/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

Discuss the world's funniest female comedienne, Ashley Jones.

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why dont you host your own cytu.be instance instead of using the public one? you would have more control and could have it set up as one page and not have limitations on what your allowed to stream and chat would be on your server not someone elses and could be wiped if necessary just wondering?
Replies: >>19784
Wouldn’t I need a server to show my own film of cytu.be?or should I stick to the sites available to be hosted?

you can post your own vids on a public cytube instance but there are definitely benefits to self hosting such as privacy and content that you can stream not being regulated i know cytu.be atleast has some limitations and is just slow its alot of the same benefits you get by hosting your own peertube like in ashleys case or whatever other federated service where you doont wanna use a public instance
Replies: >>19764
Mostly because it doesn't interest me since it isn't a privacy front-end. If I were going to set up an instance I would probably do an Invidious or Searx instance. I'm fine with Cytube being on someone else's server because there's not much aside from custom .CSS (which I have saved on my computer) I couldn't replicate if it were to go down. Something like Tubgurl I'd be more reluctant to host on someone else's server given the amount of content here and ability to ensure privacy is respected to the end user. But Cytube is loading Youtube embeds, it feels redundant to make an instance in hopes of being privacy-focused as we're watching embedded Youtube videos. Maybe if I had my own instance, there'd be a way to convert all Youtube links to go through Invidious. That would be about the biggest incentive for my own instance, but I'm not sure if I have the technical know-how to do that. I'd have to look into it.

>chat would be on your server not someone elses and could be wiped if necessary
I see your point here, but the reality is that even if I self hosted a cytube instance, the chat would still be visible in real-time to anyone who visited during a get together, and of course could be copied. If someone really wanted to, they could easily automate scraping the chat whenever something new was posted. This could be avoided by requiring people to create accounts and log in to view/participate, but I'd rather not force people to do that. And even with that, people could still save the chat just by idling 24/7.

>not have limitations on what your allowed to stream
I mainly have trouble embedding from porn websites, and creating my own instance won't fix that issue. Some websites just don't allow embedding of their videos. But I find that uploading videos to catbox.moe and embedding those works fine.

It's not to say I'll never set up a Cytube instance - maybe I'll feel like it in future. But currently it's not in my plans due to lack of incentive.  I really enjoy Cytu.be and I like that random people can find my Cytube channel from the list on Cytu.be's front page. It's also one less thing to have to maintain, less cost, less headaches. Who knows what the future holds, but currently I'm not planning on it.

Sort of on this topic, about a year ago I made an "Ashley Homepage", which is intended to be set as your browser's homepage. It's HTML/CSS only and has links to relevant websites (tubgurl.com, videos.icum.to, etc.), and has a search bar. I'd make the search bar to go through a Searx instance I'd make. I thought it'd be funny to pimp out my Searx and Invidious instance - nobody really customizes theirs on the instance lists I look at.
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Another issue is I’m not sure what to show. I’m something of a film buff but I don’t know what Ashlings like.
Replies: >>19768 >>19771
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What makes you a film buff as opposed to a guy who just likes to watch movies? I've seen tons of movies in my day but I would never call myself a "film buff." I suspect this is a title people give themselves to feel like they've done something productive instead of just having consooooomed a bunch of entertainment media. But perhaps I'm wrong and you'll tell me what makes you special/productive with your hobby of starting at a screen for 2 hours instead of it just being a relaxing waste of time like it is for everyone else.
Replies: >>19771 >>19776
I think at some point you also have to weigh in privacy vs discoverability right?

Like if youre hosting your hosting your own cytube instance it wouldnt be listed on Cytubes Public Channels listing? aka its main page (https://cytu.be/)
Sure hosting your own would allow you to embed what you want and have more control over chat logs, but you miss out on having the Channel listed publicly that as a content creator might attract new viewers, who werent pre-informed of any events like new video premiers or get togethers.

Have u guys seen Moon?
Replies: >>19776 >>19779
Well, I tend to watch adaptations of good literary works. I also tend to read about how the production of a film was. I used to watch movies actor wise, as in watching the films based on the who the actor is but I now usually watch based on who the director was. I like Kubrick, Scorsese, Leone, Coppola, Lang, Besson, and the Coens. There are a few others I like but these are my favorites.
> Have u guys seen Moon?
Yeah once on TV.
Replies: >>19778
> I like Kubrick, Scorsese, Leone, Coppola, Lang, Besson, and the Coens

PFFFFFFFT!... babys first fucking IMDB's top film makers list.

Listen kid, u probably havent even seen something as plebeian as say the 1968 Swedish psychological horror film "Hour of the wolf" directed by Ingmar Bergman
>Sure hosting your own would allow you to embed what you want
Hosting her own wouldn't change what can or can't be embedded, that's up to the provider of wherever you're getting the video.
>have more control over chat logs
Not really for the reasons she outlined. Yes she could technically have more control over the logs server side, but there are practically no benefits from this. If someone wanted a full record of the chat, they just load the cytube channel and leave it on all day. 
She kinda went over these points already
Hey pal, don't be mean to the film buff. He's more intelligent and sophisticated than the rest of us uncultured swine who just watch TV
No, but I’ve seen the Seventh Seal by him.
I really should watch more of his works.
>>19745 (OP) 
No limitations on what your allowed to stream, huh? Sounds great. We could watch bestiality porn together.
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One of my favorite movie scenes is perhaps from The Testament of Dr. Mabuse where in the early years of talkie pictures actors still kept their exaggerated expressions which were a method used in the silent era but was still resilient in the talkie era.
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