/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

Discuss the world's funniest female comedienne, Ashley Jones.

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I am a white supremacist who is seeking a close personal relationship. Whites are superior in everything, and we know that women are deemed inferior by the bible. Thus, to maximize superiority, I am seeking an intimate relationship with the most supreme, AKA a white male.

Here's what you need to know. My favorite food? Of course I like a supreme pizza... extra sausage ;) with white sauce. maybe you can give me your white sauce? My favorite wrestler is Hulk Hogan (HH).

I am a white power bottom, of course. And yes, I will clean out my asshole. I want it to look good for you.

Will we secure our future together? <3
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I like taco women
Replies: >>10013 >>10020
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Replies: >>10014
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>>10001 (OP) 
D&C tactics working well for the glowies I see, this stuff is so cringe
Replies: >>10026
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Replies: >>10022
would racemix with
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Replies: >>10028
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A sense of racial identity for Whites is something the ZOG fears.  
Recognizing ourselves is essential for our survival. 

Racial awareness and in-group preference for Whites is prohibited by the ZOG but fine for every other race.

Be aware
Replies: >>10030 >>10031
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You can recognize, love and work to advance your own people. It is what ethno-nationalists do.
Ok so I'll give OP a serious response. I'm white btw.

>White Genocide is happening to Westernkind.
I mean, you're not wrong, but you could just as easily say "Japanese Genocide is happening to Easternkind" as their demographics are well below replacement level and their government is slowly but surely pushing for increased immigration. Sounds familiar?

It doesn't really have to do with race. It has to do with sovereignty and independence. "Whites" specifically aren't being erased - it's anyone or any culture that goes against the grain of the agenda. The Japanese are a historically strong willed, intelligent people who just so happen to have a strong in-group preference, and there's nothing wrong with that, but as a consequence just look at what the elites have done to their culture. If you think onlyfans is bad in the west, at least our people are still jacking off to 3D women.

By getting all sucked into the identity politics like you are, you're basically doing exactly what the elites want. Again, the whole point is to ensure that the cattle are fighting one another. If you're mad at the heckin niggerinos and da jooz, you're not mad at the people/reptilians actually running things behind the scenes.

Also nice glowie links. The people running those orgs are either actual glowniggers or grifters. You've got to wake up to this dude, you're fighting the wrong people.
>Racial awareness and in-group preference for Whites is prohibited by the ZOG but fine for every other race.

it really isnt, see >>10029
>A sense of racial identity for Whites is something the ZOG fears.  
ZOG (or more like ROG, Reptilian Occupied Government, these people aren't Jews, that's just a skin suit they wear) fears ANY identity PERIOD.

They want to eliminate any sense of race, culture, gender, history, family, etc.

Doesn't matter if you're white. This goes for all the human cattle on the people farms.

Their goal is quite literally to create a drone race of people. Like bees. Their ideal human is low IQ, genderless, isolated, and easily controlled.

TPTB could give two shits about the color of their slave's skin.
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>Ok so I'll give OP a serious response. I'm white btw.
Replies: >>10033
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Bro it's a skin condition that makes my hands that color. Also I was working in my garden and haven't washed my hands yet.
>>10001 (OP) 
At school did you ever have a black kid tell the teacher on you for bringing a Game Boy to class?
Race is the most basic division tactic. For each race you can pick apart various different ways said race has been abused by the "controllers". The point is, the controllers don't give two shits about humans and will do harm against all humans regardless of their race. Obsessing over the white race is a psy op to get the cattle to fight each other over meaningless bullshit. I don't care what color someone is, I don't care about what skin color they happen to be. I judge based on character of an individual. Guess what? Most every minority I've ever met has been cool. The biggest pieces of shit are white boomers who think anyone besides them are the scum of the earth. OP you are being a victim of psy op. They want you to fight our fellow humans. We need to start realizing the real problem are the archons. They want to keep our minds controlled with anger and fleeting news stories about race. Look around you. How many niggerinos are actually affecting you? Probably none.
Replies: >>10039 >>10088
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>By getting all sucked into the identity politics like you are, you're basically doing exactly what the elites want. Again, the whole point is to ensure that the cattle are fighting one another. 

Japanese are honorary Aryans. Your case that depopulation measures are happening elsewhere too is a reasonable argument. Japan's fertility rate is about the lowest in the world. The economic environment for this (for example, mortgages  needing to be multi-generational) is one of the tools that helped make this happen.

There is historical support for the argument that Whites were behind the (incredible) advances in ancient Japanese culture. (The Indus Valley civilization in history was, quite amazingly people find, White, too. So was the region now known as Turkey and the Levantine.)

Anyway, your argument is that racial identitty is harmful, as it divides, and that people have been fooled into this by the 'elites'. (Parasites would be a more helpful, accurate term.) You feel that this will lead people away from the cause of the problem and focus them on bickering.

Here is a case I put to you: The parasites have already divided Whites: into individuals. We have been separated from each other and racial identity awareness will actually reunite us. Instead of causing us to bicker, it will help us work together, effectively able to mount a counter to the ZOG.
Replies: >>10040 >>10073
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>Obsessing over the white race is a psy op to get the cattle to fight each other over meaningless bullshit.

I think people need a fresh pair of ears to hear this. Listen to this argument again, if anybody needs to, and it may dawn that this is regurgitating incessantly recycled ZOG media propaganda. Here it is being presented again.

Ethno-Nationalists are connecting, not dividing. ZOG media wants to present it as anything but this. Seeing people of your own race as part of your wider, extended family is innate, natural and a survival strategy. 

No wonder the ZOG doesn't want it to happen.
Replies: >>10042
I really appreciate the fact that we can have this conversation without it devolving into namecalling. On /pol/ everyone would just be calling each other a kike.

So, to clarify,
>Anyway, your argument is that racial identitty is harmful, as it divides, and that people have been fooled into this by the 'elites'.
No no no. I didn't say that but maybe I'm not being clear enough in my point. There's absolutely nothing wrong with racial identity, taking pride in one's culture, or loving their people/country/history/traditions/whatever. Of course there's nothing wrong with that.

However, what the elites (parasites, yes, well said) want is to cause division between people on the basis of race (and many other factors too, including gender, age, political affiliation, state, country, etc).

The way you're feeling - like your race and heritage are under attack - is very deliberate. You're not wrong - it is under attack, but I posit that it's under attack not for the reasons you think. It isn't about eliminating whites, it's about eliminating opposition, and in the west, whites just so happen to have been the #1 target.

>Japanese are honorary Aryans.
I feel like you're shifting the goal posts with this one a little bit

>Here is a case I put to you: The parasites have already divided Whites: into individuals.
You're right. However, it's not just whites they're doing this to. It's called Global Homogenization for a reason. They don't want whites to have an identity, that's true - but they don't want anyone else to have an identity either.

It's ultimately not about being white or black or hispanic or asian. It's about being free. I think that's a shared interest most people have. And the elites? They want to enslave us. Fighting each other just makes it easier for them.

That's why there's so much racial division.

So, to be clear, I'm not arguing against the notion of white erasure, but that same erasure is coming (or as already come as we've established for the Japanese) for everyone.

Our enemies are the so-called elite, the parasites, the reptilians - not fellow human beings with a different skin color. except for indians, I hate those curry munching niggers like you wouldn't believe lol

We're on the same side here, I just want you to see your true enemies.
Replies: >>10046
>this is regurgitating incessantly recycled ZOG media propaganda.
I just don't think it's zog propoaganda to say that obsessing over race is a psyop. Now the poster you're replying to said 'the white race' but I think obsessing over ANY race is stupid. Obsessing = buying into identity politics. Obsessing =  That doesn't mean at all that you don't love and appreciate your heritage. You can love your own people without hating other groups (and in fact, I would argue that some of the most vilified figures bemoaned as 'white supremacist heroes' would have agreed with that statement, including daddy Adolf himself).

>Ethno-Nationalists are connecting, not dividing. ZOG media wants to present it as anything but this. Seeing people of your own race as part of your wider, extended family is innate, natural and a survival strategy. 
Agreed, although I prefer the term "ROG" for reasons explained earlier. Critically, viewing the world through the lens you described doesn't require hating others. Think about all the blacks in the US they've psyopped into thinking that whites = bad. Like bitch I never owned slaves or had anything against black people, and frankly neither do any of the white people I know. But there are some blacks that are so wrapped up in the propaganda, they actually believe that because of your skin color, you automatically hate them. I'm saying white people can fall prey to this exact same tactic too.

It's like how they love to go around making all the old characters from movies or books or whatever into blacks (eg the little mermaid). They KNOW the reaction from blacks will be "yes das good!!" and the reaction from whites will be "oh my god these niggers are erasing us!!". Blacks that are awake KNOW it's propaganda and designed to cause this exact reaction. Whites that are awake KNOW it's propaganda too. But 99% of the rest of the population doesn't get it, because they've ALL regardless of race been dumbed down by poisonous food, air, vaccines, the internet, mass media, and god knows what else. So of course now here we are fighting each other, instead of fighting the people/reptilians purposefully causing this division in the first place.
Replies: >>10043 >>10047
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>Obsessing = 
whoops made a typo here putting that twice
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> It isn't about eliminating whites, it's about eliminating opposition, and in the west, whites just so happen to have been the #1 target.

I agree that division is a tactic the ZOG use, for example to have Whites in Russia kill Whites in the Ukraine, to clear Khazaria for Greater Israel.

It does "just so happen" that White countries and White countries alone are targeted for replacement migration. The ZOG know that race has a strong genetic underpinning in the real world, that there are significant racial differences in IQ, and that Whites, due to their higher average IQs, are the greatest threat to ZOG hegemony. 

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion document can be roughly used as a proxy for what they have in mind. Dumbing down of the European peoples by miscegenation.

The destruction of European IQ is a prelude to the loss of European freedom.
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>So of course now here we are fighting each other, instead of fighting the people/reptilians purposefully causing this division in the first place.

I don't see it that we are fighting each other here, and I don't see it that it is obsessing, either.

One thing we are doing is helping readers dismantle the little arguments that the ZOG proliferate in the public space.

One can advocate for horses without obsessing over them or hating donkeys. You can advocate for your family without obsessing over them, too.  In just the same way, you can strongly prefer your own people, recognize and choose to support them.

Ashley likes horses but I don't think she obsesses over them.
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This whole "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" mentality is so tiresome. 
Yes we have a common enemy and sure we're being pitched against each other, but that doesn't mean that while we should be working together to defeat these "elites",  we have to be okay with being replaced in our own countries in the meantime.
I'm not seeing these globalists dealt with any time soon tbh. And by the time (if ever) enough normies were to wake up to realize there is a globalist elite that needs to go there would be nothing left to save. 
Nothing wrong with some healthy nationlism to preserve what's left of our countries and traditions while we fight the fight. If anything I'd say it's crucial to even stand a chance.
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>white woman
>white baby
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>while we should be working together to defeat these "elites"

A good reason to use the term parasites instead of "elites" is because it is a useful metaphor. It will help people better understand what is happening to their countries and how to respond.

Using a framework of parasitology, we can view our countries as organisms that have been infected by parasites. We can refer to the medical literature on parasites and use that as an analogy for how to mount a response.

For example, we examine our country as though its immune-system had been subverted by a parasite. Since the host organism (our country/people) has been unable to distinguish itself from the invading parasite, due to actions of the parasite on the hosts organs (our institutions), our body's resources have been detrimentally sequestrated away from supporting the host (our people) to the benefit of the invading parasite.

