/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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>>10000 GET
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>>10000 (OP) 
A typical woman in 2023 is trying to appropriate the merits of other men and rewrite history. But your lies won't work on me, the truth remains that all these GETS belong to xXDerrickDaBeastXx
Replies: >>10018
Yeah pretty sure Ashley is lying and just trying to seem cool. I used to like her but this is pathetic and sad. I hope she gets the help she needs.
Replies: >>10023
Trying to steal credit from a young boy for his accomplishments :(
A go-getter who doesn't get any.
Replies: >>10041
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Doesn't get any? Did you not see that inflatable bed she admitted to banging?

I would sell my own mother's eyeballs to watch Ashley hump that thing. Getting it all slimy and shit. UGH. FUCK.
Replies: >>10044 >>10049
She will blow her bed but not me. :(
those who hump inflatables are peak autism so it checks out
Replies: >>10053 >>10056
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>>10000 (OP) 

you know what get fucked retarded FAS looking tranny, all this time ALL THIS FUCKING TIME i never claimed a get when I could have, but noooooooooooo I let it go thinking I was allowing that little shit cunt of a fuck Derrick get them.
Youve made a powerful enemy this day, I WILL get the next GET, not for a "prize" (SPoiler its a PP of one her moldy discarded dildos she used in TikTok Tranny ) but purely out of sprite...
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Replies: >>10070
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inflatables, you say?
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>humping inflatable sex dolls and not the Ashley Jones REAL sex doll

you can only buy this one on the dark web with Monero accessed via a Linux machine, using a VPN, a clean browser profile and never using an app or phone btw
Replies: >>10485
>>10000 (OP) 
respectable. safety first. oh wait he's wearing his helmet because hes autistic.
Derrick will have his day of retribution, Ashley. Game ON.
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Spoiler Alert: To revive Ashley after she is killed by Lavos, you have to take this Ashley sex doll to Death Peak and cum in it.
Replies: >>10487
Where do I download this romhack immediately?
thick cum shots
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So this is what a gambling addiction looks like? I knew you were the getter. I couldn't see the image file names on the board for a few days but I named this video "the getter" when I saved it and was surprised to learn that's what you named it as well. Why the contacts? If you're gonna have blue eyes, you're going to need purple hair so you can cosplay ZONE-sama. 🎵No one knows what its like to be the bad man. To be the sad man. Behind blue eyes.🎵

How much weight and girth and mass do you suppose that blow up bed supports? I wonder how many pounds there will be between us? I'll give you a tip. I can't wait to pop that blow up bed with you
Replies: >>10815
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Can someone please psycho anal-yze me and determine why I have a gambling addiction? Seeing numbers go up excites me, especially when it's a fat boy stepping on a scale. Speaking of which, the only blow up related thing I'm getting on with people I find attractive is a blow up bouncy house.
Replies: >>10820
Spoiler File
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As an amateur analrapist, I will get to the bottom of it. I will prescribe you a protein shot to substitute your gambling addiction for a more deviant temptation. You may take it orally or as a suppository. Open wide and say ahh! or bottoms up. The choice is yours. You're in charge. How exciting! I'm sure you'll have a winning streak with your lucky me and deflate the house. Then you'll just have to slap my belly and ride the wave for a bounce.
Replies: >>10838
Disgusting. Women can't feel anything during anal, by the way.
Her open pussy is nasty too, whoever drew that gets a 0/10. He picked a gross picture to trace over.
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> Women can't feel anything during anal, by the way.
not true they can feel fear as I rape them. Im just kidding.
but I think they have do have some nerve endings around the butthole, Im not sure because Im a virgin and buttholes are only for pooping.
Agreed about the drawing, It looks like an angry fish or a chinaman
Replies: >>10844
>Women can't feel anything during anal, by the way.
Uhhhh what? They absolutely can feel something during anal. What an absurd statement. It feels like having a dick up your ass.
Replies: >>10847
I lol'd out loud. I laughed out loud out loud. That pussy completely looks like a chinese guy.
>They absolutely can feel something during anal
Not true, my penisu a so small
How would you know? You get fucked in the ass often?
Replies: >>10866
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>How would you know? You get fucked in the ass often?
I'm an American, so yes, yes I do.
Replies: >>10868
Go live somewhere else and see how you like it then. Everyone I've met who lived out of country came back after a few years because they absolutely hated it including those who went to Japan. Everyone I've met who immigrated here from mainland Europe, the Caribbean, Middle and South America absolutely love it. I only ever hear Australians and Canadians complaining about things and they don't even live here. I don't include the U.K. because the British whine and complain about everything. They are never happy with wherever they are. They are only ever happy after returning from holiday so they can show off their tan and complain about the natives to their colleagues and neighbours.
Replies: >>10869
>Go live somewhere else and see how you like it then.
Oh boy this is such a tired boomer take... "if you don't like it then just leave!!" is such a childish statement.

