/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Just noticed this new ashley jones subreddit was created.
Just noticed that you made an ashley jones subreddit and then made a post on tubgurl.com pretending that you "found" it
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Replies: >>21282
Yeah, you're right, I did do that. So what nigga? Fight me, I created an Ashley Jones subreddit, I've got nothing to lose. Everyone who posts or comments will be made mod, we're all the same pathetic faggots subservient to her majesty ashley.
Replies: >>21283
What's the point when you can just use this board?
Replies: >>21286
We need to disseminate our faith to new places and new heights. Cum-in-Ashley.
>>21275 (OP) 
i know what ur doing
Replies: >>21289
So do I. My actions are the physical manifestations of Ashley's will. All that I do is what she wills into being. Cum-in-Ashley.
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Dumb thread.
Replies: >>21294
Disgusting. Why make a gay reddit to bring in more annoying newfags when Ashley already made us the board? The reddit will just get banned anyways.
Replies: >>21299
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Replies: >>21305
More simps! YAY!
I admire your foolhardy enthusiasm, anon, but what’s the point when the little minx won’t be there herself?
>>21275 (OP) 
I already tried to spread the word on this board and ash maybe 6 months ago and of the maybe 8 people I contacted 3 seemed to genuinely find it funny.  The other responses I got was. disgusting, is this her job? Will this site give me a virus? Is this a porn site  don't want to visit it, is this the girl from that gross picture? And last but not least. Unfunny. I don't think we'll have to worry about "newfags" coming here.
Replies: >>21369
Kiwifags now redditors, lets see how this will end
>>21275 (OP) 
Pathetic. I'm going to report it and get it taken down. I don't know what you're trying to do but you're doing it wrong.
Replies: >>21318
Normies who think everybody needs social media. If Ashley doesn't want it they're going to try and force her to have it.
Replies: >>21322
This board is social media as is her video site. You yourself are a social media using normie right now. We all are.
Replies: >>21333 >>21336
Still not twitter or instagram or youtube
what's next? a discord?
I hope she doesn't get famous on a youtuber level, that would suck
Replies: >>21330
Trannies are the true tomboys.
Inagine if she started a youtube channel where she did bikini and bra and panty try on hauls. Nobody would want to see that.
Ashley should do a sweatshirt try on haul.
Replies: >>21344
You greatly misunderstand the difference between federated and centralized platforms, then. Reddit is no way to go because:
A. It's filled with normies
B. Your community, posts, and account are at the hands of moderators who determine if you and your community are worthy enough to be on their platform or not. And Ashley and those who want to discuss her certainly isn't because it doesn't follow their tranny rules.
By the way, message boards are one of the oldest uses of the internet, definitely doesn't make you a normie nor would I call it social media. The term social media only came along recently when tech companies who monetized the internet needed a term to call their data scraping "apps". I don't retroactively apply the name to things that existed long before the monetized internet came along. Imagine calling an old school chat room "social media". It isn't.

Social media is for the normies - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, etc. These are platforms created by the "monitized internet" that came long after things like BBS and message boards. Plus, refusing to engage in centralized platforms versus federated open source platforms are two different ballgames in terms of the people you'd meet on both and your experience on both. I can't name a single normie who even knows what open source or federation is. Most normies don't even know of message or image boards and get scared by chans because they "look old". Normies like being on centralized platforms and cannot fathom being outside of them. Thus, social media equates to normie social media, not federated or open source platforms and certainly not ancient internet means of communication.
Replies: >>21336
>>21275 (OP) 
Kys nigga go back to reddit
>Imagine calling an old school chat room "social media". It isn't.
This is the perfect way to explain it. I've heard the argument before (on nu4chan) that image boards are "social media." Yes, an image board is social. Yes, an image board is a form of "digital media" (so is every other website). But they are not "social media" in the colloquial sense, and idiots like >>21322 are either so retarded that they believe what they're saying or they're knowingly making a dishonest statement to make themselves feel better about their poor decision to use actual social media, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. In this particular case I suspect it's the latter.

From this site's FAQ (which is the stock FAQ on every jschan instance):
>What is an imageboard?
>An imageboard is a type of discussion board where users share images and text about various topics.
>The primary difference between imageboards and traditional forums is that anybody can make a post without registering an account or providing any personal information. This lowers the barrier to entry, protects user identities and focuses on what is said, rather than who says it.
I sure as fuck don't see the words "social media" anywhere in there, do you?
Literally the first post i "huurrr durr i want to fuk ashley" ok nigga? What about her videos? The characters? The tech/vintage stuff? The tiktok tranny movie? newfags deserve to be put in gas chambers
Replies: >>21370
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Get in line pal, I'm still waiting for my xmr funded food review. It's been months and that faggot still hasn't delivered. Dare I say EXIT SCAMMMMM!!!111
I'm too retarded to figure out crypto. Tried to use Coinbase and no idea what the hell I was doing. I need an Indian to teach it to me.
Replies: >>21350
I seriously can't understand how this is possible. It's literally more complicated to set up a PayPal account than it is to use Monero. That isn't an exaggeration.
I gues you are smarter than me. Congratulations.
Replies: >>21358
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I guess that was kind of an asshole response. I apologize. What I said is still true though, it's leaps and bounds more complicated to get a bank account or paypal account or whatever.