Having looked at this analogy, we might then proceed to examine parasite escape mechanisms, for example, which help them avoid detection. By discussing these with our people, we can help assemble some mental tools with which to return to a healthy state.
Replies: >>10065 >>10069
I know this kinda looks like /pol/ but it's actually a totally different website
These pictures of rapidly aging white women wearing shitty dresses outside holding a baby repulse me. Go be a mother, go have sex with your husband you cunt. You're a gay cuck if you look at that picture and get turned on. That's another man's seed and your desire to fuck sloppy washed up aged seconds is disgusting. Also none of you are aryan, you're not a shining example of white race by jacking off to anime pictures in your bedroom. You have no culture and no heritage, you larper.
Replies: >>10071 >>10073
This except you have parasites for real because youre a homo who cant stop getting fucked in the ass
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I think the picture is quite pretty on its own, but it is part of a pattern of pictures depicting White motherhood: there is only ever one child. 

2.1 children are needed just to replace the population. If the most White girls will do is have one child, our people and its culture will disappear. 

1 child is min/maxing for state benefits  and social status. Also, you don't have to sustain a good character for long to have one child with the same man. To have two takes a year or more. 

When was the last time you saw a White girl out with three white children of her own?

It is no coincidence that the glorious mother in this picture is described as white trash, nor that it was taken in black-and-white.
Replies: >>10074
These "muh white  race!11!!" faggots are just as bad as trannies. They're lying about what they actually are. These people are boring and live dull lives, they spend all their time online and found some movement online being pushed by people with an agenda. They're docile and submissive when it comes to personal pride. They have none and need someone to tell them what makes them proud and give them the identity they lack. These faggots usually aren't even fucking Aryan, they're a mutt who makes exceptions and shifts goal posts to fit their person agenda as we see in >>10037 "Japanese are honorary Aryans". These people force their ideology into every topic possible, and when you call them out on it, they deny it. They are delusional keyboard warrior losers who are big talk online and in reality, are faggots sitting in their cum soaked gamer chair who have never even talked to a real life woman with a pinch of confidence.

I see very little difference in terms of delusion comparing the white obsessed faggots to trannies. You're both easily controlled and lying to yourselves and everyone around you and can't shut up about your incorrect identity ideology. Start by fucking going outside and talking to a woman. You and I both know you'd fuck a girl, any girl in two seconds. You're not actually true to your ideology. Start by going outside and just talking to an attractive woman. Oh but you're too much of a scared faggot to do that. You're never going to "repopulate the white race with beautiful white children". You're going to continue typing a bunch of theoreticals on backwater websites and do jack shit in real life because this is how you make yourself feel better and it's the only way to make you feel like you have a sense of identity. You're obsessing over other people's identity, you have nothing in common with the people you obsess over. You're not working hard hours outside for a wife and kids. You're a young guy on a computer who has anime waifus. You're no better than the childless 28 year old women you despise.

Just as it's blatantly obvious seeing a man with a five o'clock shadow wearing a wig that he's been psy op'd, any awake person sees the same when a zoomer posts pictures of a plain Jane white woman talking about muh capital w White.
>When was the last time you saw a White girl out with three white children of her own?
I literally saw this twice yesterday because I am a pedophile who instantly notices children. Protip: you see way more sexy kids in the summer because it's summer break.
>>10001 (OP) 
>OP gif
KEK white nationalists are fucking dumb. Drinking a beer with a mask on? WTF? Nice tranny lights that glowie has, I wonder if his programmer socks match his panties.
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In the times of Apartheid South Africa, Japanese were classed as Whites:


My main point in raising the issue was to introduce people to the notion that there might have been an important White influence on early culture in Asia. For example, there is a case that Ghengis Khan was white (by contemporary author 14th-century Persian chronicler Rashid al-Din, he was described as having blue eyes and red hair), and that Whites were on the Japanese archipeligo:

Replies: >>10083
Lmao at all the rage and namecalling, they cry out in pain as they strike you
Replies: >>10078 >>10079
are you 10? faggot
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Don't care still buying a sex bot still cumming in the artificial womb I'm not willing to put up with female bullshit for "the white race" or "traditional values" that's all lies broadcasted into your everday thoughts by the reptillians
>Asians accomplish things
>Uhhh actually whites did that
This is just as embarrassing as blacks with the we wuz kangs stuff
Replies: >>10090 >>10177
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I respect you OP. Unfortunately I don't believe the people that browse ashleyj are the sharpest tools in the shed(unironic schizo retards), so your information will fly over most heads. But good job at spreading the message and continue to spread said message
Replies: >>10178
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Nigger, race is everything.
Replies: >>10091
You are so retarded it's insane
Replies: >>10092
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Asians get eternally mogged by whites.
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Replies: >>10095
It's not about doing nothing. It's about no longer being under the elite's tactics of divide and conquer, which is a spell you're under. Doing nothing is posting your retarded capital w White memes, jacking yourself off over whiteness, saving pictures of ugly ass aged white women with babies. You're doing nothing. You're a sheep in the matrix fighting other sheep. Become aware and realize you're being controlled just as the others, you're on the other side but still on a side. Once you realize physical Earth dramas are just that, dramas, you might realize there's more to all this that meets the eye and start learning the common thread that ties all destruction together. It's the non-human race that's been involved in manipulating the human lifestyle since the creation of man. I shouldn't bother, you are too deep in the matrix and are brainwashed, you are opposed to information fights what you find pleasurable. Seeking truth is not ego stroking, you are ego stroking because you like being a victim much like trannies like playing victim. You're a victim to your human senses, you don't actually seek truth.
Replies: >>10097
>Please don't talk about the collapse of america
Nigger, who are committing the crimes again?
If that’s the case then why are they allowing Muslim settlers in their countries? Why are their economies in such bad shape? Why are    They not innovating as much anymore? Why are their iq scores decreasing? And why is there more drug use? So many questions to ask yet so few answers. You don’t see any of  this happening to Asians very much. This obviously proves that whites are not superior to Asians.
Replies: >>10099 >>10121
>It's not about doing nothing. It's about no longer being under the elite's tactics of divide and conquer, which is a spell you're under.
So doing nothing. Great confirmation.
>Doing nothing is posting your retarded capital w White memes, jacking yourself off over whiteness, saving pictures of ugly ass aged white women with babies. 
That's your shitskin interpretation of it. White people are better, these images remind people who think otherwise.
>. It's the non-human race that's been involved in manipulating the human lifestyle since the creation of man. I shouldn't bother, you are too deep in the matrix and are brainwashed, you are opposed to information fights what you find pleasurable. Seeking truth is not ego stroking, you are ego stroking because you like being a victim much like trannies like playing victim. You're a victim to your human senses, you don't actually seek truth.
Just kys already, you are a waste to everyone. Stay oblivious and die a pathetic death.
Replies: >>10098 >>10114
/ashleyj/ is and always has been a half mexican board you fucking retard

do you even know where you are?
Replies: >>10100 >>10181
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>If that’s the case then why are they allowing Muslim settlers in their countries? 
These are jewish malicious actors at play, not white people. Violence is already going up, this will either end with them all dying or all of the western countries going to war.
>Why are their economies in such bad shape? 
Their economies aren't in bad shape, nigger what country not in the west is better than a western country?
>Why are    They not innovating as much anymore? 
Except they are. Chinks don't innovate, they die to escalators. Japs draw cartoons. And south america, middle east, and africa just kill each other or remain at room temperature IQ.
>Why are their iq scores decreasing? 
Whites iq scores haven't decreased. No study can prove that any races IQ has decreased or increased. The average nigger are and will forever be retarded 80 IQ.
>And why is there more drug use? 
Retard have you been to asia? Have you been to south america? Africa? These places experience insane growth in drug use. And not some small shrooms europeans will take every once in a while, but hard brain damaging drugs. 
>You don’t see any of  this happening to Asians very much. 
Actually you do. Chinks and other asians lack a soul, they can't create. only copy. There is a reason why chinks copy apple products and have huge factories for doing so. They don't innovate at all.
>This obviously proves that whites are not superior to Asians.
Sorry chink, but you will die like your other pathetic shit race. But since you were blessed with living in a white country(you speak english) you won't have to deal with dying to an elevator or escalator.
KEK. So you are mutt, great to know. You aren't white, you latinx faggot.
>do you even know where you are?
Yeah bro we totally unironically believe in lizards controlling everything, amirite guys?
Replies: >>10102 >>10118
Here's a great website you'll love to post on, just make sure you don't use Tor and switch off your VPN because for some reason they don't allow you to actually be anonymous: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/

I'm sure you'll meet many nice WWWWhite women there who will procreate with you (make sure to check for a dick first though)
Replies: >>10103
Replies: >>10104
No that place is infested with too many tranny raids from leftypol and discord servers. Absolute waste. I'd rather go on https://frenschan.org/pol/catalog.html
Replies: >>10105 >>10115
Ashley being part mexican doesn't mean everyone needs to be mexican to browse this board anon.
Replies: >>10106 >>10108
>I'd rather go on https://frenschan.org/pol/catalog.html
Hahaha oh wow, thanks for the tip officer!
Replies: >>10109
Nobody said that retard
Replies: >>10107
Then what was the point of this post retard?
Replies: >>10110
>s-she's only *part* mexican guys
>she can still be my aryan princess right??
>uhh japanese anime is cool and japanese girls are hot because they're honorary aryans
>in fact anything I like is aryan and anything I don't is a heckin niggerino
Replies: >>10111
Wow, very smart anon.
Do you even hear yourself? You're going off about shitskins this and latinx that, I'm pointing out you're only here because you simp over a nonwhite. simple as fuckboi
Replies: >>10112
Never said she can be an aryan princess. She is entertaining, I'm not a nigger like you who simps.
>>uhh japanese anime is cool and japanese girls are hot because they're honorary aryans
Never said japanese are honary aryans, they are probably less dirty asian group, but they still get mogged by whites(look at the graphs above).
I don't simp over ashley. I find her videos funny and that is all.
Crazy that you retards are pearl clutching over white nationalism but completely forget when seabees started posting about the turner diaries in the book recommendation thread.
Tell me, what exactly are you doing? You're in such big favor of doing for the white race. Are you supporting a stay at home wife? Are you having children? Are you building resources to help your family self sustain? Gardening, building, teaching your young? Or are you just some easily controlled kid addicted to Discord memes who likes stroking your ego based on your skin color and cherry picked statistics derived from /pol/ and WEF owned twitter?
Replies: >>10116
>frenschan shilling
Holy shit I finally got assigned my very first glowie on tubgurl duty :3
Replies: >>10117
>Tell me, what exactly are you doing? 
It's the weekend and I'm bored.
>You're in such big favor of doing for the white race. Are you supporting a stay at home wife? Are you having children? Are you building resources to help your family self sustain? Gardening, building, teaching your young? 
I'm an active member in my community.
>Or are you just some easily controlled kid addicted to Discord memes who likes stroking your ego based on your skin color and cherry picked statistics derived from /pol/ and WEF owned twitter?
>cherry picked
KEK. Yeah bro it's all cherry picked. Please go to some nigger infested town and try not getting robbed. But yeah dismiss it all as just kids making memes, no actual truth in any of it!
I'm not trying to shill it, I just gave an alternative to pol. I could've honestly said soyjak /pol/ but that place is absolute cancer lmao.
Replies: >>10118
This thread reads like it's straight out of a fed's guidebook, frenschan shilling is the cherry on top. It's annoying how my humor lumps me in with the telegram channel white nationalist larper types. I'm not the savior of the white race, I'm a god damn Mexican. A BEANER. IM A FUCKING BEANER. SE HABLA ESPANOL BITCH TACO TACO BURRITO CHURRO DESU