From a practical standpoint, people have lives and obligations, like family, friends, jobs, etc. What about getting a visa or citizenship wherever you go? Do you know how long that takes, or how expensive it can be? Speaking of expenses, there's also the overarching, not-insignificant financial component to consider regarding international travel and resettlement. I'm not at all trying to say that leaving your country of origin is impossible. Far from it. But it is difficult for most and nearly impossible for some.

Most importantly though, you shouldn't be defending the actions of people/reptilians who view you as literal slave cattle, and that's exactly what you're doing when you say something asinine like "If you don't like it, then leave." Where? Where can you go to be free? "Countries" would be more accurately described as "people farms" which are more and more likely to act in lockstep (see the covid scam and the response of governments the world over).

Maybe the people you've met that liked it in the US were from worse people farms. Maybe the people complaining about the US are disappointed to find out that all the bluster and bullshit about being "the land of the free" isn't true at all, and it's just another people farm not terribly dissimilar from the one they came from. Maybe some people just dream about not living on a people farm at all.
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>Maybe some people just dream about not living on a people farm at all.

Well said anon.
Not that anon, but allow me to schizopost in response

>Maybe some people just dream about not living on a people farm at all.

I think it would be more accurate to say that the majority of people "dream" of living in a society. For an example: police officers believe in the laws they're told by other members of the government and enforce those laws in exchange for pieces of paper that every other member of society decides has value. Every "citizen"  involved is fantasizing about the concept of a society and every thought stemming from that fantasy forces them to actualize it. That's not to say that you can get away with speeding or whatever just because you don't believe in the government, instead it can offer a more sober view of the world. You don't want to speed because thugs in uniform will rob, kidnap, or kill you over it; you want to exchange the pieces of paper so you won't starve, etc. But I believe once a person is freed from that fantasy of the government, then they'll live in their natural state of independence. Maybe that could mean they flee to a cabin in the woods, or renounce all material possessions and become homeless, or become NEET, or maybe more likely they'd continue to live as they normally would, or get killed or go to prison. Practically speaking I think it's good to limit how much you engage with society, if only to keep it from enslaving you back into it, and if  I had a family the cabin in the woods idea seems to be the right way to go.
Replies: >>10874
You can't tuna fish, nigger
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>Maybe the people complaining about the US are disappointed to find out that all the bluster and bullshit about being "the land of the free" isn't true at all

Though I've never been to another country, I've heard we're more free than most countries, but living here I've seen and experienced first hand the illusion of choice & freedom we have in the US.

Rules and regualtions that are put in place in almost every major sector that prohibits the average individual from becomming a truly independent and free individual. Our debt based economy makes our chains invisible. Social media platforms mold the hive mind. I think it's clear that CBDC's in combination with biometrics and AI will provide the infustructure to tighten the control over us farm animals even further going into the future. I just wish Derrick would pay board of Blackcock a visit.
Replies: >>10887
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Well said anon.
>I've heard we're more free than most countries
Yeah, that's what anyone living in the United States has HEARD. The amount of patriotic bullshit you have shoved down your throat about how USA #1 and how free we are is just insane. Then you grow up and do something ccrraazzzzy like trying to start a business and you find out just how free you really are. All these bureaucrats running the show are nothing more than legalized mobsters. Everyone wants to wet their beak. The US is by far one of the most psyopped countries in the world.

If you're marginally awake, you know the US is corrupt. But what adds insult to injury is that in the US, they shake your hand while pissing on your leg. We pretend there isn't corruption. At least in many other countries the corruption is presented to you at face value (see Mexico or any of the southeast asian countries).

>I just wish Derrick would pay board of Blackcock a visit.
Note that in picrel it's blackSTONE. Funny story about that:
>Blackstone or BlackRock, confused? CEOs Steve Schwarzman and Larry Fink actually did it on purpose
Have you read up about the acquisitions of Blackpeople? https://youtu.be/FR4bvEfkrr4?t=130
Replies: >>10897
Mark Dice has such a strange cadence/affectation with the way he talks and wobbles around like a bobblehead. It didn't used to be so pronounced years ago. It's like he's become a parody of himself.
Replies: >>10914
That's a word I don't see used often and I've heard it earlier today in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxfcMuWb7TE

I think Mark Dice is like that because he really enjoys what he is doing.
Replies: >>10921
>That's a word I don't see used often
That's because you live in a state with hillbillies and purple people.
>Blackstone or BlackRock, confused? CEOs Steve Schwarzman and Larry Fink actually did it on purpose
Do you think it's because people would refrain from using ancestry's services and those that used it's services would request their data be removed?