To open a Monero "account" (a wallet), all you have to do is download the Monero GUI Wallet from here: https://www.getmonero.org/downloads/

Run it, follow the dead-simple wizard, write down your password and seed phrase, and that's it. Now you have a Monero wallet. This can be done in less than 10 minutes (try doing that at Bank of America).

Of course, if you want to fund the wallet with your already existing Fiat, there are more steps. None of them are particularly complicated. The easiest way is probably to buy it from a reputable seller on https://localmonero.co/ with cash in the mail. Trade with someone that has over 1,000 successful trades and 100% positive feedback and you'll be fine.

If this makes you paranoid, because you think you're going to be the first person out of thousands to be scammed and that it's worth the seller ruining their reputation and income over your $100, your next-best option is to just get bitcoin and convert it to monero, since bitcoin is normie-approved and thus much easier to acquire. You can buy bitcoin from cashapp, for god's sake. Then you can use https://unstoppableswap.net/ to convert it into monero, which essentially requires you to be capable of copying and pasting. (More about unstoppableswap here: https://www.getmonero.org/2021/08/20/atomic-swaps.html).

This all might SOUND complicated because you've never done it before. What you have done before is fill out countless forms with all of your personal information, handed over your driver's license and social security number, and waited for some dickhead to "approve" you. You aren't retarded, you've just never operated within a system that doesn't treat you like niggercattle.
Oops. Realized a parenthesis rekt a link. Here it is: https://www.getmonero.org/2021/08/20/atomic-swaps.html
I think I got it figured out. Thank you
Don't give up, there are real autists out there ready to embrace Ashley's project. I find it easier to spread the word irl, where you can very selectively pick out the schizos willing to enter her community. Newfags are necessary to build upon the limits of Ashley's reach. If you go over her manifesto you'll notice that she's slightly lacking in her philosophical analysis. I believe Ashley has immense potential to unite her doctrines and complete the system of German Idealism.
Don't cry about it faggot, be the change you want to see. It's pathetic to think that something as grandiose as Ashley's project could remain segregated to the few. Her word needs to spread internationally and universally to the many. Instead sitting on your own shit and piss all day start going outside and awakening others to the truth of this world. Ashley hinted about the day of judgement in her manifesto. We need to save as many as possible before the metaphysical substrate of being obliterates the realm of contingency. WAKE UP
Replies: >>21456
Im sure reddit fags will totally get it
>>21275 (OP) 
Is the subreddit dead??? RIP.
What do you reckon is Ashley's personality?
Please vote, thanks!
Replies: >>22694
I still don't understand the point of using a centralized "service" like reddit for this. You're constantly at risk of being banned or having your subreddit removed because it's naughty. We have this board where none of these things are a problem and furthermore, ashley, the subject of your subreddit, actually posts on this board. I read reddit posts when I have to if I'm researching something, but I would never actually participate on the site. Having a years-long collection of all of my posts attached to a name seems retarded.
Replies: >>22760
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Is there a way to create an online poll on Ashley's imageboard? If it's possible, of course I would rather do it here.

>We have this board where none of these things are a problem
Are you sure about that? Ashley admitted in her video that she edited some users' messages:
Replies: >>22764
As far as I know Peertube doesn't have a poll function.

You can view the public mod log to see actions done by unregistered users and moderators (me). In that context it was clear editing posts to be overtly supportive of incest to convince an anon to have sex with his sister was a joke and doesn't occur regularly and especially not in a serious manner, but you can confirm for yourself. I only delete spam and anything done by "unregistered user" are anons deleting their own posts.
Replies: >>22770
>As far as I know Peertube doesn't have a poll function.

On this imageboard, it is hard to tell what is real or fake, joke or serious, exacerbated by the lack of user/message tracking/searching function. I know this is an anonymous imageboard, so users' privacy should take precedence over everything else.