>Yeah bro we totally unironically believe in lizards controlling everything, amirite guys?
Replies: >>10119
>This thread reads like it's straight out of a fed's guidebook, frenschan shilling is the cherry on top. 
I genuinely don't believe that feds are on an obscure chan board. They are probably busy cleaning up the cocaine found in the white house because of joe biden's son.
>It's annoying how my humor lumps me in with the telegram channel white nationalist larper types. 
Well why do you think your humor gets attention from white nationalists? Because white nationalists recognize funny non zog humor. 
Okay, but what if we agree that all of these """lizards""" are jewish?
Replies: >>10124 >>10183
You can’t even take accountability for the failures of whites you insisted blame the Jews. If whites are superior then why don’t they just defeat the Jews. Drug use has increased among whites and more of them have died from drug overdoses, it may not be as bad as some countries, but what makes you think that if you ignore the problem its going to get better? Many of these white power folk don’t really care about white people who are struggling, they are just like Black Lives Matter who just run their mouth. The iq of most European countries has declined please go look it up! I don’t want to hear your opinions! And it’s pretty obvious based on how they are conducting their countries. They want to become third world. They can’t even control crime anymore, have you seen Paris lately lol. At least some third world countries can still control crime, dam. Most European countries have also banned the death penalty while East Asians still have it. All while Ukrainians and Russians are killing each other.
Is a reply to >>10099
Replies: >>10123
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>You can’t even take accountability for the failures of whites you insisted blame the Jews. 
Whites live in a world of chaos.
>If whites are superior then why don’t they just defeat the Jews. 
Because the Jews have autistically strengthen their in group preference beyond all other races. Jews want to hire other jews. Jews will use this nepotism to get to positions of power and add more fire to the world.
>Drug use has increased among whites and more of them have died from drug overdoses, it may not be as bad as some countries, but what makes you think that if you ignore the problem its going to get better? 
I'm not ignoring the problem at all. Actually whites are likely the strongest anti drug and knowledgeable people on drugs to exist. Asia, middle east, africa, etc, these shitholes have communities that don't give a shit about people at all. Africa has villages where people huff burning plastic in a bottle all day, completely killing their brains. But that is africa, they don't care or have any brains to think of solutions.
>Many of these white power folk don’t really care about white people who are struggling, they are just like Black Lives Matter who just run their mouth
In what way? Most pro white organizations act as a community for many white people.
>The iq of most European countries has declined please go look it up! 
KEK. Retard do you think it's the retarded non whites living in these western countries that are killing the IQ or do you think for no reason at all white IQ has declined for unexplained reasons?
>I don’t want to hear your opinions! And it’s pretty obvious based on how they are conducting their countries.
Not one country outside of the west is nearly as competent as a western country. In a variety of factors: health, military, technology, gdp, happiness, etc.
>They want to become third world. They can’t even control crime anymore, have you seen Paris lately lol
Yes, now is it white people shitting up paris or retarded nonwhites? Also have you forgotten the countless wars in the middle east? Or when china lost to a island? ETC, ETC, ETC.
>At least some third world countries can still control crime, dam
Name a country bro, I bet I can find corruption and more.
>Most European countries have also banned the death penalty while East Asians still have it. 
Wow so asians can get killed by their government! Very epic. I'm guessing they get sent into a elevator and recorded to be seen on liveleak. I'm so jealous the west doesn't have that!

The west could learn a thing or two from the prosperous chink people!
Replies: >>10129 >>10134
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I knew that "they're actually jews" would be the next statement. I hope you can see that everything you present all revolves around race. Identity politics are probably the most aggressive tactic used for control because everyone is automatically lumped into a category regardless of their values and opinions as a person, we are forced into boxes beyond our control. The elites desire for us to think in terms of race, in terms of us vs. our fellow humans. They do NOT want us to think in terms of us vs. elites. It's a spiritual war that is not physical, they want us grounded in the physical because the spiritual is where true magic and control is done. It sounds woo-woo when coming from me, but take a look at what the controllers actually believe and do. They believe in weirdo bizarre spiritual metaphysics. Again, they do NOT want us to think in terms of us vs. elites. This is exactly why they hide under the guise of being "Jewish". If you think George Soros is exactly the same as Kyle Broflovski, you have fully bought into the narrative designed and propagated by the "people" you claim to be fighting against. Please understand that, I mean that.

The controllers who control everything are not members of the same human race as you and I. They act in lockstep across different countries. How the countries acted during 2020 proved that we have a one world government in which acts in sync with each other, regardless of country and race. The Japanese government acted just as the German government did, the Italian government acted just as the US government did. When you realize this, you can see that the government and those in positions of power are not separate; they are one who act together. It's beyond race.

"The Jews" who control many aspects of our Earth existence are far from the only race to participate in government control across the world. Plenty of "Christians" control the US government, but we know due to things like Pizza Gate that these politicians claiming to be Christian are actually evil satanic worshiping baby blood drinking adrenochrome baby/child murderers. They pretend to be Christian, it acts as a guise to win over trust from the American population, to blend in, and it also allows them to meet up in places such as a church with other elites to discuss and follow through with their evil practices, such as murdering children.

When it comes to the "Jews", it is not different. They don't care if you recognize that "Jews" control much of the media, money, government. In fact, they LIKE if you notice this, this is why they promote controlled opposition plants such as Kanye West. It acts as a stop gap to connect the dots; it gives you a false enemy to target. The fake "Jews" are absolutely no different than the fake Christians, than the fake Dalai Lama, than the fake Pope, etc. When you look into what these "Jews" do, they are participating in the exact occult organizations and practices all these other elites do. Bohemian grove, Epstein's Island, WEF, WHO, skull and bones, etc. You need to recognize the common thread, these people do not organize under one race. They organize under secret societies all tying back to occult and esoteric beliefs, fake Christians and fake Jews alike. Matters of race are something for the slave population to squabble over.

The "Jews" know that if they get the population to see an elite group controlling the population, we will target them. This is a scapegoat, a very common tactic. They don't want us to realize what they actually are, a non-human race that has controlled the human population dating back since the beginning, so they create a guise for us to target. It's a scapegoat, I cannot emphasize this enough. Realize how all the controllers, regardless of religion and race, ultimately practice and organize under the same evil occult groups. After this, you can look even deeper in history to understand why people realize this is a non-human influence controlling our governments.

I'm sure you're familiar with predictive programming, or how "they" (whoever you define as "they") promote the truth via media. For decades we saw media showing planes hitting the Twin Towers ( https://worldstarhiphop.com/videos/wshhAiMA9KN6G50oLx20/trippy-911-predictive-programming-compilation-of-cartoons-amp-movies-with-911-subliminals ). And eventually, it happened. Why would they do this? It's part of their metaphysical occult beliefs, it may be strange to you or I, but they believe in it. It must have some truth because they are the controllers to many here on Earth.

Anyways, all this to say, they definitely plant seeds of truth via media such as movies and music. Look for snake symbology, (a famous one is the snake tempting eve, the snake ends up altering our Earth reality). In so far as this "craaazy" theory that reptilians control the Earth, you can see them planting seeds of truth via movies as they are known to do (like 9/11).

V (1983)

Inside Job (Netflix)

V (2009)

There's endless examples, these being very blatant predictive programming. 
>inb4 your proof are movies
Absolutely not, keep in mind my previous points. My point here is, you likely know that "they" promote truth through media. This is an example of that happening. This should keep you busy for a while: https://killuminatireport.blogspot.com/2017/11/absolute-very-best-evidence-not-100.html

One last thing. They don't want us to know the truth, unlocking the knowledge that they are actually a non-human race interfering with our existence opens up a new perspective on reality. That there is more than just the physical. This is extremely dangerous to them, they want us locked in the physical sense. They created false religions to keep the cattle submerged under the idea that there is faith/metaphysical reality, albeit, misguided through religion by design. Now we notice they are completely trying to ward away any sense of the metaphysical, because it is dangerous, so even the manufactured religions they are trying to destroy. They want us deeply rooted in physical problems and ideas, and race division is one of them that is at the forefront of a lot of sheep's minds to ward away looking into the most important matter - the spiritual war against us humans. Take a look at this webm. Tell me that they aren't laughing at us, this is exactly what they want. Look at how they make us act like fucking monkeys, different sides same behavior, we are better than this. Or are you?
Replies: >>10126 >>10187
Thank you Ashley for the great and educational read. I won't leave the belief of reptilian humanoids or shapeshifters off the table. With that being said, I think it would be more productive to focus on what is tangible. You mentioned many people and conspiracies that are linked to Jews. Epstein? Jew. Soros? Jew. 9/11? Aggressively linked to Jews. This group that embraces toxic nepotism is behind some the most grotesque wicked evil the Earth has witnessed. I'm sorry, but I cannot stop recognizing patterns.

If you are interested in Jewish nepotism seen in many industries, I highly recommend leather apron club's videos.

I believe we both know the people(or reptilian humanoids shapeshifters) performing these evil acts upon the world, but we just have different names for them. All in all we are fighting and or acknowledge the same evil and I believe that is a good thing.
Replies: >>10127 >>10190
I think you're missing my point. Yes, of course, they are "jews". This is the label they apply to themselves and it's undeniable the """Jews""" are operating in high positions of control. But, this is a mask, a guise, a label they apply so you stop looking further.

Reptilian and Jew are not a different label for the same thing, because you and I are fighting for different things. You seem to be tied in the physical, physical problems created by the elites. Whereas I can recognize complete control by the hands of the elite, I am not controlled by their manufactured problems or politics, and I can learn what they practice to protect myself and my fellow humans.

They want you to think it's the Jews. Please realize that these Jews also work hand in hand with fake Christians, fake Hindus, etc. These fake controllers all actually practice occult beliefs and actions. All of them. The "jews" linked to Epstein, Soros, 9/11, are FAKE Jews who need being Jewish as a mask, as a scapegoat, to hide the fact that they are more than a people, more than a race.