On a sidenote, I always knew not to participate in ancestry.com's services because of something like this would occur. I wonder how that information is being utilized. Can't be good, that's all I know.
Replies: >>10945
Im sure there's plenty of based and tradpilled neo-nazis are owned by blackcock now lmao
Replies: >>10942 >>10943
What do you mean? I re-read this five times and your sentence doesn't make sense.
Replies: >>10944
Yeah, can't say I follow either. Care to explain?
Replies: >>10944
I think he was reffering to the DNA of people that Blackcock now owns
Replies: >>10947
Not that anon, but most people don't know or care about Blackrock, Blackcock, or Blackstone. When you confront normies with the idea that it's bad a corporate entity has loads of information about you, they stare in confusion and give "yeah buts". So yes and no. It muddies the waters, but ultimately most people don't know or care.
Replies: >>10948
Oh yeah, I agree with that. I always laugh at the sheer stupidity of those conservative Youtubers and /pol/ users taking DNA tests to see how white they are, not realizing how they're being used. Now I wonder if those "post your DNA results" on /pol/ are shills trying to get DNA, or is it just natural retardation? What makes it worse is if you have one family member take one of these things, they're able to tie this information to you even if you've never given information to one of these companies. I have family members who are turbo normies who likely succumbed to Instagram advertisements mentioning learning more about your heritage. You're forced into the system at times even when you don't participate.
Replies: >>10950
> ultimately most people don't know or care.
I came to same conclusion which then led me to ask, why would it then matter to fool the public if they know people don't care?
Replies: >>10949
It could be to confuse those who do care; to make calling out the companies heinous acts to seem bizarre, almost like a "conspiracy theory" that someone is digging too much into. Whereas operating under one company can be quite obvious if there's too much of a monopoly or evil acts. We saw Facebook rebrand to Meta, and most normies won't give a second thought to that. However, they probably won't understand that Facebook owns Meta when they hear Meta acquiring some new large social platform or doing some invasive practices. It's future proofing to confuse people.

Also, companies tend to muddy waters with name changes to avoid or get out of legal trouble. Once Monsanto got into too much legal trouble for fucking people over with health and such, they merged with another company and rebranded to the new company, AKA Bayer. For those who may be awake, they likely won't hear of the news and future stories about Bayer doing evil are yet another large company that's recently cropped up. To those who were already asleep, they'll never really understand the harm done by the "old" company and fail to see how that ties to the "new" company, because the company has most certainly had a change of heart.
Replies: >>10951
>Now I wonder if those "post your DNA results" on /pol/ are shills trying to get DNA, or is it just natural retardation?
At this point it's more likely that their shills working directly for ancestry, advertising like that isn't uncommon these days, eveb among non-FBI entities.
I agree. It's a lot less easier to hold these major umbrella corporations accountable when it's operating under a lesser known parent corperation. It's worth mentioning Monsanto also operates under the lesser known Winfeld United name as well.
Most people are either to stupid to understand or just don't give a shit about something like terms of service unless it directly affects them like a slap in the face with a wet fish.
The ability for the average user to understand the fine print on services is purposely lowered by how convoluted and confusing the TOS often are.

