses into their goyslop communities where they can easily stoke fighting via psyops, to keep everyone in this mode proving how non racist they are, to ingrain civnat mentality, also used for future "racial healing" psyops. The main objective is gearing everything into what is ultimately used to erase Whites. Non Whites are weaponized by elite and non elite Jews as part of an agenda and natural inclination to wipe out Whites, to breed in the new Kalergite gens. Jewtopianism. She is aware of Barbara Spectre in old vids but i'm not so sure Ashley gets all this.
Replies: >>7759 >>7761
Cool story bro. Where is your "this is a lot like me and ashley" post?
Replies: >>7762
Also, Ashley is not redpilled on diet. 

>elites want us weak
>yet doesn't grasp what goyslop is
>disregards the most natural healthy food sources that made men and women the strongest mentally and physically, and women the most fertile.
I will use my might shekels to bang your mom
Replies: >>7763

Don't have one and never will.

Dropped these because i felt like hitting up a thread she might look at. Don't care to engage with any tards, just trying to drop a few redpills on a person who may or may not be receptive. She's kind of an oldfag, been around redpill circles but she still seems a bit off the mark. 

Anyways, enjoy the simping.
Replies: >>7765
I am your mom. Get off the internet and go out and play!
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Let's keep things on track. This is a lot like me and Ashley-kun
Replies: >>7769
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Trump is back and he's gonna make America great again again.
Replies: >>7766

Wow so heckin based!

Replies: >>7772
this looks comfy af
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this is a lot like me and ashley
Replies: >>7774 >>7791
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Cool it with the antisemitism, anon. Ashley is Jewish.
Replies: >>9479
That's child porn.
When this guy gets a boner he probably needs a blood transplant to support all that blood flow. Jesus that's a huge cock (no homo)
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thissalot likeme anashley
you eat the box too?
This is literally me and Ashley

this is a lot like me and Ashe

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this is a lot like me and ashley
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this is a lot like me and catshley
Replies: >>7979 >>8010
the second one is so cute it almost looks fake
is she the one on the left because that cat has love hearts on it and Ash has a lot of love to give?
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[Hide] (2.7MB, 480x480, 01:26)
This is a lot like me and Ash.
Replies: >>8029
thats cute and all Seabee (ty for your service) butt which one of you is the white cat and which one is the black?
Replies: >>8033
[Hide] (3.5KB, 55x55)
The color white signifies purity, innocence and minimalism, all qualities possessed by Ashley. So the white cat obviously is Ashley.
If you look closely the other cat is not black, it is gray.The color gray signifies wisdom, honor and conservatism, all qualities possessed by yours truly. So the gray cat  obviously is me.
Replies: >>8036
It would be funny if those who filmed this video also have a black cat, and that black cat from time to time puts his BBCC under the tail of this pure white kitty.
Replies: >>8038
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You know the old saying, If you're black step back, if you're gray, hey, hey, hey and if you're white you're all right.
Replies: >>8042
That's it I'm signing up to be in the military just to run and chant this
Replies: >>8044
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The way the "new woke" military is now you'd probably face Captain's Mast if you chanted this while doing P E on the grinder. You should wait to sign up until the pendulum starts swinging the other way again. Thank you for your future service.
this is a lot like me and ashley
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this is a lot like me and Ashley
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this is a lot like me and ashley
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this is a lot like me and Ashley
Replies: >>8252 >>8269
Replies: >>8255 >>8256
‪(346) 298-4146‬ is ashley's number if anyone wants to call it
Replies: >>8256
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...I forgot my image
Replies: >>8265
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Gay- On
Replies: >>8268
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Replies: >>8272
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>english dub
I shiggy
Replies: >>8300
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Replies: >>8293
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The representation needs to be a little bit more accurate.
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>English dub
I cant read jap because Im not a weeb who plays VN's and i cant read english so how else am I supposed to follow along.... GOSH