I can see that this conditioning works really well, people get highly invested in targeting "the Jews", in reality, they are faking being Jews and faking being human at that. Please consider the information I provide, how they are all involved in satanism, occult knowledge, how they have planted tons of predictive programming (truth) via the media for decades, centuries. We can keep going in circles with, "yeah BUT it's the JEWS", because once you learn that they operate under a name to hide the true identity, it breaks the fake Jewish spell they cast upon you. Why are Jews practicing occult rituals? This is undeniably a reptilian, loosh harvesting trait carried by archons, reptilians, demons. Not a human. Fake jews are not human. I appreciate you hearing me out, I am definitely not trying to argue or sound confrontational, I just want to wake people up.
Replies: >>10131
So you’re telling me that Jews are superior to whites now is that your excuse. Why is there still a lot white drug addicts then. Do they want to become third world? I still see some whites that are struggling, where is the support? And yes and no, even whitest countries in Northern Europe have seen big drops in iq, while some countries are also bringing in settlers who are the Poorest of the poor and because of this, they are also even lower in iq, its not like they are bringing in a bunch of well educated or high iq people. I’m not saying the west is incompetent but they are heading down that road. Who is letting all these nonwhite settlers in then is it the Jews lol. One of  reasons as to why crime is up, is because they don’t have harsher punishments like the death penalty, do you not want criminals to get punished? Because that’s one of the reasons why west is falling. Why can’t whites stop any of these issues? Are they incompetent? I don’t see that most developed East Asian countries have these kinds issues, they seem to be doing okay. The US also has a half brain dead president that’s not a good sign and also an embarrassment.
Replies: >>10136
I learned a lot from this little exchange we had and I thank you for that. I never dismiss new beliefs or topics. I believe dismissing and or censoring beliefs is lazy, foolish, and dangerous. I will look into the the spiritual side of the evil seen in this world. Also I will look at the theories of malicious third party actors that aren't human, but may appear human, who are causing or adding to evildoing.
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risten here you whaitó piggu!! 凸(`⌒´メ)凸 you see yummy cow head and say 『ohhh so disgustingu~』 rike weaku woman! but you fat ass american eat nothing but cheeseburgers arru day!

it come from same animar!! (╯°□°)╯

at reast the fine asian man and his strong son eat arru of the animaru instead of throw awey!! waste is bad and disrespectfuru tū animaru!!

asia #1!! =͟͟͞͞( •̀д•́)))
vacation is best!! 凸(`0´)凸

Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.
Who You?: I am Tahiti. I rove vacation! 🗿🍹
<Ristening to: 家入レオ -「もし君を許せたら」
<Rink: https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=CAQNpP6I8W0 🎵🕺
>Location: Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos 🌏✈️
>So you’re telling me that Jews are superior to whites now is that your excuse
They aren't superior at all. Look around you, is this the ideal world? No. And it's because jews have gotten control of positions of power. Doesn't mean they are better, but instead just embrace nepotism.
>Why is there still a lot white drug addicts then
Because it's a powerful substance on the body? Retard, every country has problems. It's just that non western countries have WAAAAY more problems than the west.
>Do they want to become third world? 
You think they think like that? They just want to get high. With that being said many western countries made abusive drugs illegal. Weed or shrooms are very basic and cause no known brain damages.
>I still see some whites that are struggling, where is the support?
They likely get more support than third worlders, look at child mortality rate in non western countries, it's not good.
>And yes and no, even whitest countries in Northern Europe have seen big drops in iq, while some countries are also bringing in settlers who are the Poorest of the poor and because of this, they are also even lower in iq, its not like they are bringing in a bunch of well educated or high iq people. I’m not saying the west is incompetent but they are heading down that road.
If you are going to keep bullshitting on the IQ part then you need to bring sources. Whites have remained at the same recorded IQ for the longest time. If the countries total IQ has gone down then this is the result of nonwhite immigration. These immigrants fill basic working roles, that is why they are allowed in.
>Who is letting all these nonwhite settlers in then is it the Jews lol
Yes, actually. Again, look at the people in positions of power controlling it. A simple wikipedia early life check is all you need to confirm they are jewish.
>One of  reasons as to why crime is up, is because they don’t have harsher punishments like the death penalty, do you not want criminals to get punished? Because that’s one of the reasons why west is falling
Crime is bad. Wow, such a brave take! Every country needs to work on crime, that is obvious to anyone. Death penalty and harsher punishments can help with that, but you will always have crime and corruption in a country.
>Why can’t whites stop any of these issues? Are they incompetent? I don’t see that most developed East Asian countries have these kinds issues, they seem to be doing okay
Define "okay". East asian countries will never be the best. You want the best? You look towards western countries. East asian countries are dirty places where white people visit to fuck small asian women. The governments have the similar corruption found in south american countries. The only somewhat good country is japan, but even then japan has an insanely bad birthrate problem. Similar to many countries in the west.
>The US also has a half brain dead president that’s not a good sign and also an embarrassment.
Many people don't like him too. And hopefully he doesn't get reelected. But what is interesting is that old man is the leader of a country that is the wealthiest country in the world, China and other east asian countries are miles behind. 

Now continue to use English when responding like the good non white slave you are.
>Now continue to use English when responding like the good non white slave you are.
Is that really how you talk to Ashley Joñes?
Tahiti, you son of a bitch, you make some good points. Maybe one day Americans can eat cow head and say grace before doing so. Like thanksgiving, but instead of turkey, we eat cow head.
Based Tahiti chan saving the day and bringing an end to racism. We missed you Tahiti, sorry that you got robbed by a hooker.
this is actually not a bad point
Now you are just contradicting yourself. Yes I’m going to use English, why shouldn’t I? If they are superior then why don’t they just fix those problems? You won’t believe me, how about you look it up yourself, I’m seeing a decrees in iq for homogeneous white majority countries and whites also don’t have higher iqs then North East Asians. So your going to blame the Jews, you just said that Jews aren’t superior. Why is crime becoming an issue in the west? Developed East Asian countries are not allowing mass immigration and destroying their countries like the west. The west is going down hill, guess who is allowing it, whites. There the ones who started destroying the west.
Replies: >>10196
>Weed or shrooms are very basic and cause no known brain damages.

Weed lowers your IQ.


Replies: >>10197
Joe Biden is president of the second largest economy, guess who’s the largest?

 Miles behind in destroying their countries that’s for sure.
Replies: >>10198
Do western countries not have any recessions or high inflation?
Replies: >>10199
I point out the possibility of White influence on the early development of Eastern culture not to try and claim everything but because it is an intriguing possibility. It also seems to fall in with some other parts of "hidden history" where Westernkind are being taught another narrative.

The next time you hear a similar story, I hope you give it a few minutes for a look.
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> But good job at spreading the message and continue to spread said message

Thank you. Will try to do
God dammit we had just bumped this shit thread off onto the second page. In Ashley's honor, this is now a thread dedicated to sexy latinas and asking Ashley about any lawn care questions you have.
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Have you ever heard people say about Chinese/Asians, "They all look the same to me"? There is actually something to this genetically. They are highly similar.

This aside, as many here will know, Chinese/Asian brains are actually the largest on average, so they do tend to have a higher IQ than Westerners, on average.

Though their average IQ is higher, their bell-curve for IQ is tighter, (smaller SD standard deviation) so though they have fewer stupid people, they also have fewer people at the genius end of the spectrum. (Another way of saying this is that their IQ's are more similar.) 

Europeans have a higher SD for IQ, and this means they have more people at the genius end of the scale, despite having an overall slightly lower IQ.

There was one explanation that tried to tie this into higher testosterone in Whites, driving the men (who have a higher SD than women anyway, y chromosome is shorter) on to pursue their genius ideas. It was argued that Whites had higher testosterone levels than Asians, and this amplified the genius IQ effect.

This testosterone thinking was also applied to blacks, with the notion that they had higher testosterone, making them more impulsive, but it turned out that blacks actually have lower testosterone. (I would be keen to hear more about this, as I wonder about it.)

Professor Edward Dutton at the Jolly Heretic channel is a specialist now on the biological basis of behaviour and discusses these matters frankly, though he is suspect on the JQ.
Replies: >>10201
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>/ashleyj/ is and always has been a half mexican board you fucking retard

Perhaps through Iberian descent. I doubt Ashley would use a corporated DNA lineage tool.
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>Whites iq scores haven't decreased. No study can prove that any races IQ has decreased or increased. The average nigger are and will forever be retarded 80 IQ.

Using other markers as a proxy for IQ, it is possible to track rises and falls in IQ. Professor Dutton has written about it and argues that IQ is indeed falling:

Replies: >>10201
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>Okay, but what if we agree that all of these """lizards""" are jewish?

This is an interesting notion. David Icke, maybe, was using Lizard People as a proxy for Jews so that he could air his ideas. 

What I would like to know is how they know they are lizard-people, rather than for example, insectoid-people, or amphibioids.
Replies: >>10186 >>10200
Ashley is super fucking mexican you newfag. She doesn't need to take a DNA test to know it. It's honestly shocking she's as light skinned as she is. You clearly don't know who her father Ray Mysteriano is. He's an ultra-dark 120% beaner Luchador wrestler who would mow your lawn and bodyslam your ass out of the ring before you could say "¡Lo siento padre!"
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> If whites are superior then why don’t they just defeat the Jews

Using a strategy of The Long March of the Institutions, and control of the money supply, and Media, the ZOG subverted Western Command & Control centres. Western nations are starting to wakeup to this.
Sorry bro but there is no doubt I'm Home Depot-tier Mexican. Not derived from Spain, not castiza, straight up from Guadalajara and my family migrated up to build railroads. 

I'm very well versed in David Icke and his ideas, watched plenty of his 8 hours long presentations and read his books and regularly watch his videos. He has stated without a shadow of a doubt that he does not align with the JQ ideology, and exposing reptilians is literally just that; exposing reptilians. He advocated for the strengthening of the entire human race and understands the spiritual war against humans caused by non-human controllers. The man is far beyond racial division tactics, this isn't a grey area up for interpretation, the man has literally said it himself ad nauseam.
Replies: >>10189 >>10200
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Oh, its you, Ashley chan. Thank you for posting this very funny video.

Lets look at what you have said here and while so doing, lets put aside discussion of the Jews, Lizards and who these, as you call them, 'elites' are. 

Lets instead focus on the spiritual dimension realm you mentioned. You are talking in good faith I think so, please tell us:  
How do we reliably visit  this spiritual place, the place which matters more? For example, do we visit a site like Stonehenge, or do we take entheogens like mushrooms, or do we fast till we reach an altered state?

When we arrive at this spiritual place, what do we do or need?

Why is it of significance?
Replies: >>10191
Ay ay ay forgot to namefag
>If you are interested in Jewish nepotism seen in many industries, I highly recommend leather apron club's videos.

Can confirm Leather Apron Club is very cool. Take a look at his IQ video. (Which Ed Dutton claims to have addressed and dismissed.)

By the way, yewtu.be was hosted with oracle, and they without notice closed it. Anybody who had an account on yewtu.be had their settings lost unless they were backed up offline.
Replies: >>10191
You don't have to try, you're already living in the spiritual dimension. All existence is spiritual and can interact with other realities. Our brain is highly limited to what we can see, so most times spiritual beings are invisible to our naked eye. Keep in mind our brain is a decoder; that's all the brain does. It decodes information. The information we can perceive and thus, decode, is extremely small. We cannot see the majority of what's around us, only a fraction of a percent is what we are able to decode. We are basically blind in our Earth existence, which is why when you ask ANYBODY who has an NDE, they always state that Earth feels like a dream and heavy,  and when they're outside of the body they feel real and conscious and aware.

Make no mistake, you are in the spiritual realm. This realm when in a body is harder to be conscious, it's said that it feels like a dream state, and major religions such as Hinduism even describe this Earth life as a dream. The controllers attempt to crystallize the Pineal gland (said to be the vessel of the soul) via things such as fluoride and corn syrup, which completely dampen someone's ability to become more spiritually aware outside of the body. There are many, many different ways one can become more aware or in tune with the spiritual realm. I could list them in great detail, but I'm unsure if anyone is actually interested or if this is some long jerk off argument, I can't tell and don't really care to argue. I don't mind discussing if someone actually wants to learn new information. But to be honest, I don't want to be the one to spoonfeed. I come on this board for fun, so I implore you to take this information and research for yourself.

