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what if the occult alien reptilian jew power secret is just meth
Replies: >>10637
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Replies: >>10654
>>10634 (OP) 
Satanic ritualistic torturers would never sedate their victims. Meth heads driven to depraved acts are not calm and collected. This is from an armature horror film.
Replies: >>10654 >>10656
it's real

here is another stim vs sedative murder
Replies: >>10655 >>10658
I saw that a couple weeks back. Messed up.
Replies: >>10657
>Meth heads driven to depraved acts are not calm and collected.
Reptilian disinfo. Methheads, like reptiles, always seem extremely calm until they strike, at which point they can calm themselves down instantly again - the exception being methheads who have 500pound walmart sharter tier impulse control so they binge on it for literal weeks on end and then they go insane from sleep depravation. Stims make people very good liars, but when they mix them with psychedelics and whatnot that's when they go off the rails. 

In moderation the neurodegenerative effects of meth are negligible, and they are non-existent in amphetamine.
Replies: >>10661 >>10664
Those people have an organized government that has been operating for decades. Imagine if there was a group of White outlaws who lived in the forests and hit stims as hard as the mexicans, raiding feds, robbing banks, dealing. It would be the American revolution 2.0, but this time the driving force wouldn't be wooden pipes and tobacco but something more advanced. This is what glowies fear.
Replies: >>10662 >>10669
Still doesn't hold a candle to Tom Savini's work.
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this influx of edgy newfags on ashleyj is getting so tiresome
Replies: >>10660 >>10668
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Methheads are also desensitized when "sober" due to extreme overstimulation
I understand what you mean, fast and furious U.S. armed cartel. But I don't want fiat glow money. We just might be a failed state. Bread and circus like the Romans.
Replies: >>10665
Also they have intense anxiety and heart issues so they'd go into cardiac arrest at the drop of a hat. Its kind of like when you drink a lot of caffiene regularly but instead of getting startled easily you heart explodes.
Replies: >>10666
you can convert the glow money to monero
Replies: >>10667
not really true, coke is harder on the heart and a methhead can quickly fall asleep by popping some benzos. After a couple of weeks of abstaining from the substance and then taking 5-HTP a methhead is completely rehabilitated. The accelerated aging from meth is caused by neglecting the body and not eating and drinking for extended periods of time because meth makes one feel invincible. There are people who have taken amphetamines for >70 years and appear normal
Systems are going to go down. One new system divided into 10. If you have digital you might want to cash out before the fall. Tangible assets.
Replies: >>10671
kys tiktok glownigger reddit newfag and go back to facebook


Oh look! There is no Satanic Ritual Abuse according to ZOG, only the "hysterical", "Satanic panic"! It never happened and if you believe it did you are a cult leader thought criminal!
My man smoking meth probably isnt going to help you own the satanists and the glowies would probably be the ones selling you the meth in the first place. You think the glowies don't work with criminal organizations in exchange for coke and kiddies to diddle?
Replies: >>10670
Feeling demoralized and watching porn and hentai and playing video games and eating goyslop and being locked in your house for 3 years for a fake pandemic and watching CIA motion picture media, all of which are inspired by meth, is not a better choice compared to taking a substance that raises your IQ by 30 points and gives you superhuman strength and libido with negligible downsides if harm-reduction is practiced.

Literally all of the elites are current and/or former amphetamine/meth users, including Trump, Hitler, Obama, Gates, Marin, Zelensky etc.

The reason why glowies are powerful is because of speed/meth. They are retarded inept niggers with no purpose other than destruction without it.

You can only achieve excellence if you use everything at your disposal and fight ruthlessly with tooth and claw if need be. Napoleon was a heavy snuff snorter and many of the elites from the 1500s until the invention of meth and amphetamine were doing Andean cocaine. Pope Leo XIII drank Vin Mariani; wine with coke in it. Before that, ephedrine (meth precusor, plant extract) was popular among the chinks and nips and mormonites and occultists for thousands of years, along with caffeine.

A person who is not eating a diet of raw milk and meat and organs and blood (Mongolian invader Genghis Khan diet) cannot compete with the meth/speed elites today. And those foods are getting banned more and more frequently throughout the world as they are too powerful for the low test slave class.
Replies: >>10672
Armies can seize tangible assets
For fucks sake are you a meth dealer? You learn all this from your glowie skinhead buddies back in prison? Yeah man just use a highly addictive substance, surely that will make you very powerful and not a weak willed little bitch of your supplier.
It's not a highly addictive substance, that's part of my point. They are lying to you so that you don't reach enlightenment like them. "In the valley of the blind, the one-eyed man is king".

If someone stops taking meth/speed, even if they're a heavy user "addict", the worst that will happen to them is that they will feel lazy for a week and then go back to normal. Compare that with certain month-long excruciating pain and potential death from opioid, benzo, or alcohol withdrawal. Hell, even weed has harder physical withdrawal symptoms than meth/speed.

The reason why some people might find meth or speed hard to quit is because they realize that they cannot compete with people who are on it, and they realize how many people surrounding them are on it and have been on it their entire lives. I remember reading a statistic that in america >40% of university students admit to taking Adderall, and I think the number of those who take it and wont admit it is likely much higher.

t. never been to prison or dealt anything and have been straight edge (no caffeine even) for years
Replies: >>10676
In japan meth is the most baseline, tolerated drug on the street: even ahead of weed (which carries a heavy stigma and harsher legal punishments there). That's why anime and hentai are so uncharacteristically creative for the dull nip psyche - although it should be noted that their creativeness is malicious to us as they employ hypnotically neotenous facial proportions in their characters who almost exclusively resemble Caucasians.

Even the Beatles started out as a meth/speed band in Germany.

The feeling of speed/meth is so far ahead of anything that most people unwittingly are hypnotized and mentally manipulated by meth/speed users at most times simply through the activation of their mirror neurons.
Replies: >>10676
>weak willed little bitch of your supplier
meth is extremely inexpensive and the precursors are all legal making it very easy to produce (by a motivated individual, such as one on meth).

Amphetamine is available from any pharmacy if you have an ADHD prescription in the form of Adderall. Meth is also available in the form of Desoxyn if you're obese lmfoa!

The movie "limitless" is about a normie who discovers a substance eerily similar to Adderall and then becomes an elite. They are dancing circles around the sober goyim.
Replies: >>10676
You have never spoken to a single meth addict, I have known several. Go ahead and test your theories about meth on yourself? Start making it in your bathtub if you're too much of a pussy to go buy it in real life.
Replies: >>10677
I have known dozens. No. Don't have a bath tub.
Replies: >>10678
Bullshit. Go on and smoke, live in the real world, don't you want to be big and strong?
Replies: >>10680
in certain high IQ countries you will be hard pressed to find anyone at all who hasn't at least tried meth.
Replies: >>10682
*or speed or another amphetamine
glad we've settled that meth is good in moderation
up for awareness
meth bump... I'm 13 and I think meth is based debate me libtards
notice how there is no longer any white families on the Walmart ads anymore
Replies: >>30221
Maybe it’s because they are a minority in America nowadays.
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