Replies: >>8302
Listen here you weeb denier. I'd rather deep throat Ashley's bunions after a 5 mile race than listen to corny bad voice acting in anime.
Replies: >>8304 >>8325
Now that I think of it, that's not much of a punishment to most people here.
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eeeeeeh it's a punishment for sure but if I have to slobber on some gross feet at least they're ashley's gross feet. Cowboy Bebop was the only good dub I've ever seen but I don't watch anime. The only anime I've watched in the last ten years was Durarara.
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>deep throat Ashley's bunions after a 5 mile race
good god.....
thanks anon now I have something else to masturbate to instead of my 6 hour marathon of K-on
 i really like their short skirts 
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this is a lot like me and ashley
Replies: >>8373
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this could be us
Replies: >>8373
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This is a lot like me and Ashley. I'm the pasta she ate too much of.
Replies: >>8373
she looks like she wants to leave! Or maybe thats Cathy's social anxiety, which is a lot like Ashley.
And youre a bit of a Mr McFeely of sorts according to this local Police database profile on you....
So I guess it that really is a lot like you and Ashley.

that girls is kind of cheating with those lifts on her shoes.
Still hot though
so youre saying you make her vomit?!?
Replies: >>8393
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Replies: >>8378 >>8383
Based. She said that her husband didn't touch her until she turned 16 though. If this was actually like me and ashley I would teach her how man milk is made at age 9.
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This is a lot like me and Ashley. I'm one spicy meatball UwU
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>local Police database
cool story bro
Replies: >>8397
here we go with the fartfag drama
Yooooo recent background check gang represent not a single traffic accident accounted for vehicular manslaughter gang gang
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this is a lot like me and ashley
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this is a lot like me and this website
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Replies: >>8516
[Hide] (3.3MB, 368x480, 00:23)
this is a lot like me and Ashley every night
Spoiler File
(413.8KB, 480x864, 00:09)
>>3815 (OP) 

ash signs me this lullaby before bedtime
Replies: >>8468
sings* i'm retarded
Replies: >>8469
>ash signs me this lullaby before bedtime
He wetaded AND deaf
Replies: >>8507
[Hide] (3.9MB, 512x284, 01:23)
This is a lot like me and Ashley, except I don't smoke or drink and would be happy if Ashley danced for me.
Spoiler File
(3.9MB, 984x720, 00:26)
can confiwm

i lost my heawing when i fiwst visited icum.to

thewe was a nasty audio file in which a 13yo boy was scweaming about a weiwd movie called tiktok twanny and gwiftews and monewo

also the audio was mostly pannned to the wight, so i can still heaw a little bit with my left eaw

concewning wetadedness, i am equally wetaded in both eaws
this will actually be me and ashley when she sees my place
Replies: >>8517
pretty sure that's what that anon was trying to say
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this is a lot like ashley
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this is a lot like me and Ashley
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Ashley is on the right
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ashley/me/this = all very similar
Replies: >>8945 >>8950
Replies: >>8947
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Replies: >>8951
not funny
this is the peak male according to ashley
Replies: >>8953
That's the male peak according to you.
Replies: >>8955
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Nah if you hung out in the live streams she has stated that is pretty much her ideal man
Replies: >>8963
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You're just jelly that I get to meet her sweet abuelita and watch Blood In Blood Out with her hermano.
Replies: >>8979
[Hide] (10.6MB, 576x1024, 02:14)
It was funny enough I got her to have you take a pic with McDonalds. We had a good long laugh at that but you photoshopping her in is the cherry on top. She loves being pinned down and taking my mongoloid cock like a dog in heat while knowing her biggest simp is in a parking lot masturbating to her.
<-- check the moves, hobo
Replies: >>8965
I'm literally crying because of how much of a pathetic faggot you are. 0/10 larp. Cool story, bro. I know where you sleep at night and it's not with Ashley. It's with men.
Replies: >>8967
[Hide] (5.1MB, 576x1024, 00:28)
Didn't want to have to do this bro. Sometime you got to take out the trash...
Replies: >>8968 >>8977
>Ashleys BF
Proof that you aren't her husband. BF must stand for butthole faggot. I'm ashleys husband and I just got done feeding her her nightly goop (my cum).
Replies: >>8975
اسمح لي أن أشرح لك شيئًا يا ديف. هناك نوعان من الناس الغاضبين في هذا العالم: المتفجرون والانفجار. المتفجر هو نوع الشخص الذي تراه يصرخ في أمين الصندوق لعدم أخذ كوبوناته. Cuck هو أمين الصندوق الذي يظل هادئًا يومًا بعد يوم ويطلق النار أخيرًا على الجميع في المتجر. أنت أمين الصندوق. كما أعلم أننا فعلنا هذه النكتة من قبل ولكني أشعر بالملل.
No, you are not. You can’t even cook. 👨‍🍳
You're the one wearing the garbage bag.
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Replies: >>8982
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The resemblance is uncanny. You're the monkey-lizard on my back.
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This is a lot like me and Ashley.
Replies: >>9170 >>9298
me on the right
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>>3815 (OP) 
this is a lot like me and Ashley when she live streams our first date
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This is a lot like /ashleyj/
Replies: >>9309
4chan art/OC is so fucking ugly and obnoxious. And its everywhere now too, normies using it.
Replies: >>9310 >>9311 >>9316
4chan is basically for normies now, especially /pol/
Almost as bad as crying about it
Replies: >>9316
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I miss the 2000s memes
This. If you try to look up an image of pepe to use as a reaction or whatever, many of the results are pictures of STICKERS of pepe, being sold on some plug n play ecommerce store.