Briefly, here's a few ways you could better interact within the spiritual realm. You can pray, and it doesn't have to be to a god. All praying is, is intent. We know through things like the Kybalion's 7 hermetic principals that mentalism is incredibly powerful. Pray or put intent towards what you want. Out of body experiences tend to warrant more apparent spiritual experiences and interactions with other beings. You can astral project (with caution), meditate, Binaural beats, etc. You can also use drugs, but drugs such as mushrooms or DMT can make you more susceptible to being targeted by evil entities, but so can meditation as we saw with Kyle Odom. It's sort of a can of worms with this topic, it's hard to give a short answer because there are many different paths. You have to do your own research, there's plenty on this topic and someone like David Icke is a good place to start. I just know that relentlessly discussing race and how XYZ race is oh so victimized and is superior with no flaws is untrue and a distraction to keep your mind occupied from the real issue, the spiritual fight. It goes deeper than this too, but if one cannot recognize the very basics, that the controllers are not fricken' Jews and that they pit us together on purpose, then there is no way you can comprehend anything beyond that and all I say will be lost on you. So I leave it at that, I provided a few resources to point you in the right direction.

>not writing a script to take daily backups of your json subscriber list
fuckin' lol
Replies: >>10213
Thanks, I shall look into that.

While you are here, and to move to another topic entirely, since you have Mexican heritage, do you grow chiles? Which ones do you like?

Also, please point us to your favourite vegan, Mexican recipe?
>Now you are just contradicting yourself. Yes I’m going to use English, why shouldn’t I? 
Why are you such a bitch to Whites that you have to use English? Imagine trying to dunk on whites when you are forced to use a white language lmao.
>If they are superior then why don’t they just fix those problems? 
Because human nature invites problems. No race has no problems.
>You won’t believe me, how about you look it up yourself, I’m seeing a decrees in iq for homogeneous white majority countries and whites also don’t have higher iqs then North East Asians
East asians have higher or the same IQ as whites yet fail to do anything with it. They lack creativity. They don't innovate like whites.
>So your going to blame the Jews, you just said that Jews aren’t superior. 
Because they aren't? Chink, I don't know why you can't comprehend this. Nepotism maxxing is something the jews are good at and only that. Whites on the other hand are good at a variety of things.
>Developed East Asian countries are not allowing mass immigration and destroying their countries like the west. The west is going down hill, guess who is allowing it, whites
Not whites, jews. Know the difference
>There the ones who started destroying the west.
Again, are jews.

Now please go back to assembling iphones in your local sweatshop.
Replies: >>10216 >>10218
>An underdeveloped brain(child or teenager) will in fact lose IQ from taking a drug that interacts with your brain
Wow... anon this is shocking. I never knew that.

Man I wonder how the rest of the world is dealing with drug issues...

>South America
>Middle east, North Africa

But oh man those damn europeans and north american smoking weed and taking shrooms, oh the horror!
Replies: >>10207 >>10212
>second largest economy
What do you mean? The US is the richest by GDP.

Nigger, every country experiences recessions and high inflation. And yet even with these major economic downward trends the West experience, they are still on top. Why isn't the middle east beating the US with all the oil they have? Why isn't asia beating the US with all the child labor they have? It's because the West is economically superior to non western countries.
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>Sorry bro but there is no doubt I'm Home Depot-tier Mexican. Not derived from Spain, not castiza, straight up from Guadalajara and my family migrated up to build railroads. 


But you look just like Isabella of Castille
Replies: >>10203
I am familiar with Professor Edward Dutton. He has some good takes, but fails to tackle the JQ and sometimes even defend Jews. Either way, I don't like punching right, so I don't care about fighting or dismissing his work.
I'll check it out.
Replies: >>10202
>I am familiar with Professor Edward Dutton. He has some good takes, but fails to tackle the JQ

Yes, this is quite noticeable, and a bit insidious. It is the same with Jared Taylor. Dr. E. Michael Jones, on the other hand, is great on the JQ, but completely misses race.
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Of course there's drug abuse in other countries. who ever said there wasn't? the point that i was trying to make was that, getting high from weed over a long time can cause you to lose some iq points.
Replies: >>10209 >>10211
>getting high from weed over a long time can cause you to lose some iq points.
this. anyone who disputes it is probably a retard burnout. I've known people go from normal or even above average to complete retards over the course of less than a decade
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>Sorry bro but there is no doubt I'm Home Depot-tier Mexican. 

NuMex Twilight

From the chile research institute at New Mexico State University


Yes for underdeveloped brains, smoking weed can change your brain chemistry. But to lose IQ from smoking weed, you would probably have to smoke insane amounts every day for years.
Then why don’t they stop the recession and inflation, since you say whites are superior. I’m not saying the west has worse economy, but it’s going down hill. The point I’m making is that whites are not superior. Who started bringing in all those Muslim settlers in to Europe? Who started much of these mass immigrations into the west? I’m not saying the west is bad, but look at who’s destroying it, white guilty libtards, so don’t tell me whites are superior.
Replies: >>10233
>Out of body experiences tend to warrant more apparent spiritual experiences and interactions with other beings
Why would you trust anything you see from an out of body experience? It's a fact that these entities can and actively create illusions, why wouldn't they make everything you experience around them in that realm an illusion? They could give you fake visions of heaven, hell, your dead relatives, aliens, reptillians, the machine elves, the "light at the end of the tunnel", literally anything they'd want you to see in that realm to manipulate you. The only power you could possibly have in that realm is your disbelief of their illusions. Also about prayer, I've heard cases of prayers being "answered" in very demented ways by these entities(under the guise of pagan gods). I think it is best to use our awareness of these entities to free ourselves from their influence, not to give them even more control over our souls by interacting with them on their playing field.
Replies: >>10218
I’m not racist to whites, so yes I can use the English language. So you’re telling me whites have problems too, like every other race? East Asians do innovate they don’t lack creativity, they also are not allowing mass immigration and destroying their countries like the west. But you blame the Jews instead, proving that whites aren’t superior.
Replies: >>10238
>Why are you such a bitch to Whites that you have to use English?
We're on a primarily English speaking board having an English conversation. If he spoke anything other than English you'd flip your shit. So he can't win either way. I don't understand why you're strangely aggressive. You're trying to make whites glorified and victimized at the same time, it's completely contradictory.

I couldn't imagine being this invested on a culture made up of trannies, fatties, and sheep. If the whites were oh so superior, they wouldn't allow themselves to be controlled as they are. Case closed, cope your way out of it :3

>Why would you trust anything you see from an out of body experience? 
I don't, and I believe plenty of things one would classify as insane. I believe in the soul reincarnation trap, which is fully based on illusions and manipulation from evil entities. They do give a fake illusion on heaven and hell, heaven and hell aren't real but just false images projected to manipulate your emotions. It's all a goal to get you to reincarnate, you should research the soul reincarnation trap to learn more on this subject.

>not to give them even more control over our souls by interacting with them on their playing field.
You already are on their playing field, like it or not the Earth realm is completely controlled by these entities. Look into the Saturn Moon matrix. You just call them Jews, which is foolish once you research the occult side of things. If you think Earth is not a realm in which they operate, at the very least you operate in "their" realm when you dream and when you die. I would advice one to get used to operating in their realm so you are not manipulated by their images upon death; they just want you to reincarnate on Earth and will wipe your memory so you don't remember anything so you are a nice little slave who will generate loosh on Earth for them to feed off of, because reptilians are parasites.
Replies: >>10240 >>10419
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Now I shall post various different pictures of capital w White men getting fucked in the ass to demonstrate how superior the capital w White race is.
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This is a lot like the whites and psy ops manufactured by reptilians
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Whites have a high IQ? Does IQ stand for insanely QUEER?
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The only thing superior here is the guy's cock size, god damn.
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"Hey bro you got your cock in my ass"
"I'm just giving you an at-home colonoscopy exam"
"Sweet! We sure are screwing those big pharma jews out of their money by doing this at home!"
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>germans literally eat shit out of ass
Sieg Heil! Brown power!
Replies: >>10225
It's good thing I'm eating a bowl of vanilla ice cream instead of chocolate otherwise this pic would've ruined my dessert.
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There is actually a valid reason to prefer a capitalized W when discussing issues like this. 
To understand it, take a look at the New York Times (totally ZOG). Their style-guide used to prefer the use of  "anti-Semitic", rather than "anti-semitic". They have since reversed their policy and now prefer people use lowercas, "anti-semitic".

Jason of No White Guilt is probably better on this, but the thinking was that Semitic denoted a race of people. (Jews like to have a sort of special treatment for themselves. They don't want to be lumped in with everybody else and have to use the term racist. That isn't good enough for them.)

Anyway, anti-Semite was fine for them till it began being pointed out that Semites span a whole range of countries, including Africa. This they didn't like, if I remember correctly.

So they changed the S to s: anti-semitic to, I don't know, throw people off that trail or divert attention to the Jewishness or something like that.

In the case of Whites, many Jews, Noah Ignatiev at Harvard, for example, want to eradicate Whites, the people, and White culture, history and genetics. 

Whites are under assault from all fronts and one approach is to deny that "Whites" even exist. Some claim that the idea of a White race is merely a social construct and has no underlying basis in nature. (It clearly does.) 

If Whites are made a minority in their own lands, and this denial of White race becomes the dominant ideology, Whites would not be able to apply for minority protections.

By capitalizing the W in White, one is signalling that one is discussing something more than a superficiality, like tinge of skin. 

You can probably appreciate how important this is by examining the history of GNU+Linux, too.

RMS (Richard Stallman) chose to term his software free: free software. Later he wished he had thought of calling it libre, due to people confusing it with software that was available gratis.

Think how much he could have helped peopled distinguish between free (freedom) and free (gratis) if he had capitalized F: 

Free software vs free software

Free as in Freedom, vs free as in beer.

Whilst we are on this topic, there are also, as you probably know, various evolutions of GNU/Linux.

GNU/Linux (slash, similar to / root)
GNU-Linux (people didn't like the minus connotation, feeling it negative)
GNU+Linux (positive, togetherness)

Or better still,... just:
(as the linux-libre project is actually a GNU project, so I think it is fine (and funny) to say you run GNU, if you have a linux-libre kernel.

Now I am going to post some pictures of pretty White girls in White dresses to clear the air.
Replies: >>10230
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Bro what does this have to do with the threesome we arranged? Stop typing, start sucking!
Replies: >>10237
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I know, it's terrible what they do to us whites. Here, lemme comfort you bro.
>Then why don’t they stop the recession and inflation, since you say whites are superior
Because that is how the economy works? Anon every economy goes through this, whites are superior in the fact that with these economic problems they still prevail.
>I'm not saying the west has worse economy, but it’s going down hill
Yeah bro, call me then.
>The point I’m making is that whites are not superior. Who started bringing in all those Muslim settlers in to Europe? 
Jews, again. 
>Who started much of these mass immigrations into the west? 
>m not saying the west is bad, but look at who’s destroying it, white guilty libtards, so don’t tell me whites are superior.
They aren't white, they are jewish. And even with these jews attacking whites, whites prevail. What are asians doing again? I guess we can look at liveleak to see how they are doing.
Replies: >>10242
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Yeah bro I'm totally blind. I use my hands to see... oh what's this?
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And, in case people don't know, there is a hide button, so you don't have to view any horrible images.
Replies: >>10241 >>10247
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Mmm your ass tastes just like my moms cooking... like shit :D
typical CRT owners
>I’m not racist to whites, so yes I can use the English language
No, you are bitched. You HAVE to learn the English language to interact with most people online and most people in the developed world.
>So you’re telling me whites have problems too, like every other race? 
Humanity has flaws, when didn't I say that?
>East Asians do innovate they don’t lack creativity, 
KEK. Yeah bro, want me to bring up the chart again? Asians are soulless bug people. They are slave workers. Go assemble another iphone.
>they also are not allowing mass immigration and destroying their countries like the west. But you blame the Jews instead, proving that whites aren’t superior.
Holy shit your chink retardation is showing. Jews aren't superior to whites. Whites innovate, Jews destroy. Jews use nepotism to get into positions of power and destroy.
Replies: >>10420
>We're on a primarily English speaking board having an English conversation. If he spoke anything other than English you'd flip your shit. 
No ashley, we speak english because English dominates the developed world. That is the most in your face sign of white dominance in the world. That the chink instead of speaking a shitty language, he is forced to speak english.
>I couldn't imagine being this invested on a culture made up of trannies, fatties, and sheep. If the whites were oh so superior, they wouldn't allow themselves to be controlled as they are. Case closed, cope your way out of it :3
Actually ashley this culture was made by reptilian shapeshifters.
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Where?! I-I don't see it!!! Can you refresh, am I having issues?! it's almost like ashley removed the hide button
>>Then why don’t they stop the recession and inflation

I think the people who control the economy have deliberately tried to obscure how simple the basics of it actually are in order to keep their control of this enormous power.