If I were president of the world I would make it so fine prints outline in a few bullet points what the user agrees to but also offer up a more detailed option if they want to read more.
Never going to happen though.
Me being president of the world and all.
Replies: >>10961 >>10962
One time at school I farted and felt my underwear get sucked up my asshole so I stood up from my chair to pick it out and felt a moist spot in my undies when I sat down making me believe that I sharted so I went to the handicap washroom down the hall since it was a private one person bathroom which made me feel important so I checked  to see if I turned my Fruit of the Looms into a fudge factory but luckily for me they were clean so I celebrated by going to the cafeteria to get a large chocolate milk and drank the whole thing deliberately while slowly walking back to class.
Replies: >>10958
What was the moist spot? You had to of sharted a little for there to be moisture.
Replies: >>10960
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probably cum
I'm probably one of the only people to actually read through the TOS and privacy policy to see how fucked I'm getting. It's rare I sign up for any accounts these days due to the invasion of privacy and ability to use and sell your data to third parties. There was a story about a website who had a TOS, and written within this TOS was a clause to claim a cash prize, I think $500. Of course it took months, I think 5 months, for anyone to stumble upon this prize because nobody reads the TOS.
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These are the same stupid people who don't understand early Resident Evil tank controls.
Replies: >>11032 >>11033
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Fuck tank controls on resident evil 2.
They are retarded.
At that time they have dual shock controllers. If you dont have one. You should.
Replies: >>11034
Lots of modern gamers can't play old school platformer games like Super Mario Bros. because they are too difficult for them. Metal Gear Solid on PlayStation is like an escape room to modern gamers. Chances are they will get stuck and won't be able to beat it. I can beat Resident Evil 2 in about two hours.
Replies: >>11034
They're not that bad, as a control scheme it worked well for the static camera angles of the game. And the camera angles are arguably what made the original Resident Evil games so unique and memorable. I do agree that there were certainly some parts where the thank controls and fixed camera angles were annoying, e.g., you run into an area, a monster comes out, and you want to back up and shoot (or run away, reposition, and shoot) and the camera angles made it so that even though your character could see the enemy, YOU couldn't. But overall I think the tank controls were an integral part of the experience. The reason later resident evil games feel so samey and bland is because they are; they're just reskinned over-the-shoulder shooters with zombies.

>Lots of modern gamers can't play old school platformer games like Super Mario Bros. because they are too difficult for them.
Ehhh I hate zoomers as much as the next guy but this is a stretch, the basic mechanics of super mario bros are more or less the same as plenty of the "indie retro inspired" platformers these people gobble up.

>Metal Gear Solid on PlayStation is like an escape room to modern gamers.
Kek ok now this is probably true. Imagine watching them try to figure out the Psycho Mantis fight.
Replies: >>11036
>Ehhh I hate zoomers as much as the next guy but this is a stretch, the basic mechanics of super mario bros are more or less the same as plenty of the "indie retro inspired" platformers these people gobble up.

Yeah, except in most modern platformers, you don't die with one hit. I know someone who kept dying at the first goomba because they kept trying to jump on it and kept missing it and they couldn't get past Bowser on the bridge. I know someone who quit playing Sonic the Hedgehog 2 because they thought they had gotten lost on the second level and kept drowning. I had an adult ask me to beat levels for him in Super Mario World. Anecdotal, but I've seen the same shit from zoomer let's players on YouTube and have heard zoomers talk about how hard old games are.
Replies: >>11039
>zoomer let's players on YouTube

people still make lets plays? I thought it was all about live streaming nowadays?

I want to see an Ashley lets play.
Replies: >>11041 >>11044
she mentioned in one of her old livestreams that she hates "Lets Play" videos.
Replies: >>11076
she only said that because they were the in thing at the time.
The only "lets play" videos I watch are "lets play with myself" videos on xhamster.

I really despise let's play videos still to this day. I found it a million times easier when you wanted to look up how to do something in a game, you're going to gameFAGs. I don't like sitting through some jack off starting off the video with "HHHWHWHWHHHHWHAAATS UP GUYSSS!!1!!" Please for the love of god, I already want to kill myself because I'm looking for help in the first place, I don't need an additional reason to go through with it. That's why if you ever need help with a game, always go for the "no commentary" videos.
Replies: >>11089 >>11121
>The only "lets play" videos I watch are "lets play with myself" videos on xhamster.

ok well, now I REALLY want to see an Ashley  lets play :-)

but yeah gameFAQs is still the GOAT for quickly finding something for a game your stuck in, of course i never get stuck in video games because I dont suck ass at video games unlike some people around here
I'm not big on let's plays either but I have watched them in the past mostly for the personalities because sometimes they are funny. I still watch dunkey. I watched Markiplier before it was cool but not anymore since he's become sell out self-parody. I used to watch Yogscast for Lewis and Simon. It was fun watching them break Minecraft. Men are better at let's plays and women are better at ASMR. That's the natural order of things.

Now I know what kind of vlog I'm gonna make you.
Replies: >>11123 >>11157
Would you care for some candy? Come on over to my van
Replies: >>11124 >>11125
Kids dont like candy these days. Now if you offer discord nitro i'll suck more than your lollipop.
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>Now I know what kind of vlog I'm gonna make you.

You've been saying that you would make a vlog for MONTHS!!!

 I, along with others, genuinely want to see it
Replies: >>11186
I've never said I was making a vlog. I only now say vlog because Ashley recently asked for one on CyTube and only Ashley would be allowed to watch it because I don't make videos for gay boys like you to cum tribute.
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