I see people post on 4chan using pictures of pepe stickers as reaction images. I don't think it's ironic.

I've seen people literally post images on /pol/ that are just screenshots of a picture they took with their phone. I haven't heard the term "phonefag" used in an insulting manner in years.

4chan and really the internet as it once was is dead, and the normies killed it (as usual).

it's called having a discussion you zoomer faggot
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Replies: >>9323 >>9339
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>67 - 5AM

pretty good but the battery needs to be at 3% and there has to be 50000 facebook notifications
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Every time he saves her, he keeps her for the rest of their lives, and then, when he dies and reincarnates, he goes to save her again. This is a lot like me and Ashley.
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Replies: >>9383
>the poor white guy waiting last to fill her ravaged hole

atleast he brought her flowers, I'm sure she will appreciate that
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This is a lot like me and Ashley.
Replies: >>9421 >>9464
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man... Imagine doing all that work and also getting cancers from shooting roids and you happen to have a weird deformed ab muscle. Rip
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This is a lot like me and Ashley
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this is not like me and Ashley
Replies: >>9463 >>9475 >>9533
you guys think these chicks shave?

I say the left one yeah, the right one no. and I bet she has a big meaty clit too
That’s you and your mom, gross. 🤢
Is this supposed ash and rose? I am simultaneously intrigued, aroused, and a little creeped out.
Replies: >>9478 >>9517
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Replies: >>9489
It's from a Dance Dance Revolution rip off. The developers couldn't afford the copyrights to use Ashley and Rose's bussy pics so they had to settle for whatever that is. The resemblance is uncanny though, no?
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for those who want to smell like her
Replies: >>9480 >>9517
Spoiler File
(20.7KB, 454x463)
I don't want to smell like a woman, but I will huff it when I go grocery shopping next. Get a boner and moan while the employees give me looks.

Also, this is like me and Ashley
Who's the cute chick on the left?
Replies: >>9492

Jhon lennon.

I like this song.

Replies: >>9496
Not gonna lie she has a beautiful voice.
Replies: >>9499
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Yea john was great!
yes it is, its a photoshop someone made a few years back.

>Discover our range of cruelty free haircare, infused with authentic Australian ingredients.
Australian ingredients???? like what? emu poop and kangaroos corpses?
Im going to look for this btw
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When will derrick and derricks older brother do a make out scene?
Replies: >>9541
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I heard Derricks older brother doesnt even play modded Doom, instead he plays baby games like Sonic
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this is me and Ashley.
Im her stallion and she rides me daily.
though i dont understand why she gets me to do this specific trotting drill 




plus afterwards she always leaves and comes back in new pants? did I do something wrong?
i dont get it, but then again Im just a horse with a massive cock.
Replies: >>9580 >>9583 >>9595
Me (the horse) putting out a cigarette
I want that horse to step on my balls.
how do they even train it to do something so ridiculous?
Replies: >>9601
you can train animals to do anything