A recession, or even worse a depression is a contraction of the economy. You know this, I am sure. What this really boils down to is that there is less money to go around, there is less of it in circulation. Why is this? Because the Banksters decide to keep taking in payments on loans people took, but not to create more loans.

The crux of this is that money is created as a loan (as debt). 

When somebody decides to buy a house, they usually go to the bank and ask for a loan/mortgage. The bank give it to them. That money never existed before the bank gave it to them. It wasn't their in piggy-banks, saved up by old people and children and pooled. It had no existence. It was brought into being by tapping out some numbers into a computer. 

The bank will want all that money, that never existed before, returned. Also, here is the kicker, they want some extra, too, the interest. 

That extra 10% for interest, that money doesn't exist. It will need to be brought into existence by *another loan*. This makes it an endless cycle of debt.

Bill Still does a great history on this in his excellent documentary, "Secrets of Oz":

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Help!! I wanna hide the disgusting pictures of those white women!!!
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>asians are superior
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What a beautiful white couple
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The whites are great at everything! Especially gay sex :D
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ashley... can you post some nigger porn... please
Replies: >>10258
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Oh sure, there's just so much white gay porn to sift through.
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we should all go to east asia and fuck some lady boy!
Replies: >>10264 >>10272
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Replies: >>10272
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Replies: >>10267
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Replies: >>10269
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I would like to point out that this is all white people creating these "disgusting" images, meanwhile the women you're posting are literally fictional.
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Replies: >>10273
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Replies: >>10277
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Based ladyboy poster, I love you.
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Replies: >>10279
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Happy 4th of July fellow Whites!!!!
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Replies: >>10280
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Thank you Sh*est for pulling pictures from your personal collection to help this cause
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Why are white men obsessed with licking assholes and shit?
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Gobble gobble, just like a turkey on thanksgiving! White people won on Thanksgiving, yaaaay!!!
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Nah, us Wites are superior and shall not race mix. Oh wait, thai ladyboys don't get pregnant? Sign me up!
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Anyone wanna take this White stallion for a ride?
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Replies: >>10329
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The absolute state of the US military.
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Hello, fellow white here. I am too scared to approach females in real life and thus have succumbed to a hearty porn addiction and anime addiction. I used to love Asian females, but seeing as I will never procreate with a female, I now find penises attractive. Why yes, I will fuck a hot taiwanese ladyboy in his ass!
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Can the AI generate testosterone so your people stop being homosexuals and trannies?
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What's sad is these gay men look stronger than straight white men.
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Replies: >>10362
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Its not gay if we close our eyes as we cum
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For anyone new to the board: this kind of behavior is 100% normal for Ashley. Some of you guys probably weren't around for the Scat Wars of 2022 on Endchan. This is honestly tame by comparison. It tells you a lot about her that she owns this website and is fully capable of moderating it how she likes, could simply delete posts etc. yet still chooses to spam literal gay shit in a contentious thread. God I love this woman.
Replies: >>10369
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Strong white male!
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I'm just demonstrating endless examples of the glorious White race.
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>mfw white piggu tink he has better scat porn
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I know, I'm thinking about how to archive and reupload the last 24 hours
Do note that one I have a solution, I will repost all the gay porn in this thread. I am not a loser.
Actually looking at it, the old threads that were bumped off were ancient. Our friend who we upset was spamming CP, which is not a good look for the White race. I don't understand why I upset them, because I am just posting examples of the great White race and my pal is posting pictures of ladyboys. What's so wrong with that?
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Hey, I'm racist too! I listen to racist podcasts! I'm a groyper!
Replies: >>10408 >>10411
Ashley, just make a new thread about this person. This thread has gone to shit.
Replies: >>10411
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That >>10407 wasn't me, if a new thread on this topic is made then I will definitely continue to post examples of the powerful white race. Look at that white power bottom ヽ(•‿•)ノ
Replies: >>10412 >>10418
Instead of posting gay porn, why don't you upload a video you lazy fuck!
Replies: >>10413
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You're right. Here's a video for you.
While it may be on par with the quality of your content, it lacks the iconic ashley characters. NOW GET TO WORK AND UPLOAD SOME ASHLEY CONTENT!
Niggers and spics can't imagine fucking this good. WHITE POWER BOTTOM!
I always cum to ashley's videos and this time is no exception
This is a lot like me and my financial advisor.
Replies: >>10422
Should have clarified that was my first post in this thread, I don't believe they are "jews" as you put it. You might not wish to discuss further(especially since this thread has been "coincidentally" flooded with literal shit) but maybe you can answer these questions at least to yourself. Where exactly does the "soul reincarnation trap" come from, or reincartion in general? Do you have any memories of a past life, and if so how can you trust those to not be illusions, and how could you trust anyone else's accounts on this to not be illusions? How do you test that? And where exactly do you get the "power to operate" in their realm, which is possibly a complete realm of illusion? Let's say you could "imagine" your own illusions in that realm, for what reason would you actually trust those to be your own? These entities create illusions and implant thoughts good enough to fool 99.999999999999999% of all humanity, and as soon as you are decieved by even a single one of these, they've shackled your soul and will do whatever they wish with it. You are not your thoughts and what you think determines what you do. There is no primal need to act upon thoughts without first thoroughly testing them, without thinking twice, and most of the time there's never any point to even act in the first place. In a realm(not unlike this earthrealm) where you will be surrounded by targeted illusions you should apply the highest doubt to absolutely everything you experience if you care at all about your freedom.
No, I’m speaking my mind freely, you also speak English, I have to communicate with you in English, so you can understand. If whites can prevail, why haven’t fixed the issues the west is facing? Why haven’t they defeated the Jews? Asians are not destroying their countries like the west. I challenge you to find a European country an iq of 105. If Europeans innovate more it does not mean they are superior, that’s like saying that blacks are superior because they are physically stronger than whites. But really you just want to blame the Jews for everything, which just proves my point. You are just like the black liberals who blame whites for their shortcomings. You are clearly just a narcissist who wants an excuse to feel better. How about you get off the board don’t come back and see if that helps. Ashley is also sick and tired of you.
Replies: >>10421 >>10425
>No, I’m speaking my mind freely, you also speak English, I have to communicate with you in English, so you can understand.
So you admit you are bitched eternally by whites? Got it.
>If whites can prevail, why haven’t fixed the issues the west is facing? Why haven’t they defeated the Jews? Asians are not destroying their countries like the west
It's a work in progress. Unlike the dangerous elevators found in east asia that swallow people alive and the sweatshops that kill chink children daily, problems are continually worked on and not dropped by soulless chink people who get raped by authoritarian governments.
>Asians are not destroying their countries like the west
Yeah bro just completely ignore tibet, hong kong, taiwan, and other groups within china that are completely against mainland china. Completely forget about hong kong riots anon? And don't even get me started on the corrupted shitty east asians countries that only appeal to westerns as an international brothel.
>I challenge you to find a European country an iq of 105.
I challenge you to go Europe and talk to any european. kek, please don't tell me you find 105 as a high IQ.
>If Europeans innovate more it does not mean they are superior
>that’s like saying that blacks are superior because they are physically stronger than whites
Not true actually, not one black has won worlds strongest man event.
>But really you just want to blame the Jews for everything, which just proves my point. 
Anon, try doing a little amount of research into what plagues this earth and you will find that kikes are the problem. You can remain oblivious, no dirt on me.
>You are just like the black liberals who blame whites for their shortcomings
Of course non whites are incredibly pathetic and NEED whites for reparations and sheeeit.
>You are clearly just a narcissist who wants an excuse to feel better. How about you get off the board don’t come back and see if that helps. 
So you are just calling it quits? Really? Well that's sad.
>Ashley is also sick and tired of you.
OH NO POOR ASHLEY!!! So you are an ashley simp now? You know she could just delete these threads or posts, but it would completely go against her anti censorship philosophy so she is stuck with me whether she likes it or not.
Underrated post
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>so she is stuck with me whether she likes it or not.
Now where have we seen this kind of behavior before? Hmm...
Replies: >>10424
Actually it's reptilian shapeshifter behavior. Don't blame the poor jews!
>OH NO POOR ASHLEY!!! So you are an ashley simp now? You know she could just delete these threads or posts, but it would completely go against her anti censorship philosophy so she is stuck with me whether she likes it or not.
I and probably most posters here want the board as a place to chill. Hang out, laugh, etc. We've had people "shit up" the board with persistent annoying posts, namefag drama, etc., and so if I sense others (such as >>10420) want to vocalize their dislike of the board's current state, I am not opposed to moderating within reason in order to maintain the board's usual vibe, which is funny, relaxed, generally cool with each other.

I personally think "da jooz" spam for hundreds of posts is annoying, but I won't moderate unless it's discouraging plenty of others from wanting to visit/post here. One white supremacy thread isn't worth turning off everyone from visiting the board. I generally want people to discuss at will and freely, but if it ruins the board's vibe (especially spamming illegal content because your feelings got hurt such as child porn, dead babies getting molested, etc.), I lose most all respect for the posters and their intent and am more inclined to believe this is a shit flinging contest that does nothing but get people angry.