Is it possible to see what events were logged more than one month ago?
Replies: >>22772 >>22779
>Is it possible to see what events were logged more than one month ago?
I'm not sure, it doesn't look like it. I have no settings available to me to extend the mod log, it looks like JSchan keeps the past 30 days but perhaps in a future update there will be the ability to see a longer period. Even as an admin only I can see the past 30 days of activity.
Replies: >>22775
Just use strawpoll or some shit, or if polls are something you want to do regularly, self host https://liberaforms.org/en

Maybe ashley would even do it for us if you asked nicely

>On this imageboard, it is hard to tell what is real or fake, joke or serious, exacerbated by the lack of user/message tracking/searching function.
that's the point and the primary benefit. each post you make stands on its own merit, whatever you said six months ago has no impact on it, your "fame" has no impact on it, the person posting isn't being judged, only the content of the post. ffs this has to be explained on a weekly basis.
Replies: >>22814
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Replies: >>22904
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>that's the point and the primary benefit. each post you make stands on its own merit
Thanks for the enlightenment.

Poll: What do you reckon is Ashley's personality?
Please vote, thanks!
Replies: >>22827 >>22902
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So some of us think that Ashley is an alpha, hmm🤔
Are you implying that you think Monero is taxable? As long as you don't tell anyone (like daddy government), it isn't. Your wallet could have $1 or $1,000,000 in it and nobody but you has this information.
Replies: >>22907
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Well, daddy government (IRS) is aware that Ashley has a Monero wallet, since she advertises it on her websites and videos. So maybe IRS would send her a tax form or something. 🤷
Replies: >>22909
I can generate a few hundred wallets in under a minute, it doesn't mean they have value (the balance would be 0). Having a wallet doesn't prove that the wallet houses value. For all we know, Ashley has never had a donation. Or maybe she's had millions of dollars in donations. It's not possible for anyone but the holder of the wallet/seed phrase to know the balance of the wallet. Maybe Ashley keeps her wallet on an encrypted thumb drive and dropped it into the ocean during an unfortunate boating accident. These things happen, you know.
Replies: >>22911
Heh, I would love to believe that the IRS is gracious and gullible but it isn't. You know, it might interrogate the pretty Ashley in the same way as they did to Black Widow:
Replies: >>22912
The point of Monero is that it's literally untraceable. Nobody outside of the wallet holder can tell how much a wallet has. The IRS, NSA, nobody has the capability (currently) to "crack" Monero. I can outright say I have a million dollars in Monero and the only way it can be proven is if I give you the seed phrase to access my wallet. Anyone can easily lose their seed phrase and any Monero one claimed to have is out the window. It isn't a matter of the IRS "playing nice", it's that they literally don't have the capability to prove how much is in one's Monero wallet. Anyone can have a wallet. Having a wallet alone with no proof of how much is in it is unable to be taxed.
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I know very little about Monero so please bear with me. As I see it the advantage to Monero is a place to hide unreported income (unreported to the IRS) But I can do the same on my own, put my unreported income in my suitcase and hide it in the attic and I could take money out of the suitcase as  needed and I wouldn't have to pay a service charge which Monero charges.

I heard on the TV news and I've read a few articles that the Feds asked Google to give them the names and addresses of anyone who has a Youtube account who watched a certain Youtube channel where Monero was being explained. I have no doubt that Google being the lap dog that it is to the Feds obliged even without asking for a court order.
It's torch of freedom in the digital age.
>I heard on the TV news
I'll request that nurse Assley turns CNN off during your diaper changes going forward Lt. Stinkypants
Replies: >>22917
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You're not a very good spokesman for Monero, do your research so you know what you're talking about.
Replies: >>22918 >>22930
This is the story you're thinking of and you've got it greatly twisted. https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-03-29-watching-wrong-youtube-feds-demand-google-identity.html

>feds trying to find identity of a person laundering Bitcoin (possibly Monero but I couldn't find that mentioned anywhere)
>feds get in contact with suspect's online persona, probably through a forum
>feds send the suspect 2 Youtube videos for "tutorials for mapping via drones and augmented reality software" (neither video is related to cypto, let alone Monero)
>asks Youtube to release IP addresses of people who watched these two videos (remember, not even related to crypto) to correlate if 1 IP address watched both videos, pointing to the suspect's IP address

The feds are trying to catch a money launderer by correlating an IP address watching the two Youtube videos sent to them. Neither video has to do with crypto, their goal is to try and get the suspect's name; not trying to build a list of people interested in Monero. While it's known branches of the government like the NSA go to great lengths to spy on Americans, this particular story was misunderstood. Plus you could easily remain anonymous in this situation by masking your IP, not using a Google account, ideally accessing Youtube through a front end like Invidious.
Replies: >>22939
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>I know very little about Monero so please bear with me.
It's extremely easy to get educated on this topic.


Monero "sounds scary and hard" because it's a cryptocurrency, but as has been discussed several times before, if you're capable of opening a bank account, you're capable of using Monero (it is literally much, much easier).