Especially dogs and peanut butter...
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Replies: >>9606
Me on drums  Ashley is inside the drums 
Replies: >>9612
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and Im inside Ashley

this is a lot like me and Ashley
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Ashley has female viewers now. This is a lot like them and ashley I hope
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based pissbros
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Are the CDA Agents also piss bros?
Is this the new blue man group? But instead of paint they splurt piss all over ya?
Replies: >>10443 >>10448
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Now that's a show I'd attend
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The Blue Man Group have always used piss for their performances.
Replies: >>10449
R kelly got front row tickets
Replies: >>10452
I got VIP(ee) tickets ;)
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What kind of potion is this?
Replies: >>10463
Nothing but pure horse power, baby.
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This is a lot like me and Ashley.
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This is a lot like me and Ashley
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Replies: >>10762 >>10768
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bold of you too assume I have enough rizz to get her into bed...
>chinese guy flag
your penis so small it not reach inside
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Me and Ashley at the Statue of Liberty!!(we just  heckin' vooted to make ritual child rape ILLEGAL!!!)
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thisssss isss a lot like me and asssshhley
Replies: >>10860 >>10863
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yup of course ashley is a cuck just watching
Replies: >>10861 >>10879
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How this make you feel white bois?
Replies: >>10864
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And how does this make you feel?
Everyone is talking about the soon government faked alien invasion. What they dont realize is aliens are already here and one of them is named Ashley Jones.
Replies: >>10880 >>10884
Ashley is an  illegal  alien!
Replies: >>10884
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Ive been saying this for years, I knew those long slender fingers looked familiar
Replies: >>10885 >>10891
stupid negger
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to the knuckle, please
That is a lot like me and Ashley  I have a mustache 
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this is a lot like ṷ̶͚̼̜͖͙̦̩̖̘̟͚͑̀̈́̈́̿͌̋̀̈́̓s̵̡̲̗̯̼͉̻̼͕͍̠̻̹̮̑̿̈̆̆̐ and ashley
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This is a lot like me and ashley
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this is a lot like when Ashley tries to talk to me (I am afraid of girls and also I am really old)
Replies: >>11279
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ash is my kryptonite
Is this the proof of alien life I read about recently? ole Moscow Mitchy be glitchy, did this reptile not eat enough crickets for breakie?
Replies: >>11287 >>11289
Looked like MK ultra shit to me. He zones out after the handler says something to him
Replies: >>11289
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The revelation is beginning
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Girls that are autistic and have short hair make life worth living.
Replies: >>11417
I can't tell if that's two gay guys going at it or two lesbos tribbing. I guess all Asians really do look alike.
Replies: >>11423 >>11432
Isn't it great?
Replies: >>11433
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We all know Asians can't drive. Best way to blindfold an Asian is to put a windshield in front of him. And you don't see golf clubs that are made in China because you can't trust Asian drivers. And speaking of tribbing, Asian men can't masturbate to Asian porn because they all look like their sister.
Replies: >>11436
Is that why you like Thai ladyboys? You can't tell the difference. 

>They are called Kathoey in Thailand. This term is used to refer to transgender individuals and those who identify as a different gender than their birth-assigned gender. Kathoey can be broken down into several different categories, depending on their gender identity and presentation.