So I leave it to you guys; voice your opinions. If you think this thread is discouraging you from posting or making the board unfun to visit, just say so. If there's a number of people who feel as I do and it's a group decision, we can do away with the shit flinging as we've occasionally had to do in times past. It's rare, but the TLDR is keep with the board's atmosphere and there's generally no problems with that.
That’s what you want to think and that’s your opinion, so you can have an excuse. I don’t see developed East Asian countries destroying their selves. Did you already forget about the riots in Paris or in other cities? Why isn’t there any ghettos in developed East Asian countries? And yes, an iq of 105 is higher than what any European country has on average. And also yes, blacks on average are stronger than whites, without steroids. Let’s at least see the whites defeat the Jews.
Replies: >>10430
The anon that you mention is a literal chink who got hung up on a chart ( >>10090 ) and started this argument in the first place. If he doesn't want like the current discussion in this thread then he should've decided to not reply in the first place. Side note I find it pretty pathetic that he calls mommy ashley for support like a fag. I reply to people who reply to me or mentions me in posts.
Replies: >>10434 >>10441
>That’s what you want to think and that’s your opinion, so you can have an excuse. I don’t see developed East Asian countries destroying their selves
Then just completely forget the multiple conflicts, that I listed before, in asia.
>Did you already forget about the riots in Paris or in other cities? Why isn’t there any ghettos in developed East Asian countries? 
Because the countries are ghetto? China has a few economic districts that are cities. Japan is fine. But the rest are literal shitholes. China literally allows the use of gutter oil in cities, if that isn't ghetto I don't know what is.
>And yes, an iq of 105 is higher than what any European country has on average
The amount of geniuses or people at 105 or above aren't living in asia. You will find them in europe or north america.
>And also yes, blacks on average are stronger than whites, without steroids
KEK. Yeah bro, so when will they win a competition that focuses on strength. No non european has won a worlds strongest man competition, so until then niggers cannot claim to be stronger than whites.
>Let’s at least see the whites defeat the Jews.
You do realize the jews are enemies of all races, right? Whites are against jews, but it seems that lesser races are perfect slaves for the jews. Like pawns.
Resorting to posting CP and dead baby molestation is pretty low. I'm in favor of doing away with the shit flinging.
Replies: >>10432
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Don't upset the sharty
Replies: >>10433 >>10447
this is a falseflag btw
I didn’t get hung up about your chart, I care about facts, that’s why I replied. This isn’t even your board. I was being sweet to you, but then you insulted me and cussed at me. I’m just going to ignore you because I already made my point. I already know I’m right. I don’t even have to argue with you anymore.
Replies: >>10435 >>10436
>I didn’t get hung up about your chart, I care about facts. 
And yet you have provided no sources to any of your claims. I have provided multiple and even the chart which you still have failed to refute.
>This isn’t even your board. I was being sweet to you, but then you insulted me and cussed at me. 
Oh boo hoo! I called out your blatant anti white bull shit!
>I’m just going to ignore you because I already made my point. I already know I’m right. I don’t even have to argue with you anymore.
KEK. Running away anon? Oh what a shame, you were entertaining.
Replies: >>10436 >>10454
Yeah don't bother replying. He's looking for an echo chamber and the reality is he won't find that here. By now you should see that there's no helping this person, don't bother trying to reason with them. They want to argue. If it wasn't obvious enough, he wants you to keep engaging. >>10435
Replies: >>10437 >>10441
Ashley if I was looking for an echo chamber why would I continue replying to people replying to me with different opinions? And again, you let these conversations take place, even when you have the ability to simply shut it down.
>The anon that you mention is a literal chink
How do you even know that? Even if he is, I'd rather hang out with polite, clean, intelligent asian people than some retard peckerwood such as yourself whining about muh huwhite race on the internet. Why don't you go out and volunteer in your all white community? Maybe meet a nice white woman and have some white kids? Is it the jews stopping you? I thought you were like super high IQ and way stronger and better than everyone, so that doesn't really make sense... hmm... 

>He's looking for an echo chamber

Go back to your "secure" telegram channels retard

this thread is gay, mommy should nuke it already
Replies: >>10444 >>10445
>How do you even know that? 
Look at his post history. He mentions east asia many times. He hasn't denied the chink allegations either. Seriously just read his posts, he shills for east asia to an autistic degree. 
>Even if he is, I'd rather hang out with polite, clean, intelligent asian people than some retard peckerwood such as yourself whining about muh huwhite race on the internet
You do realize the asian group includes indian, right? They are far from clean, even east asians are dirty. Lookup "gutter oil" they unironically drink sewage water.
>Why don't you go out and volunteer in your all white community? 
I actually do contribute to my community.
>Is it the jews stopping you? I thought you were like super high IQ and way stronger and better than everyone, so that doesn't really make sense... hmm... 
Whites are in fact super high iq and stronger than everyone, thanks for admitting that.
Replies: >>10446
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Let's make this thread even more gay.
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Please keep this thread on topic, anon.
Replies: >>10460
I think they might get upset once again.
The sources are there, go look them up. I don’t even have time to post them, because I don’t have the time. I have a life unlike you.
Replies: >>10465
This thread was ok till the gay p0rn started. You could delete everything below there, or if the board supports it, disable images in this thread.
I think what really started the reaction was the explanation that Semites are from Africa.

Anyway, it makes sense to lock the thread, since the board still seems to be under attack.

Delete the gay p0rn
Pls post more gay pr0n im goonin
Replies: >>10461
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Oooohhh count me in
Replies: >>10466
>I won't reply!
>*proceeds to reply*
>The sources are there, go look them up. I don’t even have time to post them, because I don’t have the time. I have a life unlike you.
KEKKK. So you won't post any sources and now your reasoning is that you "don't have time to", yet you had loads of time to reply to every one of my comments. Incredible. Why are chinks this retarded bros?
Replies: >>10475
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Replies: >>10467
Frasier is a good show.
Replies: >>10470
More like Gaysier.
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This thread must be cleansed.
Yeah, you can’t even reason with >>10465. I already told, this white cry baby the facts, and he still won’t leave. His only reason as to why he think’s his race is superior, is innovation yet ancient people innovated too, does that mean they are superior? No, that’s like saying that a group of people are superior because they are hard working. He has to blame the Jews which proves my point. If his race was superior they would have defeated the Jews long ago. Developed East Asian countries are clearly not destroying their selves like the west. He wants me to believe that there is conflict in these countries while Russians and Ukrainians are killing each other in larger numbers than any current conflict. He wants me to believe that New York City is safer than Tokyo. He should get off the dope and out his mom’s basement.
Replies: >>10480
>I already told, this white cry baby the facts, and he still won’t leave.
You have provided zero sources to anything you said.
>His only reason as to why he think’s his race is superior, is innovation yet ancient people innovated too, does that mean they are superior? No, that’s like saying that a group of people are superior because they are hard working. 
KEK. Yes, I and many more people believe ones who innovate are indeed superior. Look at any fields and the innovators are the people who are praised the most for their achievements. 
>He has to blame the Jews which proves my point
Because the jews are linked to almost all horrible events in the world? 
>If his race was superior they would have defeated the Jews long ago
I love how it up to the whites to defeat the jews. You ultimately accepted that whites are in fact superior because they are the only ones that can defeat the jews according to you.
>Developed East Asian countries are clearly not destroying their selves like the west.
Again, they are. If you think they are all happy homogeneous people then you don't know your history or any news about eastern asian politics.
>He wants me to believe that there is conflict in these countries while Russians and Ukrainians are killing each other in larger numbers than any current conflict
And chinks kill themselves by extremely low birthrates, established conflicts, and unironically horrible working conditions(ie sweatshops).
>He wants me to believe that New York City is safer than Tokyo. He should get off the dope and out his mom’s basement.
You wish all of east asia was japan, but that it far from the truth(besides the low birthrates part). Asia is an extremely disgusting place with an oddly high amount of human trafficking.

Also, didn't you say you would stop replying? If you wanted to keep to your word you would do that but you won't. I don't care, you are entertainment for me.
Replies: >>10481 >>10482
Again the facts are there and no inventor is going to tell me what to do, just because you invent something doesn’t make you superior, you become acknowledged for your invention. Rome and China innovated and they eventually fell. You are also wrong again about developed East Asian countries. You are also telling me that it’s up to whites to defeat the Jews even though they can’t defeat them. Okay boomer. You said that I’m entertaining that’s why I responded.
Replies: >>10483
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>I don't care, you are entertainment for me.
Hear that everyone? Let this retard thread die already.
>Again the facts are there and no inventor is going to tell me what to do, just because you invent something doesn’t make you superior, you become acknowledged for your invention.
What facts? You haven't any facts. Any sources. Not one strong argument against why whites aren't superior to other races.
>Rome and China innovated and they eventually fell. You are also wrong again about developed East Asian countries
>*proceeded to not tell me what I said was wrong*
KEK. Drink your gutter oil like a good chink.
>You are also telling me that it’s up to whites to defeat the Jews even though they can’t defeat them
That is how you phrased it. You basically said only whites can defeat jews, while other races are jews pathetic pawns. You, surprisingly, aren't wrong here.
>Okay boomer. You said that I’m entertaining that’s why I responded.
Yes, keep replying you are entertainment. Like a street monkey. Dance monkey, dance!
Replies: >>10486 >>10489
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That's enough guys! Make out! Uh, I, I mean up, make up!
Replies: >>10495
You suck cock with those vuluptious lips?
Replies: >>10488
Ashley go back to posting gay porn, you contribute nothing to the argument. If you really don't like it you can always just shut it down.
Replies: >>10490
Again the facts are there I don’t even have to show them to you. You are wrong about everything you said about developed East Asian countries. I didn’t ever say that whites can defeat the Jews, if they can why have they not done so? They have failed at defeating the Jews, which proves my point, that you’re race is not superior.
Replies: >>10491 >>10492
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Calm down autism, that wasn't me.
>Ashley go back to posting gay porn
I didn't know you liked it so much, since you specifically requested MORE gay porn, here you go. I easily found an image that combines your favorite things (•‿•)
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Guys you keep going in circles.
>Again the facts are there I don’t even have to show them to you.
Interesting, are these facts in the same room with us, anon? Take your meds or send sources to support your retardation.
>You are wrong about everything you said about developed East Asian countries
Again, retard what am I wrong about?
>I didn’t ever say that whites can defeat the Jews, if they can why have they not done so? 
Quit trying to change the goalpost, you phrased it out that only whites can defeat jews(true) and hinting that rest of the races are part of a lower caste(true, again) that are used as jewish pawns.
>They have failed at defeating the Jews, which proves my point, that you’re race is not superior.
As long as White people exist, the fight is still going. 

So going to keep replying to me? Good job at sticking to your word. Typical beady eyed soulless chink.
Replies: >>10493 >>10496
You are wrong about everything. What fight are you talking about? Whites didn’t defeat the Jews.
Replies: >>10494
>You are wrong about everything. What fight are you talking about? Whites didn’t defeat the Jews.
So you completely given up all prior points made and are now hyper focusing on the JQ? KEK. Okay, now this might be a little advance for you so I'll try to explain it as best as I can. A fight isn't won or lost until the opponent is gone. Thus, whites still being alive means that the fight between whites and jews continues. I know, crazy concept. Please reply back for clarification(you are retarded).
Replies: >>10498
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Did someone say makeup?
You type like sawn-off shotgun salesman lmao. In the extremely unlikely scenario that you're not, please, just go outside. If you really give a shit about the white race then why not just go talk to some white people in real life? "Redpill" them or whatever, go reproduce with an aryan woman
Replies: >>10501
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I made my points already. Who’s winning, the whites or the Jews?
Replies: >>10499
>I made my points already. 
You dropped your points after I asked for you provide sources and then you decided to hard focus on the JQ. Notice how your 100+ word replies have turned into 10 - 15 words? You completely conceived previous points. 
>Who’s winning, the whites or the Jews?
It's indecisive. Why are jews allowing muslims to take up positions of power within israel? What are they thinking? Diversity going against them, a bit ironic isn't it?
>Who's winning, east asians or elevators and escalators?
Well that's easy, elevators and escalators. Have you seen the liveleak videos?
Replies: >>10500 >>10508
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>Well that's easy, elevators and escalators. Have you seen the liveleak videos?
Replies: >>10509
>Derrr why do you heckin argue on the interwebs and not help your community?!
Wow, great thought provoking reply. I'm sure I'll keep in mind. You mentioned shotguns, maybe you should use one to kill yourself. Just a quirky idea.
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This thread is two people yelling into the void. I'll lock it since it's baiting and will delete future bait posts. Try to assemble to the board's usual atmosphere.
aw gay
nigger lmao
testing bumplock
Alright, you guys can still have your catfight but it won't continue to bump this thread.
I made my points the sources are there. You also said the fight is indecisive, your indecisive. Ok boomer.
Replies: >>10510
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Replies: >>10513
>I made my points the sources are there.
You made your points, and failed to defend them. You also failed at providing any sources.
>You also said the fight is indecisive, your indecisive. Ok boomer.
So now your not even arguing, you are just mentally handicapped. Okay, got it.
Replies: >>10511
No, I defended them, the sources are there. There’s no reasoning with you that’s why I don’t want argue too much with you.
Replies: >>10512
>No, I defended them, the sources are there. 
No you didn't. You immediately dropped them and to focus on the JQ only. Anyone can see that by simply reading the thread. I linked sources to my claims, you didn't.
>There’s no reasoning with you that’s why I don’t want argue too much with you.
So then why do you keep replying? kek
Replies: >>10515




