/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Hey, Ash, I hit on an idea to maybe broaden your fan base.
Sometimes I go on youtube and it's algorithm shows a video you made back in 2014-2015. Sometimes the comments aren't disabled and people ask where is she or I miss her or cool vid etc. Some of the comments are recent, like 2 or 3 months ago. I can reply to the comments and say that she's back and give your web site and your icum.to site. Doing that triggers the notification bell on the youtube site for the person who wrote the comment and eventually they'll see the notification and maybe visit your sites. I don't want to do anything without your permission, so what do you think?
Replies: >>3068 >>3069
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I tried that a couple of times but whoever runs the channel deletes my messages. I don't know what's going on or maybe she doesn't want her old videos associated with her new stuff
Replies: >>3069 >>3084
I think your business should rebrand by stealing Ashley's likeness. You could put Ashley on the side of your work vans but give her a mustache and spell her name differently. icum.to bathrooms. I'm sure Ashley won't mind. Mexicans do this all the time where I live.

Idk if that is the case but it could be because I've come across some of her "fans" who seem to only want to be assholes. They can suck a dick with AIDS on the tip.
Replies: >>3084 >>3085
It's a good idea, give it a try. I suspected the channel owner could have a stick up his ass and delete comments as >>3068 suggests. But, that could also not be the case. It could also be Youtube deleting the automatically comments, since they omit links from the comment section. In this case, you would have to write it your comment out like, "Her website is "i cum (dot) to" but get rid of the spaces".

Agreed. Maybe even allow me to be your mascot. I'll tan up extra good this summer so people know a Mexican is on the job. I won't even speak, you just tell me what to do. I'll just look down at the floor, nod, muttering "si senior".
Replies: >>3090 >>3100
>You could put Ashley on the side of your work vans but give her a mustache and spell her name differently. icum.to bathrooms.
anyone with photoshop gimp skills want to mock this up? we could organize a community fundraiser for new vinyl wraps. Seabee, would you do this? serious question.
Replies: >>3093
aids blood.webm
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OK, whenever one of your vids pops up while I'm perusing youtube and the comments aren't disabled I'll give it a try.

Sure, you can be my mascot and you're probably a quick learner, ever use a nail gun? You'd look pretty hot wearing shorts, a tool belt and work boots.
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I've only got one truck, a pick up, so no space for vinyl wrap since by State regs I have to have the name of my contracting company on the door panels. Was a good idea though.
mexican laborer.jpg
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Oh man, Ashley already has beautiful milky white skin but Ashley with a tan sounds pretty hot. Too bad I can't have both... or can I? Ashley with bikini tan lines? Best of both worlds.
Replies: >>3101 >>11387
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>Ashley with bikini tan lines?
anon... oh god.
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GYATT damn, the new Ashley DIY video is looking looking good fr fr
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