My new friend nWo Kane -HH on SpaceHey was just telling me about this.
Replies: >>11436
>And speaking of tribbing, Asian men can't masturbate to Asian porn because they all look like their sister.
As if they would draw the line at incest.
I don't like South East Asians because they are fish-spawn. Ladyboys aren't boyish enough either.
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This is a lot like me and Ashley (I'm the foot)
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this is literally me and Ashley Jones.
We are berry happy together in our trailer in Daytona, Florida.
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Esto es muuuuuy parecido a Ashley y a mí.
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This is a lot like me and Ashley.
Replies: >>11923
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>she finally takes her pants off for you
Replies: >>11928
I meant Ashley not Ashton.
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Replies: >>11944 >>11945
That chick has 100% given that geezer a blowjob, right?
ngl this shit makes my dick hard
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She got them brown nipples and that macaroni in a pot. How can Ashley even compete against her? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIQZAhcACU0
Replies: >>11947
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>brown nipples
post proof
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a challenger appears
Replies: >>11954 >>11955
No fart jokes. 3/10
Replies: >>11956
Nice whore but can she say the N word? Of course she can't. 0/10
Replies: >>11957
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Beans, beans, they're good for your heart
The more you eat them, the more you fart,
The more you fart the better you feel
So eat your beans with every meal.
Can you say it, nigger?
Replies: >>11958
I can say it
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I think Taylor is hot.
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Ciara is pretty hot too.
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Not really a fan of Laronda, though.
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So who is Derrick's dad? Is it Charlie Sheen? Does Derrick have tiger blood?
Replies: >>11964 >>11968
Ashley pls use ur latina psychic powers to summon me a gf i have autism and have never interacted with a female before im so lonely im gonna die soon
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I thought it was Weird Paul?
after all he is a musician and probably had groupies and also derricks mother is kind of a bit of a freak.
Replies: >>11965
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That's a real person? I thought someone just ran a dick pic through an ai art generator. It's hard to tell what's real and what's not these days. Well, anyway, I met Joe Cool tonight. He's a pretty cool guy.
Replies: >>11966
folks, there is nothing cool about lung cancer.
Replies: >>11972
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Zack coomba to da goomba
I'm glad I never got hooked on cigarettes. I tried it once in high school and it just made me feel nauseous. Most people I know who have been smoking regularly for the past 10 years have yellow stained teeth and aging skin.
Replies: >>11974 >>12030
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this is a lot like us and ashley
Replies: >>11984 >>12030
Same. Life's been the toughest it's ever been for me lately, I've been thinking about taking it up. Should I do it?
Nicotine is just a stimulant, at least that's how it felt the few times I've smoked. I dont know if they're better for you but caffiene seems to work fine enough to get me put of bed in the morning
Replies: >>11977 >>11978
Answer my question goddammit
Replies: >>11979 >>11980
Ah fuck im writing three sentences at once need more coffee
No don't smoke just drink coffee or take trucker pills
Smoking isn't a good idea. There's a reason why everyone who is addicted to smoking wants to quit. It's an extremely expensive addiction that kills you. It's not like an overnight death either. It's a long, drawn out, slow and painful death over the course of years when you get lung cancer or some other type of cancer.

The nicotine isn't what makes smoking addictive or harmful, it's the hundreds of addictive and harmful chemicals in a cigarette. Nicotine by itself is similar to caffeine and actually isn't very harmful to the human body. If you're looking for something to give you relief, just masturbate to vanilla porn. It's better to work on your issues rather than mask them with an addictive and harmful substance which will leave you reliant and in an even harder place to self improve from.
Replies: >>11981
This is bullshit. Pretty sure if everyone who is addicted to smoking wants to quit, my dad would have returned when he stepped out for cigarettes. Clearly cigarettes feel better than having a loving family. I smoke a pack a day. I still haven't found that feeling, but I'm sure it's out there somewhere waiting for me with my dad. I don't actually smoke, it was a joke.
Smokes are for jokes.
I love smoking DICK!!!!
Get me a mute button for this broad and I'd french kiss her taint for so long she'd need a boat
same, a lot of my family are smokers, in fact i took my first drag when i was like 7 or 8. They taste disgusting I just dont understand how someone can be like wow this tastes even slightly ok. Perhaps its a social pressure thing amongst their friends?
Good thing I have no friends WOOOOOOOO!

Ive only seen this meme part of that
but apparently she ad-libbed that whole thing during a live stream. which is honestly pretty impressive

not sure if serious but going to the gym and lifting/exercising can become a healthy addiction... so Ive heard. the only heavy thing Ive lifted up is my ass off of my DX Racer chair after a long night of Fortnite and triple Big Macs with extra cheese and pickles
Replies: >>12031
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>the only heavy thing Ive lifted up is my ass off of my DX Racer chair after a long night of Fortnite and triple Big Macs with extra cheese and pickles
god that sounds so comfy
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This is a lot like us and Ashley.

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