Replies: >>10514 >>10522
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https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/10/china/guangdong-lianjiang-kindergarten-attack-intl-hnk/index.html (HOT OFF THE PRESS)









Replies: >>10517 >>10522
Lol, didn’t take long to find sources.
Replies: >>10516
What sources? Wow... you are telling me people le fight in a le war?!?! The amount of deaths from the ukraine russia conflict get dwarfed by the amount of deaths due to poor infrastructure found in asian countries. Not to mention the ongoing conflicts asian countries are in. I'm not going to repeat what I said, just scroll up.
Replies: >>10520
lol, that’s nothing, I could go on forever. If only I had more time. Like I said, the sources are there you just got to look them up.
Replies: >>10519
Out of any race throughout history, asians are probably the most slave like easily killable group to exist. Know your history and you know why. I can list countless articles or show countless videos about chinks dying to elevators. You people are treated as workers, sweatshops aren't located in western countries. They are located in asia, because asian people are beady-eyed workers. Your people assemble iphones, mine design them. So again, you lost to a chart that shows that asians get mogged by whites in innovating and now you are just coping to highest levels.
Replies: >>10569
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has the highest death toll than any ongoing conflict. More whites are killed by police officers in the US. The US has the most people in prison, with most of them being white.
Replies: >>10526
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I'm not racist. I think Ashley should hook up with some half black guy who feels insecure around her family at the family barbecue and constantly attempts to gaslight her like all black guys holding down a white bitch by saying shit like "your family don't like me" and "your momma got a fat ass" therefore you shouldn't see your family anymore. His favorite color should be purple; the same color as Ashley's eyes. I think he should control all the expenses and not let Ashley spend her own money on "dumb shit". He should remind her daily how stupid all this comedy shit is by telling her "you Kevin Hart funny" and make her delete the board for talking to white boys so she can go get a job at McDonald's to support him.
Replies: >>10523 >>10524
holy shit you are so buttmad it was just a funny video you mayonnaise ass cracka
Replies: >>10527
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>"your momma got a fat ass"
It could be bigger.
She likes guys who work at McDonalds
Replies: >>10525
Fuck I mean who work at KFC and eat at McDonalds.
>The Russian invasion of Ukraine has the highest death toll than any ongoing conflict
For right now, and even then Europe still stands strong. How pathetic are other nations that even with a conflict going on in Europe, they still are top innovators. Did you forget that mao killed millions of his own kind? Or even right now, after china decided to drop the one child rule they completely destroyed their birthrates.
>More whites are killed by police officers in the US
More chinese are killed by chinese authorities in china. Wow!
>The US has the most people in prison, with most of them being white.
KEK. Not true at all.

Keep drinking gutter oil, chink boy.
Replies: >>10531 >>10540
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I'm just highlighting the excellent chinese people!
Replies: >>10528 >>10537
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Who could forget this classic!
Replies: >>10529
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Hey! Watch out for the wall ya goof!
Replies: >>10530
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Ashley, better hide your pug!
Replies: >>10533
>Or even right now, after china decided to drop the one child rule they completely destroyed their birthrates.
Not many are aware, but they repealed this a while ago
Replies: >>10532
Notice how said after they dropped it. They completely crippled themselves kek.

The outcome? Shit birthrate

And retarded orphan babies!
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Thank you great chinese infrastructure for these amazing moments!
Replies: >>10534 >>10548
[Hide] (603.7KB, 512x288, 01:00)
The elevator strikes again!
Replies: >>10535
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If you think asians driving in western countries are bad, try going to a place where 99% of drivers are asian!
Replies: >>10536 >>10543
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Damn western law and regulations would've prevented this! Not in lovely china!
Replies: >>10538
Replies: >>10539
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Automobile fans, we got you! Here is a compilation of epic chinese car fails!
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Notice how when a westerner does it, it's something extremely odd and even gets televised to shame the person. 

Welp in china they embrace gutter oil! Mhmmmm yummy sewage water, great for cooking!
Replies: >>10545 >>10547


Replies: >>10542
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>36% of the population – live on less than $2 a day.




watch out, they might take your organs!
Replies: >>10550
Replies: >>10546
Replies: >>10547
Replies: >>10551
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Replies: >>10562
Replies: >>10552
Replies: >>10553 >>10563
Replies: >>10558




Replies: >>10554 >>10555



Replies: >>10556
Replies: >>10559



Replies: >>10557
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Replies: >>10560

Replies: >>10561 >>10570
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You have to watch out for that chinese nerve gas... it kills!
Replies: >>10564
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Be careful around fire anons!
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>>10001 (OP) 
Found your self a boyfriend yet?
Replies: >>10606
Replies: >>10573

Replies: >>10575

Replies: >>10575
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>sends source that supports my point
Wow great job. Going to send this chart in, just to remind you of White innovation.
Replies: >>10589 >>10593
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Whites aren’t the only ones who innovate. Innovation doesn’t make you superior, ancient Rome and China innovated and they fell. Inventors become acknowledged for their inventions, they don’t become superior. Then you want me to believe that china has a higher homicide rate than the us and also post examples of bad infrastructure in china as if the us doesn’t have any bad infrastructure. So no you made no point.
Replies: >>10593
[Hide] (998.7KB, 345x600, 00:15)
>Whites aren’t the only ones who innovate.
Again, the chart >>10573 shows that whites innovate the most out of any racial group.
>Innovation doesn’t make you superior, ancient Rome and China innovated and they fell
This doesn't mean thing anything lmao. Whites innovated long after rome fell.
>Inventors become acknowledged for their inventions, they don’t become superior
They are supeiror in innovating. I know you are an ESL chink, but at least learn proper english(which you are forced to use btw lmao).
>Then you want me to believe that china has a higher homicide rate than the us 
Chinese government has and likely does fake it's numbers about a variety of data about the country. 
China lying about GDP figures, understating unemployment rates, and providing misleading information about industrial production and trade data
Considering China has an authoritarian government(which the people won't do shit about lmao) it is easy to lie about statistics and having no one within the country to fact check. So they probably do have a higher homicide rate, but it isn't listed. Organ harvesting is incredibly profitable over there, and typically it requires someone to be dead to collect their organs.
>examples of bad infrastructure in china as if the us doesn’t have any bad infrastructure
And yet, Chinese infrastructure is infamous for being so shit and deadly.
>So no you made no point.
Actually I did and you have failed to refute that Whites have disproportionately innovated in all fields.
Replies: >>10594
Innovation doesn’t make you superior, and you just admitted. You just said that Rome fell. You also don’t want to admit that china has a lower homicide rate than the us, Eastern Europe has low birth rates and have high suicide rates, instead you complain about Chinese people dying from infrastructure as if it’s not happening in the us.
Replies: >>10620
OP here  
The text in the top-post was completely edited, but not by me. This has been reported a couple of times to board owner, but there has been no response.
Replies: >>10622
>Innovation doesn’t make you superior, and you just admitted
Except it does.
>You just said that Rome fell. 
Okay? You do realize Whites have thousands of cities that generate great innovation? Have you not see the chart? It even lists north america as a region where innovation is seen.
 >You also don’t want to admit that china has a lower homicide rate than the us
You also don't want to admit that china fakes it's GDP numbers
You also don't want to admit that china is a hub for organ harvesting.
>Eastern Europe has low birth rates and have high suicide rates
China has a low birthrate and a high suicide rate from students, death from poor infrastructure, and death from car crashes. 
>instead you complain about Chinese people dying from infrastructure as if it’s not happening in the us.
Except it is happening waaay more in China due to less infrastructure regulation from the government.
Replies: >>10626
KEK. Where have you been? Ashley changed it after people were criticizing the poor little Jews and she decided to change the OP text. Maybe if you tell her that you believe reptilian shapeshifters are to blame for western tragedies and not Jews then she might consider changing back the text.
Replies: >>10635
Ancient civilizations innovated and they fell, Inventors are good at innovation, they are not superior.

>China has a low birthrate and a high suicide rate from students, death from poor infrastructure, and death from car crashes. 
It’s much worse in Eastern Europe, the sources are on the thread.

The us also has crumbling infrastructure not too far off from china.




Replies: >>10649
I thought she might have changed it, perhaps needing to adjust it to repair the board after the attack on the thread.

Maybe she thinks it is edgy humour, and I suppose it is her board.

However, completely editing a post like that without indicating it and leaving it as though it was un-edited is not good in my culture.
>Ancient civilizations innovated and they fell, Inventors are good at innovation, they are not superior.
How retarded are you? What definition of superiority are you using? What other race is superior to Whites? Whites innovate more, that is top trait amongst Whites and is vital to developed countries.
>It’s much worse in Eastern Europe, the sources are on the thread.
And yet it's still bad is decreasing rapidly. The government will never acknowledge since that would be anti Chinese information.
>The us also has crumbling infrastructure not too far off from china.
And yet China has incredible worse infrastructure. You can pretend that the US has the same or close to it, but that is just wrong. Chinese infrastructure for being horrible due lack of regulation. Check the many links I sent in my previous replies.

I'm getting bored of this interaction and you beady eyed chinks fail to understand the most basic concepts, so if you reply with some retarded chink rhetoric about how whites innovating more than any race means they somehow aren't superior then I just won't respond. Unlike you I will stick to my word and not continue this shit slinging contest. I hope the CCP is paying you well to frame China in a good light when it is infamous for being utter dog shit on all fronts KEK.
Replies: >>10679
>What definition of superiority are you using? 
higher in rank, status, or quality.
>vital to developed countries.
No, they can develop without having to innovate as much and they can borrow innovations and use them to their advantage.
>And yet it's still bad is decreasing rapidly. The government will never acknowledge since that would be anti Chinese information.
It’s already much worse in Eastern Europe and getting much worse due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine as you can see. But you won’t acknowledge since that would be anti white rhetoric information according to you.
>China has incredible worse infrastructure.
>innovating more than any race means they somehow aren't superior
What definition innovative are you using?
>I hope the CCP is paying you well to frame China in a good light
I don’t work for any government.
Lol you ding-dong diddly butt bandits are still play fighting? Get off the juice(methemphetamine), brothers. -HH
Replies: >>11142
No, he ran away after I proved him wrong. The Moron also thought I was Asian. He couldn’t find the echo chamber here that’s for sure.
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Worst people in the entire fucking history of planet earth = Ahrimanists, Molochites, Mammonists:

2.anglos including americans and irish
3.abos and niggers
5.chinks japs and gooks

Best people = Ahura Mazdaites, creators of the Vedas, Zoroastrianotypes:

All other pink-nippled people

If you have pink nipples and are anti anglo you are good. Literally just being unrepentantly anti-anglo and having pink nipples means that a person is good. Slam dunk nigger babies in the trash can.


-American Revolution wasn't about freedom, it was about chaos. Americans saw a path to create greater chaos and discord throughout the world than England already was and so rebelled against the malignant tumor to manifest greater malice.
Replies: >>11230
This kctyre post was brought to you by Dominik "kcroat" Bertovic
Another interracial thread???


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