Seabee, you're smarter than just taking at face value everything you see on the TV news, so please don't. The media only negatively promotes Monero (they often won't even call it by name, instead referring to it as an "anonymous cryptocurrency"). You hear about Bitcoin ALL the time, you almost NEVER hear about Monero. That is on purpose. TPTB don't want people to use Monero.

>As I see it the advantage to Monero is a place to hide unreported income
If that's how you choose to use it, sure. The advantages of Monero are many; privacy and self-custody being the most important in my opinion. Nobody but you can see your transactions (incoming or outgoing) or your balance. NOBODY. With fiat currency, your next door neighbor might not be able to see your balance or transactions, but your bank and the government most certainly can.

As for self-custody, this means that (unless you're stupid and use a centralized exchange), only YOU possess the wallet and thus the funds. Monero is not a "service" and does not charge a "service fee." There is no "Monero Inc." behind the scenes that can take away your money on a whim or if the government tells them to. You mathematically, cryptographically, permanently OWN your money -- period. You might be thinking of "transaction fees" which are how most blockchain based cryptocurrencies work - people donate their computing power to process transactions and get a small amount paid to them. This keeps the network decentralized. With Monero, the transaction fees are often fractions of a cent to a few cents. Go to your bank and try to wire $500 to someone and see what it's going to cost you (probably around $35).

Now, I'm a believer in cash too, but the "But muh cash!!! I prefer REAL money!" is so fucking flawed it hurts. 97% of US currency is ALREADY DIGITAL. When you look at your fiat bank balance, what you're seeing is a promise ("just trust me bro") and number in a computer (it doesn't exist as a stack of paper bills with your name on it). Cash is great, but not all transactions can be done through cash (e.g., we live on opposite sides of the country and I want to send you $100 for your birthday).

Furthermore, fiat USD in cash is 100% absolutely traceable. Monero is not.

Arguably, Monero is, under some circumstances, MORE private than cash -- there is no physical object, so we don't have to meet in person, or use the federal mail system, or risk leaving it at a drop location, etc.

People are so outrageously stupid about this topic, which is frankly shocking, because half an hour of research outside of phony, agenda-driven MSM news articles is pretty much all it would take to understand that, while not perfect, we have available to us perhaps the first truly private, secure, and self-custodial means of transacting with one another over great distances, with NO government or corporate oversight. And that, in my opinion, is pretty important and useful.

Jesus christ.
Listen bub every time you post it makes me scream cum because it reveals to me how much smarter you are than I am. Mmmm I'm so horny for being wrong. Daddy I didn't do my research oOuoOaaaAAAA
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Monero. Monero! We've got monero here! See, nobody cares. Nice hat. What are you trying to look like? A secret agent?
Replies: >>22936 >>22953
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We Monero hodlers just want some privacy with our money, is it too much to ask for?
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Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it. I'll be doing some research on my own also if only to satisfy my own curiosity regarding Monero. Let's just say ummm, hypothetically, I've used other commodities successfully other than cash which again, hypothetically are untraceable but Monero intrigues me. Thanks again.
Replies: >>22941
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swapping other guys cum in your butthole does not count
Replies: >>22943 >>22952
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Congratulations, Anon, you're the first 10 year old to receive the flying fickle finger of fate award. Don't let it go to your head.
Replies: >>22951
huehuehue thank you janitor of the barracks I will charish this clip art fondly
Cut Seabee some slack, at least he's willing to learn if he misunderstood something.
Replies: >>22955
actual retards on this board
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Thanks daddy
Replies: >>22967
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Replies: >>22970 >>23045
im too retarded to read that
>The point of Monero is that it's literally untraceable.
Yes, it is untraceable in its current form, that's why more crypto exchanges are requesting KYC from their clients. And now even Kraken is delisting Monero in some countries. Smh.


I know there are other ways of acquiring Monero as detailed in this reply:
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

William Shakespeare

Great men never make bad use of their superiority; they see it, and feel it, and are not less modest. The more they have, the more they know their own deficiencies. 

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
LocalMonero will be winding down!
Replies: >>23750
Never used it, but wouldn't this create a closed off pool that would make potentially tracking individuals via webtraffic at the very least easier granted that's even feasible. I do be retarded so if anyone with actual knowledge could answer me, that'd be great
Replies: >>23752
>via webtraffic
not really if you have a basic understanding of opsec and tor, localmonero had an onion and js-free version of the site.

sellers accepting cash-in-mail probably had the biggest risk as they had to expose a legitimate mailing address.

it sucks to see localmonero go but there are lots of other trading options as they mentioned in their post. monero is shockingly resilient, its price has remained relatively stable after being delisted from binance and now this. maybe it's because a lot (most?) of monero onboarding these days is from btc->xmr atomic swaps.
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